Студопедия — Life-secure in extreme situations
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Life-secure in extreme situations

Реформирование российской экономики было напрямую связано с появлением новых видов юридических лиц, что, в свою очередь, потребовало разработки специальных законов для определения правового статуса этих юридических лиц и установления правовых основ их создания и деятельности.

Реформирование российской экономики происходит в сложнейших условиях, обусловленных инфляционным и платежным кризисами и политической нестабильностью. Совпадение этих явлений во времени значительно усугубляет экономический кризис в стране.

При реформировании российской экономики требуется выполнить следующую целевую установку - правильно выбрать тип и структуру рыночных отношений.

Курс на коренное реформирование российской экономики, создание и развитие рыночных институтов, постепенное встраивание в мировую экономическую систему необходимо осуществлять и впредь. Речь идет о восстановлении экономики через взвешенную и последовательную экономическую политику. Основная сложность ныне заключается в том, что стратегические задачи повышения эффективности и ее социальной направленности приходится решать одновременно с проблемами преодоления последствий финансового кризиса (август 1998 г.) и восстановления стабильности финансовой системы России. При сохранении общего стратегического направления необходимы корректировка методов проведения экономической реформы, учет и исправление допущенных ошибок.

В процессе реформирования российской экономики происходят глубокие качественные изменения в содержании объективных условий. Применение наукоемких высокотехнологичных комплексов с целью совершенствования технологии производства, повышение конкурентоспособности изделий стимулирует развитие субъективных способностей человека, его организованности и активности.




Vocabulary: Special terms.

Word-formation: Conversion.

Speaking: Speciality.


Train the reading of the words:

extreme [Iks′trI:m] avalanche [′ævəɑ:nò]
extremity [Iks′tre:mItI] glacierslide [′glæsjəslaId]
measure [′meჳə] negligence [′neglI:dჳəns]
hazardous [′hæzədəs] superfluous [sju:′pə:fluəs]
earthquake [′ə:θkweIk] chemicals [′kemIkls]
tornado [tɔ:′neIdou] vehicle [′vI: Ikl]
tsunami [tsu′nɑ:mI] disease [dI′zI:z]
drought [drɔ:t] environment [In′vaIərənmənt]

Learn the pronunciation and meaning of the words:

to imply [Im'plaI] подразумевать, означать
measure ['meჳə] мера
hazardeous ['hæzədəs] рискованный, опасный
earthquake ['ə:θkweIk] землетрясение
tsunami [tsu'nɑ:mI] цунами; громадная (сейсмическая) морская волна
hurricane ['hΛrIkən] ураган
flood [flΛd] наводнение
eruption [I'rΛpò(ə)n] извержение (вулкана)
volcano [vɔl'keInou] вулкан
drought [drɔ:t] засуха
swampying ['swɔmpI Iη] заболачивание
avalanche ['ævəlα:nò] лавина, снежный обвал
poisonous ['pɔIznəs] ядовитый
drowning [draunIη] утопление, потопление
negligence ['neglIdჳəns] небрежность
notify ['noutIfaI] сообщать, уведомлять
arable ['ærəbl] пахотный (о земле)
superfluous [sju:'pə:fluəs] излишний, чрезмерный
withering ['wIðərIη] увядание, иссушение
contamination [kən‚tæmI'neIòən] загрязнение, заражение
disease [dI'zI:z] болезнь
asthma ['æsmə] астма (приступ удушья)
catarrh [kə'tα:] катар (воспаление слизистой оболочки дыхательных путей)
silicosis ['sIlIkɔsIs] силикоз (болезнь, возникающая вследствие вдыхания пыли, содержащей силикаты кремния)
environment [In'vaIərənmənt] окружающая среда

Vocabulary development: word building:

Translate the original and derivative words, using a dictionary:

verb noun (abstract) noun (personal) adjective adverb
to secure security   - secure
- extreme extremeness extremity   extremist extreme extremely  
to derive derivation derivative   - derivable derivative
to erupt eruption   - eruptive
to deliver delivery deliverance   deliverer -
to glaciate glacier   - glacial


Life-secure in extreme situations

The word “extreme” as an adjective applied to speaking of space (at or near the end or edge); time (earliest or latest), quality (highest or greatest; reaching a high degree), person (very advanced; not moderate), action (very drastic); as a noun the word extreme means something unusual. Expression “to go to extremes” implies “to take extreme measures; to do more than is usual, necessary or desirable”. The derivative noun “extremity” also means “the extreme point or end” and the word – combination “extreme measures” is equal to “to go (to proceed) to extremities” or “adopt very strong or unusual measures”.

The extreme situations are hazardous ones, they may be caused by nature or by man. To the natural factors may belong: earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, tsunamies, hurricanes, floods, eruptions of volcanoes, droughts, damages of roads, bridges, buildings, ships sinking, swampying (marshying) soils, avalanches, explosions at chemical enterprises, burning chemical substances resulting in poisonous fumes and smokes, lightning, landslides, glacierslides, ice storms, radiation, drowning, epidemics.

Some of these hazards are long-term, the others are sudden. Some may happen because of the negligence of competent structures, which should notify the citizens and official services of the need for special care in order to avoid losses or reduce the number of victims. To the hazards caused by a man may belong: fires, peril of arable soils in the result of superfluous fertilizes, drying up rivers and other basins, withering plants, crashes of airplanes, poisoning water basins with chemicals, crashes of dwelling houses, disrepair everything connected with electric current, terror acts, strikes, damages of pipelines, clashes of transport vehicles entailing death accidents.

Some extreme situations are not destructive as such, but they damage humans health: air and water contamination, noise, fumes, smokes; all these may result in various diseases, including acute respiratory infections and asthma, nasal catarrh, major skin diseases, silicosis and other.

Most of the population is exposed to another danger of environmental pollution – to pesticides. It has been long known that they may be toxic and effect the human health.

Besides, the scientists note, that total emissions per unit of delivered energy were substantially greater from burning solid fuels than from burning liquid or gaseous fuels. Based on the latest surveys the specialists say, that the use of biofuels for cooking and heating can be a major contributor to air pollution. During combustion, carbon in biofuels is converted to suspended solids and gases, including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds. Black carbon (soot) created from household burning of biofuels, is another pollutant that can have major impacts on the environment. In the result, the challenge for health and energy policies is to increase access to clean energy, minding that household energy, technologies largely depend on the behavior of people who use them.

One of the specialized subjects studied by the students of this proliferation is physiology, which is closely connected with the medicine of catastrophes. It is worth mentioning that the main purpose of the specialists of such qualification is to forecast and prevent extreme situations. For this it is necessary to reveal the reasons of the hazards.



Answer the questions:

1. What is the definition of the word “extreme”?

2. What does the word “extremity” mean?

3. What are the reasons of extreme situations?

4. What are the natural hazards?

5. What is the role of humanitarian factor?

6. What hazards can be caused by men?

7. What factors are harmful for the people’s health?

8. What can you tell about contamination of earth, air and water?

9. What are specialized subjects studied at the faculty?

10. Is it possible to prevent natural and humanitarian hazards?

Speak on your specialty touching the following items:

1. Why did you choose this specialty?

2. What are the responsibilities of extreme situations engineers?

3. What natural hazards do the extreme situations engineers encounter with?

4. How does negligence and man’s activity influence the environment?

5. What can the pollution of the nature result in?

6. How is the medicine of catastrophes connected with your specialty?


Checklist for topic:

1. What is conversion as a way of word building?

2. What does the word “extreme” mean?

3. Enumerate natural extreme situations.

4. Name the human extreme situations.

Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 1757. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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