Студопедия — Ex. 6. Match a word with a proper definition.
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Ex. 6. Match a word with a proper definition.

1. Assassination     2. Bribery and corruption 3. Drug trafficking   4. Hit and run   5. Looting     6. Misconduct   7. Mugging   8. Perjury   9. Pickpocketing   10. Pilfering   11. Slander   12. Smuggling     13. Terrorism   14. Treason   15. Trespassing     16. Vandalism a) is bad or improper behaviour by a person in a position of authority or trust, such as a doctor, dentist, police officer, etc. b) is stealing things from people's pockets or handbags, usually in crowds or in public places. c) is saying something untrue about someone with the intention of damaging his or her reputation. d) is deliberately damaging public buildings and other public property, usually just for the fun of it. e) is offering money or gifts to someone in a position of authority, e.g. a government official, in order to persuade them to help you in some way. f) is the crime of lying in court while giving evidence, when you have promised to tell the truth. g) is the crime of taking things or people illegally into or out of a country. h) is murdering a public figure such as a king, a president, etc. i) is entering privately owned land or property without the permission of the owner. j) is attacking someone, usually in a public place, in order to rob him or her. k) is trading in illegal drugs such as heroin, cannabis, cocaine, LSD, etc. l) is the crime of betraying your own country by helping its enemies. m) is stealing small amounts of goods or things of little value, often over a long period of time. n) is a car accident in which the guilty driver does not stop to help. o) is the use of violence such as murder and bombing in order to obtain political demands or to influence a government. p) is stealing from shops, buildings, etc. left unprotected after a violent event or a long period of time


Ex. 7. Fill in the missing crimes and offences in the sentences below. Choose from the words in the previous two exercises.

1. The chief cashier admitted taking ₤30,000 of the firm's money during the previous three years and was found guilty of _____.

2. She sued the newspaper for ______ when it printed a story about her in which it claimed she had once been arrested for taking drugs.

3. The supermarket decided to install closed-circuit television in order to combat the problem of _______.

4. This is the sixth fire in the area in the past month. The police suspect ____.

5. He pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to ______ saying that the gun had gone off and killed his wife by accident.

6. There have been so many cases of _______ in the street recently that the police are advising residents to install alarms and to notify neighbours when they go out.

7. The customs officer found nearly ₤20,000 worth of cut diamonds hidden in the man's guitar case. He was arrested and charged with _______.

8. Pop stars and famous people often employ bodyguards for themselves and members of their families as they are constantly worried about _______.

9. Most people of my generation remember the ____ of President Kennedy in Dallas in November 1963.


Ex. 8. Choose the best alternative to complete the following sentences:

1. A person who commits a criminal offence is called a criminal, or ______.

a) offender b) citizen c) wrong-doer

2. If you attack another person illegally you will be tried for unlawful ______.

a) damage b) assault c) action

3. If you physically hurt or injure the person you attack, you will be tried for unlawful assault causing ______.

a) wounding b) murder c) infanticide

4. If the injury you cause in the attack is very serious it is called ______.

a) manslaughter b) grievous bodily harm c) battery

5. A police officer can arrest ______ for a suspected crime carrying a maximum of five year imprisonment.

a) by chance b) with an issued warrant c) without a magistrates warrant

6. The law can punish criminals in many different ways, but the worst is ______. a) fine b) life imprisonment c) death sentence

7. Young people who committed a crime are tried by a special court called the ______.

a) juvenile b) the High Court c) the Crown Court

Ex. 9. Complete the sentences from part A by adding the phrases given in part B:

A 1. A crime is an offence …     2. The principle areas of Criminal Law are … 3. Offences against property are …   4. Fatal and non-fatal offences fall …   5. A police officer can arrest a suspect … 6. Two main classes of criminal offences may be … 7. Actus reus and mens rea are considered to be … 8. The prosecution has to prove …   9. The old distinction between felonies and misdemeanours were abolished … B …by the Criminal Law Act of 1967 introducing the concept of arrestable and not arrestable offences. … guilty action and guilty mind.   … two essential concepts in the operation of the Criminal Law. …indictable offences and summary offences. …without a magistrate’s warrant. …into three categories: murder, manslaughter, infanticide. …theft, arson, forgery, counterfeiting. …offences against persons and offences against property. …against the whole society.  



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