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H oly hell in a bucket,” Connor muttered when they turned down the street where the music store was located. “Is this normal?” Lyric surveyed the cordoned-off street, the throng of people outside the store, at least three police cars and a slew of people carrying cameras. With a puzzled look she shook her head. “No. I mean, I draw a crowd, but it’s never like this. Are you sure nothing else is going on?” “You’re it, babe. I’m damn glad Kane went ahead of us to set up his team. This is going to be a fucking nightmare.” She clasped her hands nervously in her lap as they glided to a stop. They were immediately besieged by people shoving their way to the car, cameras flashing, microphones shoved forward. She blinked in bewilderment and Connor swore. “Drive,” he barked at the driver. “Make the block, circle. Do something. We’ll have to come in a different way. No way I’m letting her out in this.” Connor snatched up his cell phone as the driver pulled away. “Kane, what the hell is going on out there? Where are you? I can’t let Lyric out in that.” Lyric only half paid attention as she stared back at the mass of people. “Okay, we’ll wait fifteen minutes, then circle around to the back. Be waiting and make damn sure the scene is secure. I don’t like this, Kane. I don’t like it at all.” Connor hung up and reached for Lyric’s hand. “Don’t worry, baby, okay? I’ll cancel the damn thing before I let you go into an unsafe situation.” She smiled. “I’ll be fine, Connor. It’s a part of the job.” He scowled but didn’t comment further. Several long minutes later, they traveled down the alley. Two police cars had blocked off the street and had secured an entryway for Lyric into the store. “When we stop I want you out and into the store, no delays. Don’t stop for anything, okay?” Connor said. “I’ll be with you the whole way.” She nodded as the car pulled to a stop. As he’d directed, she bolted from the car, he right behind her. Kane was at the door holding it open for her as he spoke into a receiver close to his mouth. Once inside the store, she breathed a sigh of relief until she remembered the horde of people out front waiting to come in. She hoped to hell the store was prepared for the onslaught. A tall, blond woman strode briskly toward Lyric, her hand outstretched. Lyric recognized her. Sort of. She just couldn’t remember where she’d seen her before. “Ms. Jones. Leslie Burke from Cosmic Records. I’ll be here to make sure things go smoothly for you today. I’ve already spoken with the store management and everything looks great. You’ve got quite a crowd out front but we have plenty of security.” “We’re working in cooperation with the police officers here,” Kane interjected. “We’re only allowing so many in the store at one time and the press won’t be allowed in at any time. It’s solely your choice whether you want to go out and address them or answer questions, but only fans will be allowed inside for the meet and greet.” Lyric pondered for a moment and then glanced at Leslie whose expression said she was willing to let Lyric make the call. “That sounds reasonable. Maybe it will keep the reporters from doing anything stupid if you tell them I’ll make a brief appearance after I’ve met with fans.” Kane nodded. “I’ll let them know.” Connor brushed a kiss across her temple. “I’ll be standing right beside you. If at any time you need me or you want to stop, just let me know.” She smiled. He really was too sweet. She was touched by his caring and concern. It sent a pang of longing through her. How wonderful it would be to have him with her all the time. Kane held up a hand from the door to signal five minutes. Since many of the fans would want photos, a tall signing table had been arranged that allowed Lyric to stand so she wouldn’t have to continually sit and get up. Leslie did a quick check of the promotional material, spoke quickly to two of the store employees and then moved to stand a few feet away from Lyric while they waited for the signing to start. A few minutes later, the doors opened and people began to surge inside. Here at least, Lyric was in her element. She fielded questions. Took photos. Signed shirts, CDs, iPods, pants and even a few body parts. Although you could have broken a stone on Connor’s face when one particularly beefed-up guy stripped off his shirt and asked Lyric to sign low—very low—on his abdomen. She complied laughingly and grinned when Connor glared holes in his back. After an hour, Connor forced water into her hand and waited as she drained it. For a second she leaned against his side, grateful to have a moment’s rest. “Okay?” he murmured. “Yeah, thanks.” She greeted the next fan in line and began all over again. After three hours, she was dead exhausted as the last of the line filtered through. Kane walked over and stood until the last person finished with Lyric, and then he leaned over. “We’re shutting down the line. The signing is officially done. Police are herding people away. The reporters are still out front. Want to just slip out the back?” She shook her head. “No, they kept their part of the bargain. I need to keep mine or next time they might not be willing to wait. I can’t imagine what I’ve done lately to merit such attention from the press, but I’m sure it’s juicy whatever it is. Maybe they’re still buzzing over my supposed arrest.” Connor scowled. “They can kiss my ass.” She grinned and slipped her hand through his. “Okay, give me fifteen and I’ll be done.” Leslie caught Lyric’s eye and then nodded toward the entrance. She walked ahead of Lyric so that she could make a brief statement before Lyric spoke. Kane and Connor flanked her protectively as she stepped to the door. Kane paused when he saw the police barricade and the fact that there were several police officers doing a good job of keeping the crowd under control. “I’ll go back and get the car,” Kane said as he turned to Lyric. “We’ll be in back. I want to make sure you have a clear avenue to the vehicle from the back entrance.” She touched his arm. “Thanks, Kane. I appreciate it.” He smiled. “I know you do. Good luck. Fifteen minutes. Don’t go over.” She turned back, took a deep breath and braced for the onslaught. As soon as she stepped from the building, the frenzy began. Even Leslie looked bewildered. She tried