Студопедия — Graw n. bear ◇ VT/47:12 See also brog
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Graw n. bear ◇ VT/47:12 See also brog

groga- v. to feel terror ◇ WJ/415

grond n.Mil. club ◇ Ety/384, X/ND1

groth (ngroth) n. 1. cave, tunnel, large excavation ○ 2. delving, underground dwelling ◇ WJ/415, S/431, VT/46:12

gruin adj. ruddy ◇ Ety/384

gruitha- v. to terrify ◇ WJ/415

* gыd (ngыd) n. foe ← Thuringud WJ/256

gыl (gыl) n. 1. magic lore, long study (being used mostly of secret knowledge, especially such as possessed by artificers who made wonderful things) ○ 2. by ext., perverted or evil knowledge, sorcery, necromancy ◇ Ety/377, S/432, MR/350, WJ/383

guldur (nguldur) n. (dark) sorcery ◇ gыl+dыr

gыr I n. heart (in the moral sense), counsel ◇ VT/41:11,15

gыr (ngыr) II n. death ◇ Ety/377

guren n. my heart ◇ VT/41:11 ◈ Apparently the word gыr I with a suffixed possessive. See lammen for a similar form ◇ gыr+-en

Gurfannor n. one of the names given to the Vala Mandos

gurth/guruth (ngurth, nguruth) n. death ◇ S/432, UT/39, UT/54 Ety/377

* guruthos (nguruthos) n. the shadow of death, death-horror ← di-nguruthos LotR/IV:X, RGEO/72, Letters/278

gwachaedir (N. gwahaedir) n. seeing-stone, palantнr ← Gwahaedir PM/186 ◇ gwa-+hae+tirn

gwador pl. gwedeir n.masc. brother (especially used of those not brothers by blood, but sworn brothers or associates) ◇ Ety/394

* gwaeda- v. to enfold ◇ VT/46:21

gwaedh n. bond, troth, compact, oath ◇ Ety/397

Gwael n. gull ◇ WJ/418 see alsomaen, mŷl

Gwвnadj. fair and pale (PE/17) see also bain

* gwaen adj. stained ← Agarwaen S/378

gwaeren adj. windy ◇ VT/42:15 Gwaew+-ren

gwaeron n. March (month) ◇ LotR/D

gwaew n. wind ◇ Ety/387

* gwain pl. * gwоn adj. new ← Narwain (Narvinyл) LotR/D, Cf. Ety/399

gwaith (gweith N.) n. 1. manhood ○ 2. by ext., man power, troop of able-bodied men, host, regiment, people ○ 3. by ext., region, wilderness ◇ Ety/398, VT/46:21, X/E1

Gwaloth n. blossom, collection of flowers ◇ Ety/370, VT/45:29 ◈ This form replaced deleted goloth in the manuscript of The Etymologies, see VT/45:29. The deleted form is however also later attested in VT/42:18 We must also consider that go- replaced gwa-. See goloth

gwanath n. death (act of dying, not death as a state or abstract) ◇ Ety/397

gwann adj. departed, dead ◇ Ety/397

* gwanna- v. to depart, fade, die (for Elves) ◇ Ety/397 See also fir-

gwanod n. tale, number ◇ Ety/378

gwanu (N. gwanw) n. death (act of dying, not death as a state or abstract) ◇ Ety/397, X/W

Gwanыn n. a pair of twins ◇ WJ/367 See also gwanunig

gwanunig n.sing. of gwanыn, a twin (one of a pair of twins) ◇ WJ/367

gwanur n. 1. a pair of twins ○ 2. brother or kinsman, kinswoman ◇ Ety/378, Ety/392, VT/46:6, LotR/A(iv)

gwarth n. betrayer ◇ Ety/397

gwass n. stain ◇ Ety/397

gwastar n. hummock ◇ Ety/388, Ety/399 ◇ gwa-+thвr

gwath n. 1. shade, shadow, dim light ○ 2. stain ◇ Ety/397, S/432◈.

