Студопедия — Lesson 37. My Contribution to Ecological Protection ................................ 219
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Lesson 37. My Contribution to Ecological Protection ................................ 219

Module 3: Science and Technical Progress

(Модуль 3: Наука та технічний прогрес

Lesson 38. My Technical World (Мій технічний світ)............................. 228

Lesson 39. The Most Important Scientific Discoveries

(Найвагоміші наукові відкриття)........................................... 231

Lesson 40. The Nobel Prize and its Laureates

(Нобелівська премія та її лауреати)........................................234

Lesson 41. Famous Scientists, Scholars (Видатні вчені, науковці)......... 240

Lesson 42. The Role of Science in Social Life

(Роль науки в суспільному житті)..........................................251

Lesson 43. My Digital World (Мій цифровий світ)..................................256

Lesson 44. Computer Technologies (Комп’ютерні технології)............... 259

Lesson 45. The Internet (Інтернет)............................................................. 264

Lesson 46. Mobile phones: for and against?

(Мобільний телефон: друг чи ворог?)....................................269

Lesson 47. The Influence of Science and Technological Progress on a Man

(Вплив науки і технічного прогресу на людину)................. 271

Lesson 48. Mass Media (Засоби масової інформації).............................. 276

Lesson 49. Television. Radio (Телебачення. Радіо).................................. 278

Lesson 50. The role of the Mass Media in the people’s life

(Роль мас медіа в житті людини)........................................... 281

Lesson 51. Coclusion Lesson (Підсумкове заняття)................................. 284

Література.................................................................................................. 287


Module 1. About myself, my family and my friends. Leisure.

(Модуль 1: Я, моя сім’я, мої друзі. Дозвілля)

Тема 1.1: About myself, my family and my friends (Я, моя сім’я, друзі)

Lesson 1. Acquaintance (Знайомство)

Exercise 1. Read and translate the dialogues (Прочитайте та перекладіть діалоги):


- Hi!

- Hello!

- What is your name?

- My name is Mary!

- I am Jack.

- Jack, what is your surname?

- Olikov. I am glad to meet you here.

- I am too. Good bye.

- See you later.



- Hello, Linda!

- Hi, John! How are you?

- Fine, thanks, and you?

- Fine, thanks.



- Do you live with your parents, Alex?

- Yes, I do. I live with Mum and Dad. I also have a sister, her name is Kate.

- Is she younger?

- No, she isn’t. She is 17. She is a student. She studies at the Medical Academy.

She wants to be a doctor, like our Mum.

- Is your mum a doctor?

- Yes, she is.

- And your Dad? What is he?

- He is a cooker.



- John, hello!

- Hello, Kate! How are you?

- I am OK, thanks. I want to introduce you my friend Emily.

- Hello, Emily. Where are you from?

- I am from Kovel.

- How old are you?

- I am 16. My full name is Emily Watson.



- Hello, what is your name?

- My name is Tim.

- OK, how old are you, Tim?

- I am 17. I was born on the 7th of May in Lutsk.

- Oh, do you live in Lutsk?

- Yes, I do. Lutsk is a very beautiful town. Where do you live?

- I live in Lviv. Do you live with your parents or alone?

- I live with my parents. My father is a doctor, my mother is a teacher. I have also a sister. Her name is Liza. She is only 6. She is very naughty.

- Have you got any pets?

- Yes, I do. I have a dog and two cats. My family lives in a very big house. My sister likes to play with our pets in the yard.

- Do you like sports?

- Yes, I do. I like tennis. Do you have hobby?

- Yes, I do. My hobby is drawing. I like to draw very much.

- It’s great! I like to meet you. See you later.

- Good bye.


Exercise 2. Do the exercise using the model(Виконайте вправу, використовуючи зразок):

Model: T.: What is your mother?

St.: My mother is a doctor.


What is your mother father sister brother uncle aunt friend friend’s mother friend’s father

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps (Заповність пропуски):

- Hi!

- Hello!

- What is … name?

- My name is Mary!

- I am Jack.

- Jack, what is your…?

- Olikov. I am glad … you here.

- I am too. Good bye.

- See you….


- Hello, what is your name?

- My name is Tim.

- Ok, how … you, Tim?

- I am 17. I was born on the 7th of May in Lutsk.

- Oh, do you live … Lutsk?

- Yes, I do. Lutsk is a very beautiful town. Where … live?

- I live in Lviv. Do you live with … or alone?

- I live with my parents. My father is a doctor, my mother is a teacher. I have also a sister. Her … is Liza. She is only 6. She is very naughty.

- Have you got any…?

- Yes, I do. I have a dog and two cats. My family lives in …. My sister likes to play with our pets in….

- Do you like sports?

- Yes, I do. I like tennis. Do you have…?

- Yes, I do. My hobby.. drawing. I like … very much.

- It’s great! I like to … you. See you later.

- Good..

Exercise 4. Find the right answers to the questions (Знайдіть правильні відповіді до запитань):


What is your name? My surname is Olikov.
What is your surname? Thanks, I am fine.
How are you? My hobby is drawing.
How old are you? I live in Lutsk.
What is your hobby? My name is Tim.
Where do you live? Yes, I do. I have a dog.
Do you have any pets? I am 16.

Exercise 5. Finish the sentences using the following dialogues (Закінчіть речення, використовуючи подані діалоги):

1. I was born …

2. I live…

3. My father is…

4. I have a sister. She ….

5. I have a dog. Its name is … My sister likes…

6. I like tennis and…

7. My hobby is…

8. It’s great! I like…


Exercise 6. Answer the questions (Дайте відповіді на запитання):

1. What is your name?

2. What is your surname?

3. How old are you?

4. Where do you live?

5. Do you live with your parents?

6. Who is your father, mother?

7. Have you got a sister or a brother?

8. Have you got any pets?

9. What is your hobby?

10. Do you like sport?

Exercise 7. Make up your own dialogue using one of the following situations (Складіть власний діалог за однією із запропонованих ситуацій):

1. You meet at the College for the first time. Make acquaintance with your groupmate.

2. You meet a new person at the summer camp. Make acquaintance with him or her.

3. You meet your relative who lives far from you. Make acquaintance with him or her, please.

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