valiantly to direct the media attention back to herself, but once they saw Lyric, they were having none of that. She was pushed aside as the reporters surged past the barricades and surrounded Lyric. At first she had no idea what was being shouted at her. She flinched at the immediate barrage of shouted questions, and as she tentatively moved forward, her hand up to try to calm the volley, some of the questions sank in. “Lyric, is it true your real name is Carly Winters?” “Ms. Jones! Tell us about your mother!” “Lyric, over here! Can you tell us about your stepfather, Danny Higgins?” She swayed and her knees buckled. Shock rolled through her body, leaving her so shaken she thought she’d faint. Connor swore violently and grabbed at her arm. “Lyric, can you confirm your stepfather is in prison for your mother’s murder?” “Can you give us a statement? Is it true you had a sexual relationship with your stepfather and that your mother tried to kill you?” Lyric gasped and felt the world tilt around her. She stared at Connor in utter disbelief. She stared at the man she’d trusted with everything she was, her past, her present, things she’d never shared with another person. Hurt tore through her with crippling intensity. As the reporters hurled all the details of her past, like little poison darts, she stood, her gaze locked onto Connor as her world crumbled around her. “That’s enough, goddamn it!” Connor bit out. He grasped her arm to pull her back into the building. She yanked her arm from Connor’s grasp and turned on him as the world went to hell around them. They were jostled and pushed. She nearly went down under the onslaught. One of the police officers shoved her toward the building. Pain splintered through her head. She realized one of the cameras hit her in the cheek. An elbow caught her temple and then something hard hit her nose. She tasted the bitter metallic of blood, but she was numb. From head to toe. She stumbled forward as two officers and Connor lifted and carried her into the music store. As soon as she broke the entrance, she yanked away from all of them. Connor stood, his eyes glittering, and she flew at him, her fists clenched. She hit him but he didn’t so much as flinch. “How could you?” she cried hoarsely. She tried to scream it but she honestly couldn’t speak past the knot in her throat. “My God, did you roll immediately out of bed with me after I bared my soul? Was that the phone call this morning? Did you waste any time at all before selling me out?” Tears streamed down her cheeks. Each word was agony. Oh God, her chest was going to explode. Nothing, nothing in her life had ever hurt as much as his betrayal. Not Danny Higgins. Not the death of her mother. Never before had she trusted a living soul with any part of herself. Not until now. Not until Connor. “How could you?” “Goddamn it, Lyric!” he exploded. “You can’t think I did this. What the fuck?” He advanced toward her and she stumbled back so fast to get away from him that she tripped over a chair and went down hard. “Get him away from me!” she spit out. “Oh God, get him away.” The last ended in a moan and she huddled into a ball, so devastated, so numb from shock, that she wanted to die. The entire world knew. They knew everything. No more secrets. No more lies. Her shame, her pain, was laid bare for the world to see. There was a scuffle. Connor’s curses split the air. She scrambled to her feet and then lunged for the back entrance. Connor shouted at her but she ran as hard and as fast as she could. Away from him. Away from her past. Away from the awful reality that awaited her. She ran straight into Kane. He caught her and she swung violently, connecting with his jaw. “What the fuck?” he demanded. “Lyric, what the hell?” She twisted away, intent only on running as far and as fast as she could. Kane hit her with a flying tackle and rolled them to the ground. He wrapped both arms around her and held her immobile as she kicked and raged against him. When she realized her efforts were futile, she collapsed against him, sobbing great, gasping sobs. “Shhh,” he said. “Lyric, what the hell is going on? What’s the matter?” “Get me out of here,” she choked out. “Please, Kane. Just take me away.” “Where the hell is Connor?” She went rigid. “He sold me out. Please, please, Kane.” The last of her fight left her and she simply shattered. Her chest hurt so badly she wondered if something wasn’t broken. She felt broken. So damaged that she’d never recover. She leaned her head on Kane’s shoulder as sob after sob welled from her throat. “Son of a bitch,” Kane murmured. He got to his feet and hauled her up into his arms, then made a run for the car. He shoved her inside, climbed in behind her and then ordered the driver to take off. “Where are we going, Lyric?” he asked. “What do you want to do?” “Away,” she said brokenly. “Just away from here. Somewhere safe.” He put a tentative hand on her arm as she lay huddled on the seat. “What the hell happened back there, Lyric?” She shook her head and closed her eyes as more tears slipped down her cheeks. How could she explain to him that she’d just been destroyed by the only man she’d ever trusted? The only person she’d ever trusted? She felt like the worst sort of fool. Why had he done it? Did he hate her so much? None of it made sense. Surely he didn’t need the money. Phillip was likely paying him a fortune for his babysitting job. Had his supposed infatuation with her been some sort of twisted game? Her throat was raw but she couldn’t stop the sobs. Grief welled out of her heart. Grief for her mom. Grief for herself. Grief for everything she’d believed of Connor and the dead hope for someone who loved and cherished her. She was dimly aware of the car stopping and then the door opening. “Lyric,” Kane said softly. “Can you make it out? We’re at the house.” It took her a moment for his words to sink in. She stirred slowly and looked at him through dull eyes. “I don’t want anyone here,” she said in a voice that cracked and was painful from the crying. “Do you understand? No one.” Kane nodded shortly. “If that’s what you want.” She tried to sit up but found she lacked the strength. She felt dead on the inside. She was in complete and utter shutdown. Was this what it felt like when you finally broke from reality? Maybe it had been a long time coming for