Студопедия — Task 4. Enlarge on the following.
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Task 4. Enlarge on the following.

1. The first weeks at the military Academy are a busy time for cadets.

2. Cadets are perhaps the busiest students in the country.

3. The daily routine begins early.

4. The curriculum is the foundation of the academic program.

5. Cadet barracks are modern and comfortable.

6. The expression that "every cadet is an athlete" is quite accurate.

7. The food is of high quality.


Task 5. Ask and answer questions to get more information on cadets’ life at the military Academy.


Model: When … cadets (to get up)? – When do cadets usually (always, normally) get up at the military Academy?


1. When … cadets (to have breakfast)? 2. When … the classes (to begin)? 3. How long … the classes (to last)? 4. When … cadets (to have lunch)? 5. When … cadets (to have) Commandant Time? 6. When … the classes (to start) in the afternoon? 7. When … cadets (to take part in) athletics or other activities? 8.When … cadets (to have) free time?

9. When … cadets (to have supper)? 10. When … cadets (to prepare) for the next day? 11. When … cadets (to go) to bed?


Typical Daily Schedule

MORNING 6:00 – Reveille 6:55 – 7:30 Breakfast 7:35 – 11:45 Class or study       EVENING 6:30 – 7:15 Supper 7:15 – 7: 30 Cadet Duties 7:30 – 8:30 Study Conditions/ Extracurricular activities 8:30 – 11:30 Study Time 12:00 – Lights Out
AFTERNOON 12:05 – 12:40 Lunch 12:45 – 1:40 Commandant Time 1:50 – 3:50 Class or study 4:10 – 5:45 Club or intercollegiate athletics; parades; extracurricular activities; or free time


Task 6. Match the two columns and give your opinion to the sentences made up using the following expressions.


No doubt, that …; To my mind…; That`s why …; Moreover …; As far as I know …; As far as I remember …; That`s probably why …; In my opinion…; I really think that ….

Model: No doubt, that the cadets of the Academy are the busiest college students in the country.

1. The cadets of the Academy are … 2. At the Academy classes and study, physical or military training and … 3. Cadets are busy, but … 4. The collegiate sport program … 5. All cadets receive two … 6. The transition from civilian to … 7. Cadets practice drill, learn how to prepare for inspections and… 8. Cadets live in modern and comfortable barracks, which are … 9. Officers regularly … 10. Cadets have … 11. The food is of high quality … 1. … is unique at the Academy. 2. … both recreational and study rooms. 3. … the busiest college students in the country. 4. … periods of winter and summer leave. 5. … inspect cadet barracks. 6. … recreation fill many hours of the day. 7. … a military life is challenging. 8. … to meet the needs of busy daily schedule. 9. … they still have time for fun and relaxation. 10. … how to wear various cadet uniforms properly. 11. …breakfast, dinner and supper in the mess.


Ex. 74. Fill in the scheme with the typical schedule of the military Academy you study at.

00 – Reveille 00 – Drill or Activity period
00 – Morning Inspection 00 – Preparation hours
00 – Breakfast 00 – Supper
00 – Classes 00 – Preparation hours or personal activities
00 – Dinner 00 – Evening Inspection
00 – Free time or practice 00 – Lights out signal

Ex. 75*. Compare cadets’ life described in Text A with that of yours. What is the difference between them, if any?


Ex. 76.*! It is interesting to know. Translate the Academy Honor Code Oath into Russian.


The end of BCT and transition into the academic year are marked by the Acceptance Parade. There cadets receive the fourth-class shoulder boards to recognize completing BCT and to signify their acceptance into the cadets’ corps. In a ceremony associated with the parade, new fourth-class cadets culminate the intensive BCT by taking the Academy Honor Code Oath and pledging to live by its principles. It is the end of one test but beginning of another – meeting the new and different challenges that each succeeding year at the Academy will bring.

"I, (name), have been appointed an Army cadet in the United States Armed Forces, do solemnly swear* that I will support* and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith* and allegiance* to the same; that I take this obligation* freely, without any mental reservation* or purpose of evasion*; and I will well and faithfully* discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God".



solemnly swear – торжественно клянусь
support – поддерживать
faith – верность
allegiance – преданность
obligation – обязательство
without reservation – безоговорочно
without purpose of evasion – без цели уклонения
faithfully – преданно, честно

Scanning/skimming reading


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