Студопедия — Ex 38 Open the brackets, using correct tense forms (active and passive). Retell the passage
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Ex 38 Open the brackets, using correct tense forms (active and passive). Retell the passage




After Hermione (choose) Freddy Fitzhugh from among her many admirers everybody (find) that she (make) a good choice. Freddy (be) well-to-do, good-looking and no fool. Their engagement (talk) much about. They (be) to get married at the end of May.

On a fine spring morning they (go) together to Bond Street* to choose rings. One after another rings (show) to Hermione and she (discuss) them with a knowledge that (surprise) Freddy and (delight) the owner of the shop. While they (examine) the rings two men (enter) the shop and (ask) to show them some bracelets. Several bracelets (put) on the counter in front of them. But the men (be) much more difficult to please than Hermione (be). It (seem) to the shop assistant that they never (come) to a decision. They (examine) the bracelets for some time when things (begin) to happen at once. A car (drive) up at the shop and (not be) there for more than a minute when one of the men (strike) the assistant on the head while the other (take) half a dozen bracelets that (lie) on the counter and (start) running toward the door.

Freddy (see) that Hermione (stand) alone at the door. She (make) no attempt to step out of the man's way. Freddy (think) she (be) too paralyzed by terror to move. The man who (approach) the door now (raise) his hand to strike her. But he never (do). At the last moment Hermione (move) a step aside and the man (go) head first through the shop window. All this (take) only a few seconds of time.

" You should (tell) me you knew Ju-Jitsu, " Freddy (say).

" I (teach) by an expert."

" I see, " Freddy (say). " You know, Hermione, there (be) quite a few things about you that I (not know)."

(After " The Story of Hermione" by Cyril Hare)

Ex 39 Rewrite (or retell) in narrative form.


The next time he saw her was at the monthly fair.

" Hello, Maggie, " he said, and wondered that he got pleasure out of pronouncing her name.

" Hello, Coleman, " she said.

" You have cattle? "

" There they are, " she said. And he looked at them, and there were three and they were good, small black mountain cattle.

" They are not too bad, " he said. " What are you asking for them? "

" Fifty pounds each, " said Maggie, and Coleman laughed and said: " What? Are they filled with gold, or what? "

" No, they are filled with meat and they are the best cattle in the fair."

But Coleman wanted to bargain. " I'll give you forty for each of them."

" Coleman, you know that they are worth more than that, and even if I have to walk them home again I will do so."

And, strangely enough, he was very pleased that she was bargaining, and it took him three-quarters of an hour to bring the price down to thirty shillings on each of them and they struck the bargain and he shook her hand.

(After " Barney's Maggie" by W. Macken)

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