her. There was only so long you could live in denial. Kane gently helped her from the car and wrapped an arm around her as he walked her toward the house. She trudged like an old woman, stumbling once when her feet dragged like lead. Wordlessly, Kane led her up the stairs and into her bedroom. She halted as soon as they got through the doorway, and she went rigid. “Not here,” she burst out. “I won’t stay in here.” She stared at the bed she and Connor had made love in. The same bed where she’d told him all her secrets. Had shared the pain of her past. The bed where she’d trusted him implicitly. “Okay,” Kane said softly. “There are other rooms.” “I don’t care where. Just not here.” He guided her toward one of the other bedrooms and she crawled onto the bed, curling into a ball and shutting herself off from him. She felt him sit on the bed, but she kept her eyes squeezed shut as she turned further into herself where it didn’t hurt quite so bad. The next thing she knew, a cool cloth was dabbed carefully at her face. The cut at her lips stung. The spot under her eye ached. “You going to tell me what the hell happened back there?” Kane asked in a quiet voice as he touched the cloth to her mouth again. “You’ll know soon enough,” she said bitterly. “It’ll be all over the news and the tabloids. You can thank Connor. He’s the only person I’ve ever told.” Kane swore. “Lyric, I don’t think...” “If you’re going to defend him, get out. Just leave me alone. Please.” She hated the pleading tone of her voice, but she was begging. She just wanted to be alone. Kane sighed and she felt him leave the bed. “If you need anything, let me know. I’ll check in on you later.” She didn’t respond. She listened to his retreating footsteps and then shoved her fist into her mouth as more tears began to fall. CHAPTER 31

Y ou going to tell me how you wound up in jail?” Micah asked as he and Connor walked from the police station. “They tried to keep me from Lyric. I resisted,” he said shortly. “Thanks for coming so quickly. Pop didn’t answer the phone, but to tell the truth, I’d rather not get into it with him right now.” “No problem,” Micah said with a shrug. “What the hell happened?” Connor ignored Micah as they climbed into his truck and opened his cell phone. It had been three goddamn hours since things had gone to hell at the music store. He had no idea where Lyric was, if she was safe, or just how upset she was. Well, that wasn’t true. It was pretty damn obvious she was destroyed by what she thought was his betrayal of her. It pissed him the fuck off. How could she think he’d ever do that to her? There was only one missed call and it sure as hell wasn’t from Lyric. It was from Kane. He hit the button for his voice mail and listened to the short message. “Connor, I have no idea what the hell happened back there. Lyric’s a mess. She’s here at the house and she doesn’t want anyone allowed on the premises. You included. Give me a call when you get this so you can fill me in. I’m working without a net here.” “Son of a bitch,” Connor swore. “Is there anything I can do?” Micah asked quietly. Connor pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers and closed his eyes. “This is a goddamn mess, Micah. I don’t know what the hell to do. I’m going to lose her and I’m not sure there’s a damn thing I can do about it.” Micah winced in sympathy. “Been there, done that. Don’t ever have the desire to do it again. Tell me what happened. Maybe an objective opinion will help.” “I can’t,” Connor said helplessly. “She already thinks I betrayed her trust. The shit’s going to hit the fan any minute now. Maybe it already has. She thinks I sold her out to the media. She trusted me. Only me. It looks bad, but goddamn, I told her I loved her. How can she believe I’d do that to her?” “Sounds like you’ve both had a shitty day,” Micah murmured. “Yeah,” Connor said bleakly. “You could say that.” “So where am I taking you?” “Home.” Micah lifted a brow as he stared over at Connor. “Giving up that easily?” “I have to give her some time. She’s devastated. She’s told her security not to allow anyone on the premises. I can’t pile on her right now. It’s going to goddamn kill me, but I’ve got to give her time to cool off and get over the initial shock.” Connor curled his fingers into tight balls. He wanted to put his fist through the window. He should be with her right now. He should be holding her. He should be her shield against the world. But she was desperately alone and she was hurting and he couldn’t get within ten feet of her. “Look, why don’t you come home with me and have a few beers? It beats going home and driving yourself insane.” Connor sighed. “Thanks, man. You know I’d love to see Angelina, but the truth is I’m really shitty company right now.” “Okay. Offer stands, though.” Twenty minutes later, Micah pulled into the apartment complex he shared with Connor. Connor got out, waved his thanks to Micah again, then headed for his apartment while Micah walked back to his. He unlocked his door and went inside, home for the first time since the day he’d gone to Lyric’s hotel room after their meeting at the office. Boy, had his life changed dramatically since then. That day had started something he’d never dreamed would happen. It seemed a lifetime ago. His apartment had always been comfortable. Lived in. Slightly cluttered. His comfort place. A place he always enjoyed coming back to. Tonight it was barren and sterile. The silence was suffocating and the walls seemed to close in on him from every direction. He flopped onto the couch and reached for his phone to call Kane. He hadn’t wanted to go into the details in front of Micah. No matter that she already thought he’d betrayed her. He’d never tell anyone the things she’d shared with him. “How is she?” Connor demanded when Kane answered the phone. Kane sighed. “Not good. What the fuck happened?” “It’s a clusterfuck, Kane. I can’t get into the details. They’ll be public soon enough. She thinks I sold her out. It’s bullshit.” “Yeah, I figured.” “You sit on her, Kane. Keep her safe. Don’t let her do anything stupid. I’m going to give her until tomorrow and then I’m coming over and I don’t give a fuck how many guys you throw at me. All I’ll say is that you better be up on your workman’s comp, because if anyone tries to stop me, they’ll wind up in the hospital.”
