Студопедия — Look at the phrases which might be appropriate in your comment on the presentation given at a conference and match them with the right category.
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Look at the phrases which might be appropriate in your comment on the presentation given at a conference and match them with the right category.

CATEGORY Useful phrases
1) Presentation delivery A)Though further development and discussion of this issue especially in the area of … is needed to advance research on these matters, we think this report is a candidate for the best paper award./The Jury considered this paper to be a convincing contribution to the theme of the conference; it is innovative and creative as …
2) Introduction B) The research found that…In addition, / also … The researcher(s) looked at / found how …/ According to X…/ The article focuses on…/
3) Work’s assessment C) Good morning (afternoon, evening), ladies and gentlemen (members of the jury, esteemed guests, members of the board, fellow colleagues, everybody). I would like to comment on/ to say some words about X’s report ‘On the University’. The theme of this report is … / X’s report is about…
4) Report’s summary D) Information is organized in a clear, logical way, none items of information seem out of place. All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors. Presentation includes all material needed to gain a comfortable understanding of the topic. While delivering the presentation, the reporter does not use any cheat-sheets, the presentation is oral. There might be 1-2 language mistakes, but they don’t hinder the understanding. The speaker uses appropriate presentation and linking phrases wherever necessary. The speaker keeps eye-contact all the time, often addresses the audience directly, asks questions, and attracts listeners’ attention. Background and animation effects do not detract attention from text or other graphics. Choice of background is consistent from slide to slide and is appropriate for the topic. Font formats (e.g., color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content. The text on the slides contains only keywords and sentence fragments. Numbers and bullets are used appropriately. There are not more than 7 lines on every slide Presentation shows considerable originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting way. All the pictures, diagrams and other illustrations are relevant to the information provided in the presentation. Illustrations are used wherever necessary. The first and the last slides look the same and contain the presentation title and its authors’ names. Presentation has few misspellings or lexical grammatical errors. Sources are given for each text quoted and item (picture, photo, etc.) used. References are placed on the last but one slide.
5)Conclusion and recommendations E) The advantages of the work are … A bad thing about this research is…, another problem is…/ The results might not be the same for / cannot be applied to…/ There was no …, making it impossible to conclude that / so we can’t know how (when, where…) Quality of technical content of this research can be described as excellent work and a significant contribution (good work, significant; solid work; weak content; only an insignificant contribution; questionable work)./ Significance of the report for theory or practice can be estimated as very significant (significant; not bad; low significance; only of marginal significance; absolutely insignificant)./ Originality and level of innovativeness of the paper is groundbreaking (a pioneer work; one step forward; better works on the same topic exist; this has been said several times; outdated work).

Role play

2) Imagine that you are a part of a jury at a conference, listen to the participants’ reports, fill in the evaluation form and be ready to comment your assessment using useful phrases given above.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 504. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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