Студопедия — It is helpful to point out briefly any particular items you are interested in.
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It is helpful to point out briefly any particular items you are interested in.

Часть 1

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно.



The contents of an enquiry will depend on three things: how well you know the supplier, whether the supplier is based in your country or abroad, and the type of goods or services you are enquiring about.

When a buyer wants to know at what price and on what terms he could buy the goods required by him, he usually sends out enquiries to companies manufacturing such goods or dealing in them.

A first enquiry — a letter sent to a supplier with whom you have not previously done business — should include:

a) A brief mention of how you obtained your potential supplier's name. Your source may be an embassy, consulate, or chamber of commerce; you may have seen the goods in question at an exhibition or trade fair; you may be writing as the result of a recommendation from a business associate, or on the basis of an advertisement in the daily, weekly or trade press.

b) Some indications of the demand in your area for the goods which the supplier deals in.

c) Details of what you would like your prospective supplier to send you. Normally you will be interested in a catalogue, a price list, discounts, methods of payment, delivery times, and, where appropriate, samples.

d) A closing sentence to end the enquiry.

Expressions used in enquiries:

Opening Tell your supplier what sort of organization you are.

—We are a co-operative wholesale society based in Zurich.

—Our company is a subsidiary of Universal Business Machines and we specialize in...

—We are one of the main producers of industrial chemicals in Germany, and we are interested in...

How did you hear about the company you are contacting? It might be useful to point out that you know their associates, or that they were recommended to you by a consulate or trade association.

—You were recommended to us by Mr John King, of Lawsom & Davies

—Your name has been given us by the British Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg...

—The British Embassy has advised us to get in touch with you concerning...

Indicating the state of the market

—There is a brisk demand here for high-quality sports shirts of the type you manufacture.

—These fancy goods are in demand during the tourist season, but for the rest of the year sales are moderate, and often rather low.

Asking for catalogues, price lists, etc.

It is helpful to point out briefly any particular items you are interested in.

—Could you please send your current catalogue and price list for exhibition stands? We are particularly interested in stands suitable for displaying furniture.

—Please would you send me an up-to-date price list for your building materials.

Asking for details

—I am replying to your advertisement in the June edition of 'Tailor and Cutter'. I would like to know more about the steam presses which you are offering at cost price.

—Could you please give me more information about course BL 362, which appears in the language-learning section of your summer prospectus?

Suggesting terms, methods of payment, and discounts

—We usually deal on a 30% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1,000 units.

—Could you let us know if you allow cash discounts?

Asking for information

—Will you please send us your catalogue in duplicate and price list for...

—We would be glad to receive specifications of your new SE11 model, together with your current export prices and details of trade discounts.

—We are also interested in your terms of payment and in discounts offered for regular purchases and large orders.


Usually a simple 'thank you' is sufficient to close an enquiry. However, you could mention that a prompt reply would be appreciated, or that certain terms or guarantees would be necessary.

—We hope to hear from you in the near future.

—We would be grateful for an early reply.


Word list

enquiry (inquiry) запрос
contents содержание
a prospective buyer будущий (потенциальный) покупатель
a sample (specimen) торговый образец (товара, изделия)
a pattern образец (узора, рисунка)
a quotation прейскурант
a supplier поставщик
an item наименование товара, пункт
term срок, период (т.е.какой-либо промежуток времени) terms of payment условия платежа
a competitive price приемлемая цена
in duplicate в двух экземплярах
turnover товарооборот, объем продаж
sales объем продаж
a chamber of commerce торговая палата
a trade fair ярмарка, выставка - продажа
consulate консульство, консульский отдел
a business associate торговый партнер
a brisk (steady) demand большой (устойчивый) спрос
an article товар, наименование товара
an embassy посольство
requirements технические требования to meet requirements 1. удовлетворять требования 2. удовлетворять требованиям
to supply with снабжать, поставлять
grateful благодарный


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