Her head ached. Her jaw ached. Her heart ached. Her eyes were swollen and her nose felt like it had run off her face. She looked and sounded horrible. She had no voice, which was pretty stupid considering it was how she made her living. Her throat was so swollen it was hard to swallow but no matter how much she tried to turn it off, tears still leaked endlessly down her cheeks. She’d lain in bed for hours. Kane had come and gone with an ice pack for her face. He’d hesitated and she could tell he had no liking for leaving her, but she shut him out and curled in on herself even more until he’d left with a sigh. Grief was a living, breathing entity inside her. It swelled so much that she feared she would break. Maybe she was already broken. Maybe she’d always been broken and had slapped enough Band-Aids on to muddle through. She tried hard to conjure her mother’s face, to remember her smile, but every time she thought of her she saw only blood, heard the sounds of her being beaten and heard her cries of pain. She hadn’t even attended her mother’s funeral. Had there even been a service? Lyric doubted it. There had been no money and no one to care. Lyric had been hospitalized for days and afterward she’d been released into the care of the state. They’d tried their best. Lyric had lived in a poor county without many resources. No one had been willing to foster the silent, grieving child. She’d been too steeped in violence. Many were afraid that Danny Higgins would come after her. After the trial she’d been shipped off to Jackson and shuffled around there. She’d been awarded a new life. New name. New birth certificate. The kind judge had told her that this was her opportunity to rise above her circumstances. It was the only thing that had managed to break through the thick wall of defense she’d erected. She’d taken him at his word. She’s chosen her name to honor her mother’s love for her singing. And she’d made a vow that one day she’d get the hell out of Mississippi and she’d never look back. She’d spent every day after that running. Always running from her past. Burying everything under a don’t-give-a-shit, abrasive exterior so that no one ever dug deep. Until Connor. A fresh surge of pain nearly paralyzed her. She’d believed him. Or maybe she’d been so desperate for someone to love her that she’d been blinded. But she had believed in him and his love for her. She’d wanted it so bad even when it baffled her. She sat up in bed and wrapped her cold arms around herself and hugged as she rocked back and forth. A glance at the clock told her it was nearly two a.m. She laid her cheek on her knees and stared sightlessly toward the window. She didn’t even know where her mother was buried. The thought hit her like a thunderclap and she flinched from the realization. She’d been so focused on her own survival that she’d never gone back to see her mother’s grave. Didn’t even know if her life had been marked by a cold slab of concrete. Had she been forgotten? Brushed aside as a county expense? Had anyone ever brought flowers to acknowledge the life, however short it had been? Lyric struggled out of bed. Her clothes were wrinkled. She hadn’t changed. Blood stained her shirt. Her pants sported a new tear. She thrust her feet into a pair of flip-flops by the bed and went in search of Kane. He wasn’t asleep. It shouldn’t have surprised her. The man was more machine than human. He was awake in the living room, a book propped on his knee. He looked up when she entered and got to his feet with a frown. “You look like hell, Lyric.” She blinked at the personal assessment. It was very unlike Kane to offer more than a professional opinion. But it was clear that concern burned in his eyes. “I need to go to Mississippi,” she said in a stark voice. Kane’s brows drew together in a frown. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” “I have to go. Now. I’d like you to go. I may be crazy but I’m not completely without a sense of self-preservation. I’ll pay you. Of course. Your travel expenses. Whatever.” Kane rubbed a hand through his hair. “Look, Lyric, you’re clearly distraught. No decision should ever be made under this kind of emotional duress. Get some sleep. If you still feel like you need to go tomorrow, I’ll take you.” She turned, her back ramrod stiff. “I’ll go alone, then.” A curse exploded from Kane and he crossed the room to grasp her arm. “What the hell is in Mississippi?” She glanced dully up at him. “My mother.”
Connor’s phone rang at six a.m. He hadn’t slept a wink the entire night. He’d been too pissed and too worried. He reached for the phone he’d tossed on the couch and put it to his ear. “Malone,” he said shortly. “We’re coming over,” Gray said in his ear. “Don’t bother,” Connor muttered. “Fuck you.” The line went dead and Connor slouched back on the couch. He rubbed his forehead tiredly. He should have slept. He had to be at his best to confront Lyric. She was going to listen to him, damn it. He checked his watch. Two more hours. He’d give her two hours and then he was going to take no prisoners. His doorbell rang and he cursed. Damn interfering friends. He dragged himself to his feet and went to open the door. “Don’t look so happy to see us,” Micah said dryly as he shoved his way in. “What the hell do y’all want?” he asked irritably. “Our women heard of the hoopla. They’re all pretty pissed,” Gray said as he and Nathan came in behind Micah. “That was quite a scene yesterday.” Connor sighed in resignation and slammed the door before turning to follow the guys into his living room. “Is everything out?” Connor asked wearily. Nathan’s mouth twisted. “Yeah, I’d say so. Or at least all the sordid details of her past. Julie’s ready to go kick some serious ass even though she has no idea whose ass she wants to kick.” “Lyric thinks I sold her out,” Connor said bleakly. “She confided in me the night before. And then at the music store, it all came out.” “That’s rough,” Micah said. “That had to be a huge shock for her.” “I told her I loved her,” Connor bit out. “I laid it all out. How could she think I’d betray her like that?” “I understand why you’re pissed,” Gray said carefully. “But Lyric doesn’t strike me as someone who has a lot of trust. In anyone. Can’t say I blame her if all that shit is true. You have to admit, the timing of it would cause a knee-jerk reaction.” Connor dropped into a chair and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I get it. I do. I can see how it looks. It looks pretty damn bad.” “The question is, who spilled