Студопедия — Look at the phrases which might be appropriate in your research and match them to their correct function below.
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Look at the phrases which might be appropriate in your research and match them to their correct function below.

1. Welcome/ Good morning (afternoon, evening), ladies and gentlemen (members of the jury, esteemed guests, members of the board, fellow colleagues, everybody).

2. I’d like to start by thanking you / to start, thank you all for coming to my talk today./ Thank you for your kind introduction.

3. Let me introduce myself./ I'd like to start by introducing myself. I’m Tony Black and at present / My name is Tony Black and I’m a Master / PhD candidate at MIT.

4. My talk today is / I’m going to talk today about my resent research investigating…/ In this presentation I’d like to focus on …/ The subject of my presentation is.../ The theme of my talk is...

5. To start with, I’ll explain briefly how…/ I’ll begin by explaining how… / First I’ll give a brief overview of …

6. After that, I’ll go on to describe … / Then I’d like to raise a few issues concerning …

7. Finally, I’ll discuss / conclude by discussing why this … could be useful as a way…

8. I plan to talk for about 10 minutes, leaving plenty of time to answer the questions. / I’ll talk for about 10 minutes and then I’ll answer any questions at the end of my talk. / I’ll speak for about 10 minutes, to allow time for questions and comments. Feel free to interrupt if you have any questions or want to make a comment.

9. My research focuses on …In my study…

10. That’s all I have to say about …, so now I’d like to move on to looking at … / We’ve looked at …, so now let’s turn to…

11. Now let’s run to a problem of … / Moving on, I’d like to look at … in more detail.

12. Anyway, getting back to / to return to the question of …, let’s look at … / I’d like to go back to…

13. As you can see in this chart… The second graph shows that…As you can see from this image…

14. So let me recap what I’ve said. / I'd like to recap the main points of my presentation: first I covered…, then we talked about…, finally we looked at… / To sum up …/I'd now like to sum up the main points which were:…/ At this stage I would like to run through/over the main points...

15. That brings me to the end of my talk today. / That’s all I have to say. / Well I’ll stop there as I’ve run out of time.

16. I would like to thank you for being such an attentive audience and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have./Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions. / Now I'd like to invite any questions you may have. / Do you have any questions? / Thank you for listening.

17. Just a minute please. What is a...?/ How can I put it?/ I'm glad you asked that question./ That's a good question/point/remark./ Can I answer that question later?


A. Refer back to an earlier part of the talk.

B. Greet the audience.

C. Thank the audience for coming.

D. Conclude one part of the talk and begin another.

E. Give instructions for asking questions.

F. Introduce yourself.

G. Show the structure of the presentation.

H. Introduce the topic.

I. Introduce a new part of the talk.

J. Refer to a visual aid.

K. Thank the audience for listening and offer to ask questions.

L. Show the audience that the presentation is finished.

M. Summarize the main points of the talk.

N. Answering the questions.





Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 563. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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