Студопедия — Niged n. little finger ◇ VT/48:5 See also lebig
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Niged n. little finger ◇ VT/48:5 See also lebig

nimmid- v. to whiten ◇ Ety/378, X/Z

nimp I (N. nim-) adj. pale, white ◇ Ety/378

nimp II adj. small and frail ◇ VT/48:18

nin pron. me ◇ LotR/IV:X, RGEO/72

nоn I adj. poss. 1st my ◇ UT/40, VT/44:22

nоn II n. tear ◇ Ety/376

nоn III adj. wet, watery ← Nindalf TC/195, S/435

nind (N. ninn) adj. slender ◇ Ety/378, X/ND1

ninglor n. golden water-flower, gladden ◇ UT/280-81, UT/450 ◇ nоn+glaur "water gold"◈ * ningloron

* ningloron der.pl. of ninglorLoeg Ningloron UT/281, UT/450

¶ ᵲ ningon n. lapis lazuli

nнnholch n. onion (tear-root) nоn+solch

nнnia- v. to weep

nнniel adj. tearful ◇ Ety/376

nнnim n. snowdrop (flower) ◇ Ety/367 ◇ nоn+nimp "white tear"

ninniach n. rainbow ◇ S/387 ◇ Probably nоn, *ninn- + iach "water-ford" See also eiliant

nнnui n. and adj. 1. watery ○ 2. as a noun, the month of February ◇ LotR/D

niphred (N. nifred) n. pallor, fear ◇ Ety/378, S/435, X/PH

niphredil (N. nifredil) n. a pale winter flower, snowdrop ◇ Ety/376, Ety/378, LotR/II:VI, Letters/402, X/PH ◇ niphred+-il "little pallor"

nоr n. tear, weeping ◇ Ety/376

nнrnaeth n. (tearful) lamentation ◇ Ety/376 ◇ nоr+naeth "tear-gnashing"

niss n. frost

nоth I n. youth ◇ Ety/377

Nоth II n. fem. sister ◇ VT/47:14◈ See also thel, muinthel

nithren adj. frosty

no v. imp. of na-, be! ◇ VT/44:21,24

nobad n. dual pl. of nawb, the pair of fingers composed of the thumb and the index (grouped together as in the act of picking something) ◇ VT/48:5,16

nod- v. to tie, bind ◇ Ety/378, X/Z

noen adj. wise, sensible ◇ VT/46:9

nуf n. mouth (including the lips)

nogoth n. Dwarf, lit. "the Stunted Folk" ◇ S/435, WJ/338, WJ/388, WJ/408, WJ/413

nogotheg n. dim. of nogoth, lit. "dwarflet", a name of the Petty-Dwarves ◇ WJ/388

nogothrim n. class pl. of nogoth, Dwarf-folk ◇ RGEO/75, UT/318, WJ/388 ◇ nogoth+rim

* nor- v. 1. to run ○ 2. by ext., to ride

nordh n. cord ◇ Ety/387

norn adj. 1. twisted, knotted, crabbed, contorted ○ 2. hard ◇ Ety/387

nornwaith n. class pl. of norn the Dwarves ◇ MR/93, MR/106 ◇ norn+gwaith

noroth n. giant

nor n. murmur

north n. riding race (PE/17)

northa- v. to race (on horses) PE/17

nуrui n. and adj. 1. sunny, fiery ○ 2. as a noun, the month of June ◇ LotR/D

noss (N. nos) n. kindred, family, clan ◇ Ety/378, PM/320

nost n. kindred, family, house ◇ PM/360

nosta- v. to smell (something)

nothlir n. family line (esp. as family tree, genealogical tree) ◇ WR/234, WR/237, WR/309 ◇ nost, *noth + lоr "family line"

nothrim n. class pl. of nost, kindred, family, house ← Nothrim [> Nost] Finarfin PM/360 ◈ The word was rejected in favor of nost, but it may be interpreted as a valid class plural "those of the house" ◇ noss/nost + rim

novaer interj. and n. farewell

Nu prep. beneath/under ◇ Ety/378, etc. See also nuin

nъf prep. before

nui n. bee

nuin prep. under the ◇ Ety/378, etc. ◇ nu+i

nuitha- v. to stunt, to prevent from coming to completion, stop short, not allow to continue ◇ WJ/413

nulaf- v. to swallow 'down-lick'