her story to the media?” Nathan asked. Connor scowled. “My money is on her fuck-head of an ex-manager. When she fired him, he threatened her. Told her he could bury her and that he knew things. If not him, then her ex-bodyguards are likely suspects, provided they knew of her past.” “Want us to find out?” Micah asked a little too eagerly. Connor surveyed the anger in his friends’ eyes and was grateful to have their support. “Yeah. Whatever you can do would be great. I’m going to be a little busy.” Gray lifted an eyebrow and a smile glimmered on his lips. Connor stared over at his friends, his expression resolute. “I’m going to make Lyric listen to me. I get why she thought what she did. I don’t even blame her. It pissed me off, but she was totally unprepared for that to come at her and she reacted. But I’m not letting her go.” His friends’ faces broadened into grins. Gray chuckled. “I always knew that, of any of us, when you fell, you’d fall the hardest.” Connor held up his middle finger and they burst into laughter. CHAPTER 32

L yric stood over the small, plain grave marker that was smudged with dirt and mildew. Weeds had grown over the plot so much that she’d had to shove them aside to even read the inscription. It was short and to the point. No inspirational quote or little tag like loving mother, beloved sister or friend. Just her mother’s name and the dates of her life. Like she hadn’t mattered or she wasn’t important enough to rate something nicer. The flowers shook in her hands. So much so that a few of the petals floated to the ground, marking a stark contrast between the dead, brown grass and the vibrant purple of the violets. They were her mom’s favorite. She’d loved anything purple, but violets were her favorite and they’d grown wild in their yard. Lyric remembered picking them in the spring and her mother’s bright smile when she’d taken the limp flowers from Lyric’s two-fisted grip. Lyric knelt and carefully arranged the violets in a decorative pattern. In the distance she could hear the sounds of cameras and shouted questions. Kane had done a wonderful job positioning his men to keep back the small crowd of reporters who’d flocked to the small town of Collins, Mississippi, the instant the details of her past had been made public. Kane stood a short distance away, keeping to the side to afford her as much privacy as possible. Three of his men formed a wide perimeter around the grave and kept diligent watch on the crowd that the rest of the security team controlled. “I’m making you a promise, Mama. As soon as I settle somewhere and have a home, I’ll make sure you’re moved. There’s nothing for you and me here. You should be somewhere happier. I’ll make sure you have a respectable headstone that celebrates the mother you were and that you died trying to protect me from a monster.” Tears slid down her cheeks and made a pattern in the dust surrounding the grave. Her sobs caught painfully in her chest and her throat swelled with unbearable grief. “I’ll bring you flowers. Violets and maybe some purple irises. I know it’s been a long time since we spoke. I spent so many years angry at you for leaving me. I was wrong. So terribly wrong. I wanted you to know that I did it. I became a singer. Just like you always wanted. I got to choose my new name when everything changed after the trial. I chose Lyric for you. As a promise that I’d fulfill your dream for me. I hope you’re proud of me. I haven’t done a lot to make you proud but I’m going to change that. You deserve more from the daughter you died protecting.” She wiped at her face with the back of her hand and rose to her feet. Kane was there to steady her and he tucked her against him as they walked slowly back to the convoy of SUVs they’d driven from Texas. She’d given Kane the address of her old house. She didn’t even know if it would still be there. She was torn on whether or not she even wanted to face the place where her mother had died, but some force inside her propelled her. Maybe it was her need for closure, or maybe it was finally time to face her demons. She knew only that she couldn’t move forward until she’d come to grips with the terrible hurt inside her. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Kane asked as they pulled away from the cemetery. She nodded, not trusting her voice not to crack if she spoke. The scenery was a blur as they rolled out of town and turned down a series of dirt roads that led farther into the country. When they came to a stop, she sat still in her seat, looking out the window at the run-down, overgrown wooden house where her life had irrevocably changed. It seemed smaller now. Not nearly as menacing as it had when she was a child. She would have sworn it was huge, so large that it swallowed her whole. In reality it was barely larger than a shack. Windows were broken out. Shutters were either missing or barely still hanging. Most of the white paint had long since peeled and chipped away. Boards were missing from the front porch and the lawn obviously hadn’t been maintained since her mother had been murdered. It was a sad, frail house where ghosts of the past still lingered. Carefully she opened her car door and slipped out into the sun. She shivered slightly as the breeze nipped at her skin. It wasn’t a cold day. In fact, it was a glorious day. South on the cusp of spring. The violets she’d remembered growing wild were scattered among the growth of weeds, little bursts of color against the grass still dead from winter. But she felt as though she were encased in ice, as though the spring sun hadn’t quite reached her soul. She stood staring at the shell of a place she’d once lived. Where her most painful memories sprang to life. And she knew she couldn’t go in. That there was no purpose in going in. It was just a house. Just a bunch of wood and nails barely held together. It didn’t have any power over her. The sound of another engine registered in her consciousness. She dragged her gaze from the house, expecting to have Kane shove her back into the car. It was probably more reporters. They’d been pursued ever since they’d arrived in town. To her shock, Connor got out of his truck and strode in her direction, his expression one of great fatigue, hurt and concern. “What the hell are you doing, Lyric?” he demanded as he drew closer. “You shouldn’t go in there alone. You shouldn’t go in there at all.” She stared numbly at him, alternately so glad to see him and so furious that he was here. She was too tired to summon any sort of