Студопедия — Positive form — Regular verbs
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Positive form — Regular verbs


I You He/She/It We You They work ed a lot last night.

34. Put these words into three groups according to the pronunciation of the -ed endings.

passed, washed, watched, decided, remembered, failed, stopped, studied, asked, loved, used, listened, wanted

Complete the sentences putting the verbs in the Past Simple Tense.

  1. It’s a fascinating film – we ___ (enjoy) it immensely.
  2. We ___ (return) home, tired but happy, at the close of the day.
  3. As usual, she ___ (look) fresh and full of energy.
  4. The concert ___ (finish) with a song by Schubert.
  5. In his closing speech, he ___ (thank) the organizers of the conference.


Complete the sentences using the words in the list. Use the Simple Present or the Simple Past.

invite, stay, like, do, want, watch, happen


Example: Mike often asks questions. He asked a lot of questions in class yesterday.


  1. After a hard day’s work Tom ___ to relax by going for a swim. But yesterday all he ___ to do was lie down and get some sleep.
  2. Ann seldom ___ her homework before midnight. But yesterday she ___ her homework at 10 p.m.
  3. I usually ___ a lot of people to my birthday party. But last year I ___ only my close friends.
  4. Take care! This crossroads is extremely dangerous. Accidents are often here. A serious accident ___ at this crossroads only a few days ago.
  5. In the evening my parents ___ at home and ___ TV. As usual they ___ at home and ___ TV last night.

Positive form — Irregular verbs

  • Irregular verbs are irregular in the Past Simple Tense in the positive only (not in the negative or question form).

37. Find the word that doesn’t belong to each list. Give the Present Tense form of the verbs.

a) said visited flew sold brought cost
b) cooked worked listened spent showed watched
c) phoned bought rang thought saw drove
d) liked closed read climbed married acted
e) drank came gave moved ran swam

Complete the sentences putting the verbs in the Past Simple Tense.

  1. I ___ (be) very tired, and ___ (sleep) until late morning.
  2. We ___ (have) a lot of fun at the disco last night.
  3. Gerry ___ (find) it difficult to sleep after all the excitements of the day.
  4. The guitar ___ (cost) me a lot of money, but I do get a lot of pleasure out of it.
  5. After a long vacation the kids ___ (come) back to school bursting with energy and enthusiasm.
  6. We needed money badly so we ___ (sell) our car.
  7. Ann ___ (spend) a lot of money yesterday. She ___ (buy) a dress which ___ (cost) $70.
  8. They ___ (drink) champagne to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
  9. They ___ (fly) to Spain the day before yesterday.
  10. He ___ (leave) New York at the end of December.
  11. I ___ (try) to pass my driving test, but after six attempts I finally ___ (give up).

Negative form

I You He/She/It We You They didn’t work a lot last night.

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