Студопедия — Antonymous Translation
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Antonymous Translation

Taking into account that the term “antonym” is usually used when speaking about the words with opposite meanings in one and the same language we shall say that antonymous translation is a complex Lexico-Grammatical Substitution of the negative construction by the positive one or vice versa. B. We also can give one more example:1) You’ll be quite safe with him. С ним тебя никто не тронет.



13. Figures of quantity: hyperbole, meiosis, litotes.

Hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration of a certain quality of an object or phenomenon. assigned features. Hyperbole can be expressed by all notional parts of speech. The most typical cases of expression are: by pronouns (all, every, everybody, everything); by numerical nouns (a million, a thousand); by adverbs of time (ever, never). Hyperbole may be the final effect of other stylistic devices: metaphor, similie, irony. Communicative function. Hyperbole mounts the expressiveness of speech. Ex-s: Mary was scared to death. I beg a thousand pardons.

Meosis This figure of quantity is opposite in meaning to hyperbole. Meiosis is a deliberate diminution of a certain quality of an object or phenomenon. Assigned features. Meiosis underlines insignificance of such qualities of objects and phenomena as their size, volume, distance, time, shape, etc. The domain of meiosis is colloquial speech. Communicative function. Meiosis makes speech expressive. Ex-s: There was a drop of water left in the bucket. It was a cat-size pony.

Litotes is a specific variant of meiosis. Assigned features. Litotes has a peculiar syntactic structure. It is a combination of the negative particle "not" and a word with negative meaning or a negative prefix. Such a combination makes positive sense: "not bad" means "good", "not unkind" means "kind", etc.

Litotes is used in all functional styles of English. Communicative functions. Litotes extenuate positive qualities of objects or phenomena. It makes statements and judgments sound delicate and diplo­matic. It also expresses irony. Ex-s: The decision was not unreasonable. The venture was not impossible.


14. Figures of quality are tropes and figures of speech based on comparison of features and qualities of two objects, belonging to different areas or classes, which are perceived as having a common feature. The basic tropes in this group are metaphor, metonymy, and irony.

Metonymy is transference of a name of one object to another object. Metonymic transference of names is based upon the principle of conti­guity of the two objects. Assigned features. As a rule, metonymy is expressed by nouns, less frequently – by substantivized numerals. That is why the syntactic functions and positions of metonymic words are those of the subject, object and predicative. Classification. Metonymy may be lexical and contextual (genuine). Lexical metonymy is a source of creating new words or new meanings: table's leg, teapot's nose, a hand (instead of a worker), the press (instead of people writing for newspapers). Such metonymic meanings are registered in dictionaries. It is obvious that lexical metonymy is devoid of stylistic information. Contextual metonymy is the result of unexpected substitution of one word r another in speech. It is fresh and expressive: This pair of whiskers is a convinced scoundrel. Communicative functions. Stylistic metonymy builds up imagery, points out this or another feature of the object described, and makes speech eco­nomical. ex-s: The sword is the worst argument in a situation like that. I wish you had Gary's ears and Jack's eyes. Linda gave her heart to the grocer's young man.

Metaphor is the second figure of quality. Metaphor, like metonymy, is also the result of transference of the name of one object to another ob­ject. However, metaphoric transference is of different nature: it is based upon similarity of the objects (not contiguity). Classification. The nature of metaphor is versatile, and metaphors may be classified according to a number of principles. 1. According to the pragmatic effect produced upon the addressee met­aphors are subdivided into trite (or dead) and genuine (or original). Dead metaphors are fixed in dictionaries. They often sound banal and hackneyed, like cliches: to prick up one's ears; the apple of one's eye; to burn with desire. Original metaphors are not registered in dictionaries. They are created in speech by speakers' imagination. They sound fresh and expressive, unexpected and unpredictable: Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 2. According to the degree of their stylistic potential metaphors are clas­sified into nominational, cognitive and imaginative (or figurative). Nomitional metaphors do not render any stylistic information. They are in­tended to name new objects or phenomena of the objective world. A nomina­tional metaphor is a purely technical device of nomination, when a new notion ~med by means of the old vocabulary: the arm of the chair, the foot of the hill. Nominational metaphor is a source of lexical homonymy.When an object obtains a quality which is typical of another object, cognitive metaphor is formed: One more day has died. A witty idea has come to me. Being a source of lexical polysemy, cognitive metaphors do not possess at stylistic value.The most expressive kind of metaphor is imaginative metaphor. Imag­inative metaphors are occasional and individual. They are bright, image-bear­2, picturesque and poetic: Time was bleeding away. If there is enough rain, the land will shout with grass. 3. Metaphors may be also classified according to their structure (or ac­cording to complexity of image created). There are such metaphors as sim­ple (or elementary) and prolonged (or sustained). A simple metaphor con­sists of a single word or word-combination expressing indiscrete notion: The leaves were falling sorrowfully. A good book is the best of friends. A sustained metaphor appears in cases when a word which has been used metaphorically makes other words of the sentence or paragraph also realize their metaphoric meanings: The average New Yorker is caught in a Machine. He whirls along, he is dizzy, he is helpless. If he resists, the Machine will mangle him. If he does not resist, it will daze him first with its glittering reiterations, so that when the mangling comes he is past knowing. In fact, a sustained metaphor is a sequence of simple metaphors, most of which are cognitive. This chain of simple metaphors unfolds the meaning of the first, initial metaphor. Communicative functions. Metaphor is one of the most powerful means of creating images. Its main function is aesthetic. Its natural sphere of usage is poetry and elevated prose. Additional features. Canonized metaphors tend to become symbols. A symbol is an object which stands for something else. It is a reference in speech or in writing which is made to stand for ideas, feelings, events, or conditions. A symbol is usually something tangible or concrete which evokes something abstract