reaction and so she just stood there, trying to gather the strength to tell him to go. “My God, you look like I feel,” he muttered just as he yanked her into his arms. It didn’t occur to her to push him away. His heat surrounded her, bathing her in a blanket of comfort so sweet that she melted against his chest. She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent and savored the feeling of warmth she’d been denied for so long. He held her so tight it was hard to drag breaths into her lungs. He trembled against her. Shook so hard that she shook too. Finally he pulled her gently away and he stared down at her with haunted eyes. “Why are you here?” she managed to croak out. “How did you know?” “I drove all day to get to you. I went to the house but you had already gone. I’m probably wanted in two states for breaking so many speed laws. I couldn’t stop until I was here with you. I didn’t want you to have to do this alone.” Tears glittered in her vision, blurring him and the world around her. “I don’t understand.” He swore softly and touched her cheek. “Lyric, I didn’t betray you. I know how it looks. I understand why you were so upset. But it wasn’t me. I love you. I’d never do anything to intentionally hurt you.” His explanation muddled her brain. Could she have been so wrong? Who else could possibly have known? She took a tentative step back, a protective measure because, when he touched her, she forgot how to be angry. “Who, then?” Connor glanced around and then rubbed his hands up and down her arms. He leaned back against the SUV she’d gotten out of and pulled her with him so that he looked down at her. “Paul sold you out. He was pissed that you fired him. His threats weren’t empty. He went to the media and spilled his guts.” Her eyes widened in shock—and hurt. “But how...? Why? How did he know? How do you know? I don’t understand any of this.” His chest ached at the pain in her gaze. “Gray, Nathan and Micah paid Paul a little visit. I’m sure they scared the shit out of him. The thing is, he’s known for a long time about your past. Back when you signed with him, he launched an extensive investigation into your background. According to him, it took a year, but he was able to uncover the truth. He kept it to himself—as insurance—and when you fired him, he sold his story for a hell of a lot of money She frowned and sighed. “I guess I’m wrong about everybody. Clearly I have poor judgment when it comes to people.” He touched her cheek. A light caress as his fingers stroked over her face. “You weren’t wrong to trust me, Lyric.” Her eyes clouded and she blinked furiously, determined not to shed more tears. “But I didn’t trust you. How can you even stand to look at me after the awful things I said to you?” He pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to her forehead. “Trust is something you have to work at, baby. We’ll get there. I plan on being around to make it happen. You suffered a horrible shock, and in your mind the only person it could have been was me. That hurt you and I’m so damn sorry. I would have done anything in the world to keep you from being hurt.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on for dear life. She trembled against him and he held her close, his hands rubbing up and down her back. “I love you, Lyric. I love you so damn much my teeth ache. I want us to be together.” “I love you too,” she whispered. He went still against her. His heart thudded wildly against her cheek. He gently pulled her away, cupped her chin and tilted her head until their gazes met. “Say that again,” he said huskily. “I love you. I love you so much it scares me.” He lowered his head and kissed her, his lips melting so sweet over hers. Just a warm brush, so gentle and loving that it made her ache. When he drew away, his eyes were aglow with warmth and contentment, as if she’d given him what he most wanted in the world. It unsettled her that she had. “We’ve got a lot to work on, baby. You’ve got a lot to deal with. I’m going to be with you all the way but you need to get help to deal with everything that’s happened to you. I want you to be healthy and happy for you first.” She swallowed and nodded. He smiled and touched her nose. “I want you to marry me eventually. I want it all, Lyric. You, me, together. But I’m willing to wait as long as it takes for you to come to me happy and whole. Healed. That won’t happen overnight, but I’ll be here when it does.” Her pulse sped up. Adrenaline hummed through her veins, leaving her unsettled and excited. She wrinkled her nose and stared up at him. “I suppose this is where we talk about me quitting my job, marrying, settling down, popping out babies, getting a house with the picket fence and the whole shebang.” She took a deep breath. “I love my career. I know it doesn’t seem like it. I haven’t always had my head screwed on straight. I’m my own worst enemy. But I love singing. I don’t want to stop it.” He gathered her close and stared down at her, his eyes so earnest, so focused on her. “No, this is where we talk about the fact that I’m going to quit my job and follow you around on tour making sure you’re safe and that you take care of yourself the way you should. Babies and the picket fence are purely optional.” “Oh, my,” she breathed. “You aren’t real. You can’t be real.” “I’m real. I’m the man who loves you more than anyone else will ever love you. I’m the man who wants to be with you and will do everything I can to keep you from ever being hurt again.” A tear trickled down her cheek and she sniffled. “Damn it. You’re going to make me cry again.” He held out his hands and she slid her palms over his, lacing their fingers together. “Why don’t we get out of here,” he suggested. “Let’s go on down the road. Find a hotel where we can sleep for about twenty-four hours. Right after I make love you to for about six.” She squeezed his hands and leaned up on tiptoes to kiss him. “I love you, Connor Malone. I never thought I’d love someone the way I love you. I never dreamed someone would love me the way you do.” He smiled and pressed his forehead to hers. “The funny thing about dreams is that every now and then they come true.” CHAPTER 33

