Студопедия — Conjugation of Verbs
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Conjugation of Verbs

Present indicative

Person Singular number Plural number
  Early ME Late ME Early ME Late ME
  ich tell-e I tell-e we tell-eth(in the South) ye} tell-(e)s(in the North) they tell-en(Midlands) we you tell -e they
  thou tell-est you tell-e
  he tell-eth(in the South), he tell-es(in the North) he tell-es


The verbs haven and bēn preserved their forms of the 3-rd person, singular in -eth: hath, doth long after; later has and does ousted them..

The use of -eth was stylistically restricted to high poetry and religious texts.

The loss of the plural ending –n in the past indicative led to the disappearance of person and number distinctions, with the exception of the form of the 2-nd person singular, which kept the ending -est, but for a short time.

Conjugation of Verbs

Past Indicative

tellen (a weak verb), bynden (a strong verb)

Person Singular number Plural number
  I told-e,bǭnd we you told(en), bound(en) they
  thou told-est,bound-e
  he told-e,bǭnd

Changes in the Morphological Classes of Verbs in Middle English and Early New English

All types of verbs existing in OE – strong, weak, preterite-present and irregular – were, on the whole, well preserved in ME.

Strong Verbs

In ME strong verbs underwent essential changes.

Both the infinitive ending - an and the past plural ending - on were weakened to - en (- n) and coincided with the ending of the past plural - en. As a result, many basic forms of the verb fell together and became homonymous.

Changes of the Basic Forms of Strong Verbs in Middle English and Early New English

Class Period Infinitive Past sg Past pl Past Participle
  OE wrītan wrāt writon writen
ME writen wrote writen writen
NE write wrote written
  OE cēosan cēas curon coren
ME chesen chees chosen chosen
NE choose chose chosen
  OE findan fand fundon funden
ME finden fand founden founden
NE find found found
  OE beran bær bǣron boren
ME beren bar beren/bar boren
NE bear bore born
  OE sp(r)ecan sp(r)æc spǣcon specen
ME speken spak speken/spak spoken
NE speak spoke spoken
  OE scacan scōc scōcon scacen
ME shaken shook shoken shaken
NE shake shook shaken
  OE cnāwan cnēow cnēowon cnāwen
ME knowen knew knewen knowen
NE know knew known


In Early New English the final -n was lost in the infinitive and the past tense plural, but sometimes it remained intact in the past participle, probably, to distinguish the participle from other forms. Cf NE stole – stolen, spoke – spoken, but bound – bound.

In the Northern dialects the root vowel of the past singular began to penetrate into the past plural, whereas in the South and South-West the root vowel of the past singular was often replaced by that of the past plural or the past participle, thus preparing the reduction of four main forms of strong verbs to three.

With the loss of the distinction between the past singular and past plural, the number of the basic forms of the strong verbs was reduced from four to three.


Infinitive Past Past participle
write wrote written
shake shook shaken


Root vowel interchange as a form-building means became unproductive.

Grammatical alternation of consonants has been completely lost (Cf OE cēo s an–cēa s – cu r on–co r en – ME che s en–cho s e–cho s en), except the interchange of z-r in wa s -we r e.

The distinctions between the verb classes which had similar forms disappeared, e.g. OE sp(r)ecan (class 5) began to build the past participle like verbs of class 4 (spoken).

In ME and in Early NE the number of strong verbs diminished. More than a hundred verbs were lost altogether, among them faren, niman. Some of them became obsolete (e.g. weorþan), others became weak (slǣpan > sleep): they began to form their past and past participle with the help of the dental suffix instead of vowel gradation (slept).

Out of 195 OE strong verbs, preserved in the English language, only 67 have retained strong forms with root-vowel interchanges. 128 verbs acquired weak forms. Nowadays most of them belong to regular or standard verbs.

The number of new verbs, which joined the classes of strong verbs, was very small – several former weak verbs: NE dig, hide, stick, wear and three borrowings – take < Sc taka, thrive < Sc þrīfa and strive < Fr estriver.

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