Студопедия — Ex. 80. Read and translate the dialogue. Explain the usage of the underlined words. Think grammatically.
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Ex. 80. Read and translate the dialogue. Explain the usage of the underlined words. Think grammatically.

A. Hi, Ivan.

B. Hi, Misha. I haven’t seen you for ages. What are you?

A. I am a first-year cadet.

B. Where do you study?

A. I study at the military Academy. I have been studying there since August.

B. Is it interesting to study there?

A. Yes, of course. To study at the Academy is not only interesting but very complex.

B. Where do you live there?

A. All cadets live in modern and comfortable barracks.

B. Do you have a definite schedule?

A. Yes, sure. Cadets’ life begin s early in the morning and much earlier than student life. We do everything according to our typical schedule. It makes cadets more disciplined.

B. What does the Academy curriculum include?

A. The Academy curriculum include s the academic subjects and the professional course.

B. How often do you have a chance to go home or be on leave?

A. I may get a leave-pass once a month.

B. The discipline is quite strict at the Academy, isn’t it?

A. Yes, you are quite right. Cadets must not use drugs or alcohol, vulgar language or behavior at the Academy. Violation of these rules may result in immediate dismissal.

B. What else do you learn at the Academy?

A. Many things to do. We learn to drive a car, or apply various kinds of weapons and so on.

B. Oh, it’s so interesting but very challenging, I think. Sorry, but I must be going. Bye.

A. All right. See you later.

Ex. 81. Make the dialogues complete.


A. Hello, …!

B. Hi, …!

A. As far, as I know, you study at the Academy, don’t you?

B. Yes, …. I … since ….

A. Who else of your friends studies at the police Academy?

B. Sasha …. But he … a second-….

A. Do you like to study there?

B. Yes, …


A. Hello, …! Nice to meet you!

B. Hi, …! Nice to meet you, too!

A. As I can see, you have entered this Academy, haven’t you?

B. Yes, …. I … this year. I am a … now.

A. What barracks do you live in?

B. I … barracks 3, … the … floor.

A. And what subjects are your favourite ones?

B. My … are….


A. Hello, …! …!

B. Hi, …! …!

A. You see, I am on duty today. What subjects do we have today?

B. Today, we ….

A. Do we have any lecture today?

B. No, …. But at … o’clock we … our driving practice.

A. And who inspects cadets’ barracks today?

B. Captain ….

A. I wish you good luck.

B. ….


Ex. 82*. What would you say if you took part in the dialogues bellow?



A. …! Nice to meet you!

B. Hi, …! Nice to meet you, too!

A. …?

B. I am a first-year cadet.

A. …?

B. I study at the military Academy.

A. …?

B. I have been studying there since August.

A. …?

B. Yes, to study at the Academy is rather difficult, but interesting.

A. What faculty do you study at?

B. ….

A. What are your favourite subjects?

B. ….

A. What subject is the most interesting for you?

B. ….

A. As far as I know, cadets have a definite schedule, don’t they?

B. ….

A. I see, the discipline is quite strict at the Academy. What may happen if a cadet violates strict discipline at the Academy?

B. ….

A. How often are you on leave?

B. ….

A. Do you obtain additional skills at the Academy?

B. ….

A. Oh, how interesting!

B. ….

A. All right. Get well, good-bye.



A. Excuse me, my name is …. I am from group № … of Faculty № …. I am a fist-year cadet. And what are you?

B. ….

A. May I ask you several questions about life and study at our Academy?

B. Sure. You are welcome.

A. …?

B. Yes, to study at the Academy is difficult but interesting.

A. …?

B. All cadets live in comfortable barracks.

A. …?

B. Yes, officer staff regularly inspect cadet barracks.

A. …?

B. No, it does not. The Academy curriculum includes not only academic subjects but also the professional course.

A. …?

B. Cadets may get their leave-passes once a month if they do well at all the subjects.

A. …?

B. Cadets also obtain additional skills. We learn to drive a car, to apply various kinds of weapons and so on.

A. …?

B. Yes, you are quite right. The discipline is quite strict at the Academy.

A. …?

B. Violation of any Academy rule may result in immediate dismissal.

A. Thanks a lot.

B: Anytime.



Ex. 83. Listen to the text and do the tasks given below.

Task 1. Make sure you know these words.


1. conclusion – вывод, заключение

2. major (n) – профилирующая дисциплина

3. (to) supervise – смотреть, наблюдать

4. (to) succeed – достигать цели, преуспевать

5. (to) excel – превосходить, выделяться

6. requirement – требование

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