IRONY This figure of quality is realized when the speaker intentionally breaks the principle of sincerity of speech. Ironically used words acquire meanings opposite to their primary language meanings: ironical good means bad, enough means not enough. Assigned features. Though irony is a contextual stylistic device, there exist -as and word-combinations which convey ironical meaning out of context: too clever by half, a young hopeful, head cook and bottle washer, to orate. In order to help the addressee decode irony the speaker often resorts to appropriate intonation and gestures. Communicative function. Irony is generally used to convey a negative meaning or emotion: irritation, regret, dissatisfaction, disappointment, displeasure, etc. ex-s: What a noble illustration of the tender laws of this. Thank you very much for trumping my ace! There are various types of irony. They have in common the adoption of a distance from the subject for satirical or critical effect. A speaker might take up an opponent's argument and then exaggerate it to reveal its weaknesses. This is Socratic irony. Writers or speakers might pretend to hold opinions which are the exact opposite of what they truly believe. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience at a play know something of which the characters on stage are ignorant. Irony is often classed as a form of humour, along with sarcasm and satire. These do not necessarily evoke laughter, but rather a wry shrug or assent to the idea that the received world picture has been disturbed.


15. Figures of combination: simile, synonyms, oxymoron, climax, zeugma. ( немає про climax )

Similie -This figure of identity consists in expressive comparison of two objects which have something in common.

Assigned features. Simile should not be confused with logical comparison which is devoid of any stylistic meaning. The sentence "John can run as fast as Jack" contains purely logical confrontation of two objects. Here are some more examples of logical comparison: John is older than Sam. John behaves like his father. Іван Захарович знає це краще, ніж будь-хто.

Classification. Simile may be expressed by means of the following structural variants:

1. Conjunctions as or like:

Rosa is as beautiful as a flower. Paula is like a fairy.

2.Adverbial clauses of comparison (conjunctions as, as if, as though):

Robin looked at Sibil as a mouse might look at a cat. Viola behaves as if she were a child.

3. Adjectives in the comparative degree: Roy behaved worse than a cut-throat.

4.Adverbial word-combinations containing prepositional attributes:

With the quickness of a cat. Samuel climbed up the tree.

5.Simile may be implied, having no formal indications of comparison:

Odette had a strange resemblance to a captive bird. \

Conjunctions of comparison in the Ukrainian language are the following: як, мов, мовби, немов, немовбиначе, начебто, неначе, ніби, нібито, ніж, аніж, etc.:

Гули хрущі та літали, як кулі.Обмок – як вовк, обкис -, як біс, голодний – як собака. Всі слухали ораторів так, як можна слухати спущених на землю на парашутах янголів з вістю про благословення Боже.

Ваша образа для мене гіршесмерті. Наполоханою пташкою кинуласяМарія до сінешніхдваерей.

Comunicative function. Simile is one of the most frequent and effective means of making speech expressive. The more unexpected the confrontation of two objects is, the more expressive sounds simile.


Synonyms are the words that have a similar denotational meaning to another(express the same idea). They are two or more words of the same part of speech possessing one or more identical denotation mean. And interchangeable in context. Words have grammatical and denotational mean. If two or more words have identical gram meaning they cannot be considered synonyms. Ex-good, fine,okay. Two or more polysemantic words can never be syn in all their meaning.ex-sight and vision. A group of synonyms are called synonymic set. (eg-famous, celebrited,renound.). Each synonymic set(ST) has a word which expresses the most generai idea and holds a commanding position over other words.This word is called a synonymic dominant. eg: To leave -to depart-to quit-to retire-to clear out.Using of S: -s can be used instead of common words(frequency high words)-common w lack power in our writing.they can make our writing boring.by choosing more unusual w a text can became interesting. Functions:- substitution (to avoid repetition and monotomy)/ -to reach greater accuracy and avoid incorrectness/ - expressive stylistic function.


Oxymoron - two words that are opposites (or close opposites) side by side.

E/G. Open secret

Tragic comedy

Seriously funny

Awfully pretty

Function: oxymorons are used for a variety of purposes. Sometimes they are used to create some sort of drama for the reader or listener, and sometimes they are used to make the person stop and think, whether it's to laugh or to ponder.In everyday conversation,people use it to to show wit.


Zeugma - are figure of speech in which one single phrase or word joins different parts of a sentence.

E.G. He lost his coat and his temper."

"You held your breath and the door for me."

Function: The zeugma is sometimes utilized to create drama, add emotion or produce some sort of shock value. While there can still be an underlying sense of confusion, generally an zeugma is used purposely.

Climax(gradation) - an ascending series of words or utterances in which intensity or significance increases step by step.

Climax refers to a figure of speech in which words, phrases, or clauses are arranged in order of increasing importance.

E.g. "There are three things that will endure: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."


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