Студопедия — Ex. 10. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct Tense forms (active or passive). Translate the sentences into Russian
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Ex. 10. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct Tense forms (active or passive). Translate the sentences into Russian

Whichever model of European integration ultimately prevails, the EU undoubtedly (to confront) by a number of testing problems. Perhaps the oldest of these is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which (to ensure) that the bulk of EU funds still (to use) to subsidise uncompetitive farming. Although the need to reform the CAP widely (to accept), this entails tackling powerful farming lobbies in states such as France and Germany, and throughout southern Europe. A second problem is the so-called 'democratic deficit'. This usually (to understand) to mean the EU lack of democratic accountability, which (to reflect) in the weakness of its only directly elected body, the European Parliament. While lack of accountability is a common criticism of the European Union, anti-federalists are also reluctant to grant the European Parliament greater powers for fear that this might accelerate the integration process. Thirdly, the collapse of communism and the end of the division of Europe (to create) pressure for the eastward expansion of the European Union. Not only does this raise serious difficulties related to the incorporation of former communist states still in the process of transition, but it also (to raise) questions about how far the EU can be 'deepened' at the same time as it is 'widened'. Finally, there are serious doubts about the ability of the EU to be an effective international actor in any capacity other than as a trading bloc. This (to underline) by its paralysis in relation to the collapse of the former Yugoslavia and the ensuing ethnic carnage.

Ex. 11. Translate from Russian into English

1. Европейская Комиссия является исполнительным органом Европейского Союза. Она инициирует законодательные предложения и следит за (to be a watchdog for sth.) выпол­нением принятых решений и договоров.


2. В Совет министров ЕС входят министры стран-участниц. Руководство Советом меняется каждые полгода в порядке ротации (to rotate).

3. Европейский Совет представляет собой форум, в работе которого принимают участие главы правительств вместе со своими министрами иностранных дел и двумя комиссара­ми. Они встречаются для обсуждения общих направлений (overall directions) работы Союза.

4. Европейский парламент избирается непосредственно насе­лением стран-участниц Союза и является органом, контро­лирующим все аспекты деятельности Союза.

5. Европейский суд интерпретирует право Европейского Союза, которое имеет верховенство (to have primacy over) над национальным правом стран-участниц. Суд может ре­комендовать не применять (to 'disapply') местное законода­тельство. Как суд первой инстанции (A Court of first instance) может рассматривать (to handle cases) дела, посту­пившие от частных лиц и компаний.

Ex. 12. Write questions to these answers


1 _______________ „__^___________ -___ _

It was constructed at the San Francisco Conference (April-June 1945) in the dying days of the Second World War.


Yes, it's the most advanced experiment in world government to


3 ^_____________________________ ________ —

It has attempted to avoid the manifest failures of the League of,


4 ____________._____________________ 1

There were high expectations, that this period would be marked
by a rejection of the power politics of the past, paving the way
for an era of peace and international cooperation. f

The UN Charter laid down the highest standards of international
conduct for nations wishing to join the organisation. !


The renunciation of the use of force (except in self-defence) the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means, cooperation to ensure respect for human rights and fundamental

freedoms, and the recognition of national sovereignty and the right to self-determination.

7_______________ „_______________ _^____

At the heart of this approach lies a commitment to the principle of collective security and the belief that collective action can provide an alternative to the 'old polities', which was based on the pursuit of national interest and the maintenance of a balance of power.

8 __^________________ _^___„

Yes, it has. The UN has undoubtedly established itself as a genuinely world body.

9 _^__„^_„^_—„^^___^_^_

It is regarded by most as an indispensable part of the

international political scene. 10

It is difficult to argue that it has, or perhaps could ever, live up to the expectations of its founders.

Ex, 13. Fill in the gaps with the articles

... structure of the UN centres around... General Assembly, which consists of all... member states, each of which has... single vote.... General Assembly can debate and pass... resolutions on any matter covered by... charter.... Important decisions must be carried by... two-thirds majority, but these decisions are recommendations rather than being enforceable international law.... UN is... propaganda arena as opposed to... effective parliament.... most significant UN body is the Security Council, which is charged with... maintenance of international peace and security, and is thus responsible for the UN's role as negotiator, observer, peace keeper, and, ultimately, peace enforcer,... Council has 15 members. The 'Big Five' are permanent 'veto powers', meaning that they can cancel... decisions made by other members of... Council.... other ten members are non-permanent members that are elected for two years by the General Assembly.

... World Court (formerly the International Court of Justice) is... judicial arm of the UN.... Secretariat is... executive branch of the UN, and it is headed by... UN Secretary General.

Although... UN is best known for its high-profile peacekeeping operations, its reputation is shaped by... work of... number of specialised agencies coordinated by... Economic and Social Council of... General Assembly. These include... World Health Organisation (WHO),... United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),... United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation


5 - 5202

(UNESCO), and... United Nations Higher Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).

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