Студопедия — A Whale Hunt
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A Whale Hunt

The sea was calm, and the sun (shine) brilliantly on the placid waveless waters. We (be) on the sea for some weeks and (be) now in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. In the distance a school of porpoises (play) and (splash) about in the sea, and beneath the glassy water smaller fish (swim) about, occasionally coming to the surface to pick up any food that (fall) from the ship. Suddenly a large whale (begin) to spout in the distance, and immediately all the boats (launch) and the party (start) in pursuit. As we (come) nearer we (perceive) that we (find) a school of large whales.

As soon as one of the monsters (appear) — for whales cannot remain below for a very long time — the men in the boat nearest to him (hurl) their harpoons which (bury) themselves right in his flesh, and the whale immediately (dive) down, dragging the boat along at a great speed. Meanwhile the other boats (come) nearer and nearer to the scene of the encounter, and we all (wait) anxiously for his reappearance, fearing lest the ropes not (be) long enough. The boat (be) dragged along at a great pace, and the water (fill) it — though the whale (show) no signs of exhaustion — when suddenly he (reappear), and immediately a number of fresh harpoons (be) hurled at him.

This (excite) the monster so much, that full of fury, he (attack) the boat, and with one blow of his mighty tail (break) it to pieces, hurling the men in it high into the air. A strange scene then (present) itself. Men (struggle) in the water in all directions — some (swim) towards the other boats, others (cling) to fragments of the wreck; some of the boats (try) to give assistance to the drowning men, while others (dart) in pursuit of the whale which (make off) as fast as he (can).

Ex. 705. Explain the difference in meaning between the sentences

1. She's very childish. She's being very childish. 2. Last year he lived in Paris. Last year he was living in Paris. 3. What have you done this morning? What did you do this morning?

4. My parents have written to me. My parents have been writing to me. 5. They had dinner when their friends came. They were having dinner when their friends came. 6. They knew the place well when they lived there. They knew the place well because they had lived there.

7. He learnt the language before he went there. He'd been learning the language before he went there. 8. As he ate his breakfast, he read the newspaper. As he had eaten his breakfast, he read the newspaper.


;Ex. 706. Read the story. Give a complex analysis of all the '.grammatical phenomena.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 1334. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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