I can’t wait to see everyone,” Lyric said as Connor bundled her into the waiting limo. Connor smiled as he slid in beside her. He reached over, wrapped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed. “Have I told you how gorgeous you look?” She flushed and ducked her head. No matter how often he told her how beautiful she was, she never got used to hearing it spoken with such conviction. He truly meant it. The thing was, she was still a size twelve. Closer to a fourteen now. And Connor didn’t give a shit. He couldn’t keep his eyes or hands off her, a fact she delighted in. “I haven’t seen Nia since she was born. I bet she’s half-grown by now,” Lyric said with an unhappy frown. “I miss everyone. We need to get home to see them more often.” Connor chuckled. “If you weren’t wildly successful and so in demand that tour dates keep being added, you’d have more time to go home.” She burrowed into his chest and sighed her contentment as the limo left the Houston airport. Home. It was kind of weird to consider a place home, but Houston had become that for her. It was where Connor’s family and friends lived. Family and friends that had become hers. Connor didn’t know it yet, but she planned to surprise him with the house she’d bought not far from where his dad and sister and brother-in-law lived. Though they weren’t married yet, she and Connor were inseparable. At first she’d worried that he’d been so willing to quit his job and travel with her—working with Kane and his team for her. What if he got bored, tired or regretted his decision to leave his life and career? For her. It was humbling and awe inspiring. Never before had anyone been willing to sacrifice so much for her. She loved him like she’d never imagined being able to love another person. Her cell rang, and she reached into her purse, grinning when she saw that it was Faith. “Where are you?” Faith asked when Lyric said hello. She smiled over at Connor. “We’re in the car now. Should be there in twenty minutes.” Faith’s squeal of delight made Lyric warm all over. In excited tones, Faith relayed the news to the other girls and a chorus of cheers greeted Lyric through the phone. “Hurry!” Faith said. “We’ll see you when you get here.” Lyric slowly closed her phone and battled the knot of emotion in her throat. “They love you,” Connor said. “Just like I do.” She smiled and leaned up to kiss him. “I’m just so... happy. Ridiculously happy. Like so happy I get paranoid that the world’s going to go to shit tomorrow.” He laughed and squeezed her again. “So tell me. How drunk are you girls planning to get?” Lyric grinned. “Who knows with those four. They’re bad influences. I never touched alcohol before them.” A few minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of Cattleman’s. The parking lot was empty. Tonight was a private function. The entire restaurant had been shut down so the girls could get together. Of course the guys would inevitably show up, but no one minded. Life was pretty damn good. Good family. Good friends. A man she loved with everything she had. As soon as the limo came to a stop, the entrance of Cattleman’s flew open and Faith, Julie, Serena and Angelina—a very slim, gorgeous Angelina—flew out to the car. Connor, laughing, opened the door and climbed out, holding his hands up. “Since I know y’all aren’t that excited to see me, let me get Lyric out so y’all can attack her.” Julie rolled her eyes. “Pouty, isn’t he?” Faith hugged Connor as Lyric got out and then Angelina gave him an affectionate squeeze and a kiss on the cheek. “It looks like you’ve taken very good care of her, Connor,” Serena said in a pleased voice. “You both look wonderful.” “Amazing how love does that,” Faith said smugly. The girls gathered around Lyric, all hugging her and smothering her as they laughed and babbled all at once. Connor stood indulgently to the side until they quieted enough for him to get a word in edgewise. Lyric smiled up at him, so happy she could burst. “Okay, time for you to shoo, Connor. The guys aren’t supposed to show up for two hours yet,” Julie said. Connor raised an eyebrow. “What? We’re being allowed entrance into the goddess domain? I thought we were forbidden to be seen on girls’ night out.” “We’re making an exception this time,” Lyric said with a grin. “We get a two-hour head start and then you guys can come join the fun. By then we’ll be too shit-faced to care.” He chuckled and then climbed back into the car. “I’m going over to Gray’s. I’ll send the car back in case you all need it. No taking a cab,” he said sternly. “Oh, we’re staying put,” Serena said airily. “We have our gorgeous bartender who spoils us rotten and I have it on good authority that Carl had some yummy food made for us.” “I’m starving,” Lyric said mournfully. “Food on the plane sucked.” “Well of course it did,” Faith said as she tucked her arm through Lyric’s. “Bye, Connor! We’ll see you in a few hours.” Connor laughed. “I know when I’ve been dismissed.” He leaned down and kissed Lyric before pulling away. “Have a good time, baby.” Lyric waved as he got into the car and then allowed Faith to drag her into the restaurant. As they headed into the quiet and empty place, Lyric grinned in sudden remembrance. “What’s the shit-eating grin for?” Julie asked suspiciously. “Do you guys know that this is where Connor and I first kissed? Well, I can’t really say he kissed me. I kissed him. Right there at the bar.” The girls laughed and Lyric turned her attention to Angelina, who’d been mostly quiet to now. “You look fantastic, Angelina. I’m so jealous. You lost all the baby weight.” Angelina grimaced. “Not all. But I’m getting there.” “How is Nia?” At the mention of her daughter, Angelina positively lit up. “Oh she’s gorgeous. Such a wonderful baby. And Micah is so in love with her. It’s really disgusting how she has him so wrapped around her finger already.” Julie rolled her eyes. “Like mother, like daughter.” Serena and Faith laughed at Angelina’s startled expression. “Well they do have you there,” Lyric pointed out. “That man is an idiot over you.” Angelina’s soft smile glowed. “Hey, ladies. I am here to serve. Just tell me what your pleasure is.” Lyric turned to see a young—and hot—bartender grinning at them. “That’s Drew,” Serena murmured. “Isn’t he yummy? He’s seen us drunk before so you don’t have to worry that he’s going to take photos and sell them to tabloids. Damon has already threatened him with bodily injury if he so much as breathes a word about us being here.” Lyric laughed. “I do love your husband, Serena. He looks and acts so civilized, but underneath he’s a complete barbarian.” Serena beamed. “I know. Isn’t it great?” “Let’s quit talking and start drinking,” Julie said. “We have a lot of catching up to do!” For the next two hours, the drinks flowed freely, as did the laughter and the conversation. Though Lyric had never enjoyed