* gwatha- v. to soil, stain ◇ Ety/397

gwathel n. fem. sister, associate ◇ Ety/392

gwathra- v. to overshadow, dim, veil, obscure ◇ VT/42:9

gwathren adj. shadowy, dim ← Ered Wethrin S/432, VT/42:9

* gwathui adj. shadowy ← Gwathuirim PM/330

gwathuirim n.class pl. of gwathui The Dunlendings or People of Dunland ◇ PM/330 ◇ gwathui+rim "shadowy people"

gwaun n. goose ◇ Ety/397, X/Z

gwaur adj. soiled, dirty ◇ Ety/397

gwedh n. bond ◇ Ety/397

* gwedh- v. to bind ◇ Ety/397, X/ND1

¶ ᵲ gwef n. louse

gwelu (gwelw N.) n. air (as substance) ◇ Ety/398, X/W

gwelwen n. air, lower air (distinct from the upper air of the stars, or the outer) ◇ Ety/398 ◇ gwelu+men

gwend I n. bond, friendship ◇ Ety/397-398, X/ND1

gwend II (N. gwenn) n. f. maiden ◇ Ety/398, X/ND1

gweneth n. virginity ◇ Ety/398

Gwenyn n. pl. twins ◇ PM/353, PM/365 See also gwanыn

* gweria- v. to betray, cheat ◇ Ety/397

gwest n. oath ◇ Ety/397

* gwesta- v. to swear ◇ Ety/397

* gwethion der.pl. of gwathEredwethion TI/345, Ety/379, Ety/397

gwо n. net, web ◇ Ety/398

¶ ᵲ gwоb n. penis

gwilith n. air (as a region) ◇ Ety/398

gwilwileth n. 1. butterfly 2. the constellation Cassiopeia ◇ Ety/398

* gwоn n. wine, vine ← Dorwinion LotR/Map, LB/11,26,17,112, LR/334,338, H/IX ◈ see also gwinion

gwing n. 1. spindrift, flying spray ○ 2. foam (properly a flying spume or spindrift blown off wavetops) ◇ Ety/398, PM/392

gwinig n.dim. "little baby", play name of the little finger ◇ VT/48:6,16-17

* gwinion Land of wine ← Dorwinion LotR/Map, LB/11,26,17,112, LR/334,338, H/IX

gwirith n. April (month) ◇ LotR/D, SD/129-31

¶ ᵲ gwista- v. to be ignorant


ha pl. hain Doriathrin.pron.3rd it ◇ Ety/385, LotR/II:IV, X/EI

hab- v. to clothe ◇ Ety/363

habad n. shoe ◇ Ety/386, VT/Errata, X/EI ◈ The meaning "shore" in Ety/386 should actually read "shoe", see VT/Errata and Lambengolmor/735.

¶ ᵲ hach n. hams, buttocks

* had- v. to hurl ◇ Ety/363

hвdh n.Arch.Poet. (?) cleaver ◇ Ety/389

hadhod n. Dwarf ◇ WJ/388, WJ/414

hadhodrim n. class pl. of hadhod the Dwarves (as a race) ◇ WJ/388 ◇ hadhod+rim

hadlath (N. haglath) n.Mil. sling ◇ Ety/363, Ety/368, X/TL

hador n.Mil. thrower (of spears and darts) ◇ Ety/363, WJ/234

hadron n.masc.Mil. thrower (of spears and darts) ◇ Ety/363

hae adj. far, remote, distant ← Gwahaedir PM/186, VT/45:21

Haerast n. the Far Shore, the east coast of Aman PE/17

haered n. remote distance, the remote ← na-chaered LotR/II:I, RGEO/72◈ chaered S. soft mut.

haeron adj. far, remote, distant ◇ PM/273

haew n. custom, habit ◇ Ety/364, VT/45:22

haf- v. to sit ◇ VT/45:20

hair n. and adj. left (hand) ◇ Ety/365, X/EI

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