nыr I adj. deep ◇ Ety/378

nыr II n. race (of people) ◇ Ety/378

* nыr III adj. sad ← Nъrnen UT/458, RC/457

nŷw (N. hniof) n. noose ◇ Ety/387, X/IU


O I (od) prep. from, of (preposition (as a proclitic) used in either direction, from or to the point of view of the speaker) ◇ Ety/360, WJ/366, WJ/369-70, LotR/II:IV, SD/129-31, RGEO/72 ◈ According to WJ/366, the preposition "is normally o in all positions, though od appears occasionally before vowels, especially before o-". See also uin

o II N. prep. about, concerning ◇ Ety/378 ◈ The Etymologies state that h- is prefixed to the word following this preposition, when it begins with a vowel: o Hedhil "concerning the Elves". Some scholars consider that this rule is not valid in Sindarin, but that the preposition would perhaps become oh in such a case (hence oh Edhil, to be compared with ah in Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth)

ochui adj. num. ord. seventh ◇ VT/47:42 See odothui for the usual word

уdhel n. Deep Elf or Gnome, one of the Wise Folk ◇ WJ/364, WJ/366, WJ/378-379

уdhellim n. class pl. of уdhel Deep Elves or Gnomes, the Wise Folk ◇ WJ/364 ◇ уdhel+rim

odhril n. fem. parent ◇ Ety/379

odhron n. masc. parent ◇ Ety/379

odog adj. num. card. seven ◇ Ety/379, VT/42:25, VT/47:42, VT/48:6, PE/17:95

odothil n. heptagon 'seven points'

odothui adj. num. ord. seventh ◇ TI/312, WR/436, VT/42:25

¶ ᵲ odrim adj. many (GL) od+rim

oew n. crime, evil deed (PE/17)

ogol adj. wicked, evil ◇ VT/48:32

ogron n. wicked or evil person (PE/17)

фl pl. elei n. dream ◇ Ety/370, Ety/379

Olfanner n. one of the names given to the Vala Lуrien

oll (N. old) n. torrent, mountain-stream ◇ Ety/396

olph n. bottle

oltha- v. to dream ◇ Ety/370, Ety/379

уlui adj. dreamy

* oneth n. fem. giver ← besoneth PM/404-05

ongol n. stench ◇ Ety/378


* onna- v. to beget ← Abonnen, Eboennin WJ/387

* onnen pl. * ennin pp. of onna-, born ← Abonnen, Eboennin WJ/387

¶ ᵲ onin n. anvil

onod n. Ent ◇ LotR/F, Letters/224

onodrim n. class pl. of onod the Ents, as a race ◇ Letters/224, TC/165 ◇ onod+rim

or prep. above, over ◇ Ety/379

or- pref. above, over ◇ Ety/379

oraearon n. seventh day of the Nъmenуrean week, Sea-day ◇ LotR/D ◇ aur+aearon

oranor n. second day of the week, day of the Sun ◇ LotR/D ◇ aur+anor

orbelain n. sixth day of the week, day of the Powers or Valar ◇ LotR/D ◇ aur+belain

orch pl. yrch n. Goblin, Orc ◇ Ety/379, LR/406, WJ/390, LotR/II:VI, LotR/F, Letters/178

orchal (N. orchall, orchel) adj. 1. superior, lofty, eminent ○ 2. tall ◇ Ety/363, Ety/379, WJ/305 ◈ We may consider that orchel is a perfectly valid dialectal variant ◇ or+hall, OS *orkʰalla

orchoth n. class pl. of orch, the Orcs (as a race) ◇ WJ/390 ◇ orch+hoth

orf n. apple (Q orva, GL)

orforn n. apple tree (orf+orn)

orgaladh n. fourth day of the Nъmenуrean week, day of the White Tree ◇ LotR/D ◈ This day was formerly called orgaladhad in the Elvish calendar ◇ aur+galadh

orgaladhad n. fourth day of the Elvish week, day of the Two Trees ◇ LotR/D ◈ This day was renamed orgaladh in the Nъmenуrean calendar ◇ aur+galadh, with quenya influenced dual ending

orgilion n. first day of the week, day of the Stars ◇ LotR/D ◇ aur+gil, with archaic genitive

orithil n. third day of the week, day of the Moon ◇ LotR/D ◇ aur+ithil

ormenel n. fifth day of the week, Heavens' day ◇ LotR/D ◇ aur+menel

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