Студопедия — Tag questions
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Tag questions

I’ll   give you a lift, shall I? — Yes, please. That’s very kind of you./ No, thanks. I’ll walk.
I will be rich, won’t I? — Yes, you will. / No, you won’t.
You will leave tomorrow, won’t you? — Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.
He/She will enjoy the camping trip won’t he/ she? — Yes, he/she will. / No, he/she won’t.
It will be Sunday tomorrow, won’t it? — Yes, it will. / No, it won’t.
We’ll   go by plane, shall we? — All right. Let’s go by plane.
They will be more careful next time, won’t they? — Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.


I won’t work next week, will I? — No, you won’t. / Yes, you will.
You won’t be late, will you? — No, I. won’t. / Yes, I will.
He/She won’t tell anyone else, will he /she? — No, he/she won’t. / Yes, he/she will.
It won’t help anyone, will it? — No, it won’t. / Yes, it will.
We won’t do this, will we? — No, we won’t. / Yes, we will.
They won’t come to see us, will they? — No, they won’t. / Yes, they will.

NOTE: a) after Let’s... the question tag is shall we?

Let’s go out for a walk, shall we?

b) After the imperative (Do/Don’t do...) the tag is will you?

Open the door, will you?

Exercise 51. Give the correct tag to these sentences.

  1. I expect we’ll meet again before long, ___?
  2. I’ll show you the way, ___?
  3. They won’t need a lot of money for that trip, ___?
  4. Everyone will like the idea, ___?
  5. Tomorrow will be cold, with some snow in the afternoon, ___?
  6. Let’s have dinner, ___?
  7. Turn down the radio, ___/


Exercise 52. Ask questions about the information in italics.

1. At the weekend we’ll probably go to the cinema.

  1. You will find the newspaper under the pile of magazines.
  2. It will be rainy and quite cold.
  3. They’ll meet Joyce at the airport at 7 o’clock.
  4. No, I won’t work from Wednesday till Friday.
  5. It’ll take you an hour and a half to get to the city centre.

There is/are in the Future Simple Tense

+ There will always be future for music.
- There won’t be any newspapers tomorrow.
General: Will there be any talk shows today? — Yes, there will.
Alternative: Will there be stamps or coins in your new collection? — I think, coins.
Special: What will there be on the agenda? — I don’t know. When will there be a party? — Tonight. Why will there be no opportunity for shopping? — All the sops will be closed at that time. How many people will there be at the meeting? — A lot. How much snow will there be at this time of the year. — Not much. What kind of books will there be in the library? — Only scientific books. Which tennis tournament will there be in Moscow? — The Kremlin Cup.
Tag: There won’t be any wars in future, will there? — No, there won’t. / Yes, there will. There will be a lot of games at the party, won’t there? — Yes, there will. / No, there won’t.

Exercise 53. Rewrite each sentence as positive, negative, or a general question, according to the instructions.

Example: There will be no tickets left. (question) — Will there be any tickets left?

There will be a world war before the year 2030. (negative) — There won’t be a world war before the year 2030.

There won’t be a world currency in the future. (positive) — There will be a world currency in the future.

1. There will be a meeting tomorrow. (negative)

  1. There won’t be any exams in June. (positive)
  2. There will be no entertainment programmes today. (question)
  3. There will be some letters in the mail for you. (negative)
  4. There will be a lot of rooms for everyone. (question)
  5. There won’t be much sun at this time of the year. (positive)

Exercise 54. Ask questions about the information in italics.

1. They say there will be little snow this winter.

  1. There will be lots of games, songs and dances at Mike’s birthday party. I hope you will enjoy yourselves.
  2. There will be no trains to the suburbs after midnight.
  3. There will be another business meeting on Wednesday.
  4. There will be special programmes today because of the earthquake.



Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 499. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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