Студопедия — Active Vocabulary.
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Active Vocabulary.

accessible maintain
arrange manner
average partition
bandwidth pipeline
concurrently references
consideration relational
execution reload
extend simultaneously
flow smooth
in relation to structure
incentive to access
issue to sustain


2. Answer the following questions:

1. How many ways of partitioning memory are there?

2. How can they be called?

3. What is the incentive for structuring memory?

4. Does there exist an interconnection of memory capacity and access time to items that have been stored randomly?

5. How do the processing units in the most large computers communicate?

6. How can data be transferred?

7. What is known as a bandwidth?

8. How must be programs arranged?

9. How is the memory of the modern supercomputers organized?

10. Why cannot all the functional units run concurrently?

11. What interrupts the smooth flow of the instructions through the instruction processor?

3. Reconstruct the text “The Memory of the Modern Supercomputers” into a dialogue.

The main rules governing a conversation in English:

The person who asks questions in a conversation usually controls it. Personal questions should be expressed tactfully.

Add new phrases to the previous ones:

Let’s be realistic about this plan/suggestion, etc.

I / we / you have got to think of other sides of this problem as well.

I think it would be reasonable / well-grounded/good, etc. if we discussed your suggestion in detail.

That’s completely irrelevant/off the point. We’re talking about another problem.

Perhaps we could go back to the main point.

Could you stick to the subject/point, please?

That’s very interesting, but I don’t think it’s really to the point.

4. Annotate the text in English. Use the phrases:


a) The title of the article is...
It is written by prof... and published in London in the
journal..., No.3, vol.4, 2011 on pp.3-10
magazine..., No.3, vol.4, 2011
collection of articles... by... editorial house in 2011
book... by... editorial house in 2011
b) The article... by prof... is published in the journal..., in N.Y., pp.5-10.


a) The article deals with the problem of...  
  is devoted to  
The text tells us about...  
b) Disclosing the problem the author dwells on (upon) such matters as...  
The major points  
  matters of the text are the following:...
c) The author pays special attention to …  
  draws readers’ attention to …  
Much attention is paid to...  
The author concentrates on, focuses on  
  stresses, underlines, emphasises  
  points out  
  dwells on (upon)  
  distinguishes between  
  speaks in details  
  gives the classification  


a) As far as I am an expert in... I
consider the article to be of some (great) interest for …
b) In my opinion the article is of great some interest for  
  From my point of view  
  To my mind  
  the students in applied science      
  the specialists in...      
  a wide range of readers      

5. Discuss the problems trying to prove your point of view. Use the following phrases:

My point is that …

It seems reasonable to say …

I can start by saying …

I have to admit that …

I have reason to believe that …

Summarizing the discussion …

On the whole …

In the long run …

In conclusion I must say …

1. Why does man seek to create smarter computers?

2. What algorithms must be developed to exploit supercomputers?

3. What computers can be exploited to design better computers?

4. Why does man building more and more powerful machines remain their slave as he has to control them?

5. Will coordination be left to the machines itself in the future?

6. Do such predictions belong to the realm of science fiction, or are these claims possible and realizable in practice?


Write a presentation about the human brain and electronic brains.


Extended reading

Text C. The Brain


Read and translate the text into Ukrainian at home. Write an abstract (précis) of the text. Express your personal view on the idea “The more scientists find out, the more questions they are unable to answer”. Reproduce it in class.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 414. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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