being alone and surrounded herself with people, she’d never surrounded herself with really great people. People she could trust. People who loved her and she loved in return. Being with those people? She didn’t even have the words to describe the feeling. Drew was the dream that the girls had reported him to be. He kept their glasses full, cleaned up their spills and never blinked an eye when their conversations detoured into the way-too-much-information department. “Soooo, Lyric,” Faith began. “Tell us when you’re going to put Connor out of his misery and make an honest man out of him.” Julie, Serena and Angelina all eagerly sat forward, their attention focused solidly on Lyric now. Lyric blushed, but she couldn’t help the wide smile that attacked her face. “Soon,” she said serenely. “I want it to be perfect. Connor’s been... He’s been so patient and understanding. He’s been just perfect.” “Of course he has. He’s in love,” Julie said. “Men are pretty stupid when they’re in love.” Angelina snorted. “You love that Nathan is stupid over you.” Julie grinned. “Yes. I have to admit. I do.” “So how soon?” Serena asked Lyric. “I have another month of touring and then I have a surprise for him. You guys can’t breathe a word!” They all solemnly crossed their hearts and swore never to tell. “I’ve bought a house here in Houston.” The squeals were deafening. It took several minutes to get everyone quiet again and Lyric beamed at them all, thrilled with their excitement. “I’m going to surprise him with the house and then I’m going to ask him to marry me.” “Ohhh, I like it,” Serena said. “You would,” Faith said with a laugh. “She popped the question to Damon after she finally decided to marry him,” she explained to Lyric. “I’m so excited for you, Lyric,” Angelina said. “I’m so glad you’re happy and ready to make the commitment. Connor loves you so much. I want you both to be happy.” “He makes me happy,” Lyric said with a catch in her throat. “I have something I want to tell you guys,” Serena said when things got quiet again. “I wanted to wait until we were all together.” Lyric and the others exchanged worried glances, but the look on Serena’s face was one of utter contentment. She all but glowed. “Damon and I are going to start trying for a baby.” “Oh my God!” Faith shrieked. Julie and Lyric looked at each other with something akin to horror and Angelina promptly laughed when she caught the exchange. “Are you sure, Serena?” Julie asked. “I mean have you worked things out to the point you feel comfortable bringing a baby into the picture?” Serena smiled. “It means that some things will change for us, but not for a while. We’re comfortable with the change. We want... we want to start a family.” “That’s awesome,” Lyric said softly. “I’m so happy for you. You look... delirious.” “I am. This time last year I wouldn’t have been able to imagine having a baby. I wasn’t ready. But now? It’s time.” “I’m still not ready,” Faith muttered. “That pregnancy scare I had awhile back was enough to convince me I won’t be ready for a bit yet.” “Me either,” Julie seconded. Lyric nodded her fervent agreement. “We’ll leave the procreating to the earth mothers over here,” she said, jabbing her thumb in Angelina and Serena’s direction. Angelina snorted. “Earth mother. Yeah. That’s me all right. It’s a wonder I didn’t kill my poor child her first week home. I couldn’t even figure out how to change a diaper. Micah had to help me. Isn’t that pathetic? I swear he has more maternal instinct than I do.” Faith giggled and then the rest joined. It was hard to imagine a dominant badass like Micah being all maternal. “Are you all still conscious?” Nathan called from across the room. The women whipped around on their barstools to see the men trailing into the bar. Lord but they looked good. Although as soon as Connor appeared, Lyric lost all interest in everyone else. Then Micah appeared and Lyric’s eyes narrowed. She cocked her head to the side before she realized what it was she saw attached to Micah. The room went dead silent as all the girls focused their attention on Micah. And then Julie shrieked with laughter. She damn near fell off her barstool as she pointed at Micah and laughed her ass off. “Oh my God!” Julie wheezed. “I win. I win!” “What the hell do you win?” Faith asked with a frown. Tears streamed down Julie’s face as Micah fixed her with a ferocious scowl. “He once bet me that I’d be tamed before he ever would be. We made a bet. Oh my God, I totally win. Look at him. He’s wearing the baby!” There Micah stood, a rueful, somewhat abashed look on his face, Nia securely attached to his chest in a Snuggie. The women died laughing and then the rest of the men joined in. Micah rolled his eyes heavenward and then slung an arm around Angelina. “They’re all just jealous they don’t have my fashion sense,” he muttered. “Nia would make any man look good.” Damon shot Serena a queasy look. “You aren’t going to make me wear our baby, are you?” Serena grinned mischievously while the rest of the room roared with laughter. “I don’t know, Damon. You might look cute with a baby strapped to your chest.” Connor came to stand beside Lyric and wrapped his arm loosely around her shoulders as they laughed with the rest of the group. He stared down into her eyes and what she saw reflected in his warmed her to the bone. “I’m so glad we’re home,” she whispered close to his ear so he could hear over the din. He kissed her lingeringly, ignoring the rest of the group. “Don’t you know, Lyric? I’m home whenever I’m with you.” Love and so much joy flooded her soul. Tears glistened in her eyes as she stared around at the friends—family—who meant so much to her. “Don’t you dare cry,” Julie threatened. “If you make me cry in front of everyone, I’ll kick your ass, Lyric.” Lyric sniffed. “I love you guys.” And then the girls all crowded around her, shoving Connor out of the way as they wrapped their arms tightly around Lyric. “We love you too,” Faith said in her sweet voice. “Hey, Serena. So who gets to be the baby’s godmother?” Julie asked innocently. Serena rolled her eyes. “Oh, I’ll wimp out like Angelina and have to name you all. Poor kid. He or she won’t have a chance.” Lyric gathered them to her again, or as well as she could. Her eyes were all goopy and she probably had mascara everywhere, but she didn’t give a damn. She was with... family.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 359. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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