Студопедия — September 1-15 Lunch Menus
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September 1-15 Lunch Menus

Friday, September 1 Pizza, Tossed Salad, Fruit, Popsicle Monday, September 4 Labour Day - No School Tuesday, September 5 Hamburger, Fries, Fruit, Pudding
Wednesday, September 6 Corn Dogs, Tater Tots, Fruit, Ice Cream Thursday, September 7 Chicken Rings, Green Beans, Mac and Cheese, Fruit, Brownie Friday, September 8 Chicken Rings, Mashed Potatoes, Fruit, Cake
Monday, September 11 Chicken Sandwich, Cob Corn, Fruit, Popsicle Tuesday, September 12 Cheeseburger, Fries, Fruit, Jello Wednesday, September 13 Cheese Sticks with Marinara Sauce, Carrots and Dip, Fruit, Pudding
Thursday, September 14 Chicken Fried Steak, Cole Slaw, Chips, Fruit, Brownie Friday, September 15 Spaghetti with Meat balls, Buttered Corn, Fruit, Brownie  

August 27. Everything is ready for a great start in fourth grade! The teachers have been rotating from class to class, and the students are doing just great adjusting to four new faces. We will soon begin to let the students move from class to class - they seem to be very anxious to try this new routine!

Please continue to check your child’s assignment notebook nightly, even on Fridays. We sometimes put notes on Fridays, even though they don’t normally have an assignment over the weekend.

We have been notified that there are a few fourth grade parents using the upper school lot for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. Even though this is closer to our rooms, the fourth grade students are to use the lower school lot, unless they have an older brother or sister with whom they are riding. Please help us out on this matter. Many hours were spent trying to arrange these carpool guidelines to help alleviate the traffic problem on Hinson Road, and when even a few parents use the wrong area, it makes a difference in the overall traffic situation.

Hopefully, the weather will cool down soon!!! Our policy is that when the heat index is at 100 degrees or above, we do not take the children outside. Our students tend to play hard and get overheated on the blacktop very quickly. If you are on recess duty in the next couple of weeks, you may wish to call the Lower School office and ask to check whether we are going outside or not.

Please follow your child’s Accelerated Reading progress closely. We have noticed on the reading logs that some children are not reading at home. We strongly advise all our children to spend some time reading nightly. Even if it is just 15 or 20 minutes, this will emphasise the importance of reading to our children. This time may be spent reading with or to your child. Students who become readers at an early age do much better in all academic areas. Thank you so much for all the encouragement you provide for us and your child!

Hopefully, all of us are establishing our new routines. We have seen some students fall asleep during study hall and Reading while the rooms are quiet and darkened. With the hot weather, everyone seems to run out of energy more quickly. We all are hoping for a break in the heat soon. It will certainly be welcomed by all of us here at Chestnut Academy!

Have a funny and safe Labour Day weekend!

Fourth Grade Teachers

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 535. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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