Студопедия — Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.
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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. Considerable difficulty. 2. A considerable sum of money. 3. A considerate wife. 4. Considerable progress. 5. A considerate person. 6. To be considerate to (of) somebody. 7. Considerable trouble. 8. Inconsiderate of somebody’s feelings. 9. A considerable number of. 10. Considerable weight. 11. An inconsiderate child. 12. A considerable period of time. 13. A considerable amount of. 14. An inconsiderate remark. 15. A writer of considerable talent. 16. Considerable success. 17. A considerable loss. 18. Considerable pleasure. 19. Considerable warmth. 20. Considerable opposition. 21. Considerable advantage. 22. Considerable irritation. 23. A considerable factor.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the most considerable novels by A. Cronin? W. S. Maugham? I. Murdoch? 2. Why is it so convenient to travel by plane? 3. Could you name a few prominent people who were known to be very tactful and considerate to others? 4. Under what circumstances can you expect a student to make considerable progress? 5. Is it correct to say that James Brodie was a considerate father and husband? (A. Cronin, Hatter’s Castle) 6. Do you agree that Tom Sawyer gave Aunt Polly considerable trouble? (M.. Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) 7. Before leaving Piza Montanelli gave the matter considerable thought, didn’t he? (E. L. Voynich, The Gadfly) 8. How did you spend last Sunday? 9. Children who show considerable ability for music go to music schools, don’t they? 10. Do you think you are considerate enough to your relatives and friends?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. A person of ample means. 2. A tactful person. 3. A large sum of money. 4. Long distance. 5. Tangible results. 6. An important public figure. 7. Great surprise. 8. A thoughtless action. 9. Anthony felt a sense of gratitude to his brother ior his consideration in having stayed away. 10. He, like St. John, saw impropriety in my inconsiderateness.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. Magnus glanced at his son in... surprise. 2. It was difficult for him to go on being peevish and bitter with a woman who so obviously adored him and was so anxious for him to have what he wanted. But Phil was always like that to him and he almost wished she would be less...; stand up for her own rights, occasionally. 3. The... anxiety he had passed through during the War, and the more... anxiety he had since undergone in the Peace, had produced psychological consequences in a tenacious nature. 4. Nobody spoke much, and when they did it was in a cautious,... way, as if they were strangers. 5. Bosman stumbled over a pouffe and fell with... force to the floor.6. It had occurred to him (the conductor) that the humour of his latest passenger might extend to trying to travel a... distance for the minimum fare. 7. It (the irrigating ditch) led south and west into the low ground overgrown by grey-green willows by Broderson Creek, at this time of the rainy season a stream of... volume. 8.... ill-feeling has been caused among hospital ancillary workers by senior hospital consultants. 9. «You’re Mrs Drouet now.» There was something about this which struck Carrie as slightly.... She could see that Drouet did not have the keenest sensibilities. 10. Clad in a tight suit of corduroy, spangled with brass buttons of a very... size, he at first stood at the door astounded and uncertain. 11. «You mean that in that case I must pay the damages?» said Mr Pickwick, who had watched this telegraphic answer with... sternness. 12. Mrs Hurstwood gave the subject... thought. 13. Before going they made off for the Windsor dining-room, which was in Dearborn Street, a... distance from Carrie’s room. 14. I thought I was being unusually.... 15. He wrote a short note to the District Nurse, taking extra pains to be tactful,... of her feelings, wise. 16. «Why don’t we go in to lunch?» — «Yes, it is... of me to dig up the past, when I know your father and Jamie must be hungry.» 17. During the meal lie remained completely silent, keeping his eyes upon his plate and having... difficulty in controlling his false teeth.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. She has always been most kind and... 2. The work performed was... 3. Every year our Government spends... 4. I haven’t seen him for... 5. He is a composer of... 6. Before making up my mind I gave the matter... 7. The gardener could not remove the stone because... 8. In many countries students have to pay... 9. A. P. Chekhov’s attitude to others was... 10. Bart loved Jan dearly and was always...


Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. An acquaintance shows you only the best of himself, he’s considerate and polite. 2. In four years there had been a considerable-reduction of the industrial injuries at factories and building sites. 3. A considerable number of them (are) located in the South and South-West. 4. We had considerable trouble. 5. Considerable changes have taken place.... 6. It’s nice to see that you can be considerate. Perhaps one day you’ll be that way to me. 7. He watched her with considerable curiosity at times. 8. This was not done without considerable opposition. 9. He strove with all his old intensity to show his affection for her in small, considerate, almost forgotten ways. 10. He had some ability, considerable vanity and a love of pleasure. 11. Now the lunch went off with considerable warmth. 12. He’s been generous, considerate, gentle, and not only since I had my heart attack. Always.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives considerable and considerate; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Группа исследователей провела значительную работу и добилась ощутимых результатов. 2. Э. Мэнсон не всегда был достаточно внимательным к своей жене. 3. Значительная часть учебного материала оказалась непройденной. 4. Мой дом находится на значительном расстоянии от института. 5. Э. Мэнсон проводил значительную часть времени в клинике. 6. Большое число студентов приняли участие в концерте художественной самодеятельности. 7. Форсайты были людьми со значительными средствами. 8. Спасибо, что вы дали мне возможность отдохнуть. Вы очень внимательны! 9. Благодаря своему трудолюбию и упорству Мартин Иден за короткое время добился значительных успехов. 10. Овод всегда был внимательным и чутким по отношению к окружающим.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 566. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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