Студопедия — Complete the sentences using an appropriate linking word.
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Complete the sentences using an appropriate linking word.

1. We could stay in a hotel for a week....

2. She never leaves the house...

3. She is so confident she acts....

4. My father was forced to retire early....

5. I think French cheese is.....

6. I would like to spend a year travelling around the world.....

7. I have a lot of work to finish....

8. You can leave the class early....

9. she advised me to take the traveller’s cheques....

10. She decided to go to the beach....




Explain the cases of inversion n the following sentences.

1. Had there been any sign from you, I would have been at your side immediately. 2. No sooner had we sat down than we had forgotten what Catholic Action was all about, if we ever knew. 3. Little did he know that he would shortly be suffering. 4. Only if a book is written specifically for the snobby people (hello New York Times book reviewers!) should that matter.5. May you both live happily ever after! 6. I was very proud of myself: not only did I handle the problem, but I handled it without causing any alarm whatsoever. 7. Hardly had Harry got into bed, when there was a knock at the door. 8. Seldom has Ron seen him looking so miserable. 9. So exciting was the match that he forgot about this awful week. 10. On no account should you leave your bedrooms after 10 p.m. 11. Only if they decide to “fire” the incumbent do they begin to evaluate whether the challenger is an acceptable alternative. 12. The wealthy man neither lived there nordid he put it to any use. 13. No sooner had Columbus stepped ashore and “taken possession” of the land in the name of the Spanish monarchs, than the Lucayans approached, “as naked as their mothers bore them.” 14. Half an hour later came another inquiry. 15. Any way, it seems strange that, not only did Voldemort see himself in Harry, but Hagrid did also. 16. Dumbledore’s very interested to know who’s got it in for that boy! And so am I, Snape… very interested.


Complete each sentence with an appropriate phrase.

no sooner had not only did under no circumstances are rarely have

under no circumstances will were you as did hardly had little did rarely have

a)................................................................ we come home, when there was a power cut.

b)............................... the boy know what was waiting for him under the Christmas-tree!

c)..................................................... the employees break the dress-code of the company.

d).................................................... to insure your car here again, you will get a discount.

e)............................................................................... so few students come to my lecture.

f)....................................................................................... the plumber seen a worse sink.

g).......................................... he get the job, but he was also allowed to bring his brother.

h).................................................................. torn banknotes be accepted from the clients.

i)............................................... he solved the problem with the car, than his wife fell ill.

j) I believed,.............................. my accomplice, that there was little fault in our actions.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) Sam twisted his ankle, and also.


Not only.................................................. also hurt his back.

b) It was only when the boss told me that I knew about the assignment.


Not until............................................................ about the assignment.

c) The reaction to our statement was so great that we had to give an interview.


Such.................................................. to our statement that we had to give an interview.

d) The information was not communicated at the time.


Only............................................................ communicated.

e) As soon as he got out, he understood he’d left his driving license at home.


No sooner...................................... he understood he’d left his driving license at home.

f) The teacher cannot be blamed for the student’s mistake anyway.


In........................................................................... responsible for the student’s mistake.

g) The agent didn’t suspect at all that his client was a fraudster.


Little......................................................................as being a fraudster.

h) If the workers had better conditions, they wouldn’t go on strike.


Were............................ better conditions, they wouldn’t go on strike.

i) It was only when the clock struck that remembered about the time.


Not until................................................................... about the time.

j) He was taken to hospital just after the ambulance arrival.


Hardly.................................................. he was taken to hospital.

Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase containing the verb in brackets in an appropriate form.

a) Had................................................. (work) harder,..................................................

b) Had........................ (bandage) your arm immediately,.............................................

c) Had.................................................. (take) the taxi,...........................

d) Never before............................................ (waste).....................................................

e) Scarcely............................................. (pick up) the phone......................................

f) Should........................................ (want) anything,..................................................?

g) Should..................................... (be) in town,...........................................................

h) Should........................................ (feel) lonely,........................................................

i) Were............................... (offer) the business trip,..................................................

j) Were the dog................................................... (bark),..............................................


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