Студопедия — Transcript 3.4
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Transcript 3.4

Hi, I am David Tailor, your coach. And today we're going to talk about writing this thing right here – the abstract.

The abstract is exactly what it says. Your goal in writing an abstract is literally to abstract or extract the essential information from the things that you read.

Now your goal in this assignment number one – Writing the abstract – is two folds.

Goal number one is to analyze the things that you read, so that you can extract or abstract from them. There are four essential ingredients. In those four essential ingredients are:

Number one’s the purpose (an objective); the faces, the goal, the reason for being, the overall point, the gest, the colonel, the purpose and objective being able to abstract it and express in one semantogram.

Next thing you're going to be looking for is the methods that that the scholar use to study his or her subject or perhaps the experimental methods that the experimenter used to conduct the experiment.

The third thing you're going to look for is the results. In other words what did that scholar find when he or she studied, what did that researcher find when he or she conducted that experiment.

And then the fourth thing is their conclusions or inferences drawn by that scholar or that researcher based upon his or her study and experiment.

So you're going to find those four things in the article that you're going to read and you're going to express them in a clear concise well-written abstract.

The second goal is of course to practice that writing because you're going to be writing as well as reading abstracts throughout your graduate career here at the USA.

Now to help you with this assignment I want to take you to our classroom and show you some of the materials that I want you to make sure that you take a look at.

The first thing I want you to take a look at is in the conferences.

In the second thread (thread [θ red] – шаг, подсказка) I have posted three links for you. And I want you to take a look particularly at this link right here from the University of Mississippi Writing Center.

When you go there you're gonna find that they describe two kinds of abstract.

The descriptive abstract is that I want in a two sentence summary. That's not what you're writing, that's what you sometimes see in shortened abstracts in bibliographic databases.

What you're going to be writing is the informative abstract.

The informative abstracting - an APA - is about two hundred fifty words long is written in a block paragraph and that means no intention. It's a small but important detail because as a graduate student as a researcher you have to establish your credibility by paying attention to details. And one of the details I want to pay attention to is block paragraphing - no intention in the abstract.

So take a look at that website from the University of Mississippi. You'll also see a list here, a four other things to look at. And believe me if you simply wright one or two or three sentences about each of those things right there put those sentences together with transitions you'll have a great abstract.

Something else that I've posted for you in the classroom if you look over the contents section here is the actual article that you're going to abstract. It's called ‘Workplace communication’. It's a big pdf but scroll down and look at this information at the bottom of the page. This is the information that you're going to use to write your citation – your APA reference citation.

Now I want you to use format number one journal with a DOI for your reference citation format and you can find that in your APA 6th edition style manual.

One least thing that I want to look at this is also in our content section. I have given you full assignment instructions just like the ones in this video. But more importantly right here, I have given you a model or a template to follow.

Now listen, whenever a teacher or supervisor gives you a model or template to follow, whether it's a memo to employees or an employer evaluation template, you need to follow that template exactly because that's what the supervisor or that's what the teacher wants back is that templates.

Notice your template here verses the title of your assignment, then comes your reference citation following that reference format number one journal with idea why. Then come to two hundred and fifty word block paragraph with that as well written and concise.

One more last point to let you go: Never be or never let your supervisor or your teacher be the second person to read something you have written. You are always the first person in between you and that person doing the evaluating – the supervisor of the teacher. Put somebody else to help you proofread (делать корректуру, корректировать). Never let the teacher of the supervisor sees it after you, because, listen, it is one hundred percent impossible for foreigners to one hundred percent proofread their own work accurately. You just can't do it. Psychologically it’s impossible for you to proofread your own work accurately. Put somebody in between yourself and the teacher and the supervisor, have them read what you've written, have them read that aloud and just circle the things that they have questions about. You do that and I guarantee that your writing will improve quite a bit.

Okay as usual if you had any questions about this assignment don't hesitate to contact me.


Unit 2

3.1 Start-up: In which country is sending a red Christmas card considered bad manners because usually funeral notices are printed in red?



b)Listen and write down the numbers and quantities you hear.


  7, 489
  3.8 bn
  € 49 m
  $ 19.62
  175 m2
  1, 240, 000


3.3 a) Look at the visuals. Match the letters with the descriptions.

1) C. 3) A. 5) E.
2) F. 4) D. 6) B.


3.3 c) Read the English cliché s to describe visuals. Divide them into three categories listed below. Match the English cliché s with their Russian equivalents.

1. C. a)
2. A. b)
3. B. c)

3.3 d) Match the two parts to make sentences used to talk about visuals.



4.4 a) Listen to the report about the use of plastics and complete the chart.

1) 1 % footwear
2)   % packaging industry
3)   % building and construction sector
4)   % electrical and electronics industry
5)   % furniture and housewear sector
6)   % transport sector
7)   % agriculture
8)   % medical sector
9)   % mechanical engineering sector
10)   % toys sector
11)   % sports sector

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