Студопедия — Now read out the dialogues and make a note of how breakfast is ordered in each dialogue.
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Now read out the dialogues and make a note of how breakfast is ordered in each dialogue.

Dialogue 1. C. — customer; W. — waitress

C. — I'd like the Continental breakfast, please.

W. — Yes, certainly, Madam.

C. — With orange juice.

W. — With orange juice. And what beverage would you like, Madam?

C. — Oh, I guess I'll have the decaffeinated coffee.

Dialogue 2. C. — customer; W. — waitress

W. — Which breakfast would you take, Sir?

C. — Oh, I'll have the Health breakfast, I think.

W.— Right, Sir. How would you like your egg done?

C. — Boiled, please.

W.— How many minutes, Sir?

C. — Three. No, make it four.

W.— Very good, Sir.

Dialogue 3. C. — customer; W. — waitress

C. — This May Fair breakfast looks pretty terrific. I think I'll go

for that.

W.— Fine, Sir. What juice would you take? Orange or grapefruit? C. — Grapefruit. And I'll have coffee, please.

Here are some questions a waiter / waitress might need to ask when serving breakfast at the May Fair.

Practice them with your partners.

• Which juice would you like, orange or grapefruit?

• Would you like cereal, or fruit, or yoghourt?

• Which cereal would you like?

• Which fruit would you like?

• How would you like your egg done?

• How many minutes? (for boiled egg)

• Would you like rolls, croissants or Danish pastry?

• What would you like to drink?

Now you play the part of the waiter / waitress taking an order.

C. — Good morning!

You — ….

C. —Yes, I am. I'll have orange juice, please.

You — ….

C. — I don't think I want any cereal. I'll have one of your fruit

dishes. Let me see. What have you got?

You — …

C. — Right, I'll have the fruit salad. Then I'll have boiled eggs.

You — …

C. — Oh, nothing, thanks. I'll have them on their own. And what

drinks do you have?

You — ….

C. — OK. I'll have decaffeinated coffee. Right! Thanks very much.

Types of menu


Asian-vegetarian menu
Asian-style meal without eggs, mould cheese, meat, fish and seafood.

Baby menu (for babies up to 24 months)
The baby meal consists of one glass of meshed vegetables and one glass of mashed fruit.

High-fibre menu
Contains raw or shortly cooked ingredients with high nutritional value.

Low-cholesterol menu
Ingredients with minimal fat content and no cholesterol.

Diabetic menu
Diet meal without sugar and carbohydrates. Nutritional value and composition are indicated.

Low-protein menu
Ingredients with minimal protein content. No sugar or milk.

Gluten-free menu
Contains no cereals (wheat, rye, barley, oat) or other starch-containing ingredients, e.g. potatoes.

Hindu menu
Meal prepared according to religious requirements. Contains neither beef nor cow milk products. Only lamb, poultry and fish are used.

Low-calorie menu
Prepared with low-calorie ingredients only. No pasta, pastries or cream.

Kid’s menu
As an alternative to the adult meals, children above two years of age can have a meal of child-friendly ingredients. Due to confined space, infants under 24 months who have no seat of their own will only receive a baby meal.

Kosher menu
Contains only dishes prepared according to kosher rules, packed and sealed by a rabbi.

Lactose-free menu
Dietary meal of milk-free ingredients.

Muslim menu
Meal prepared according to religious requirements, without pork.

Low-protein menu
Contains only low-protein ingredients. No sugar and no milk.

Low-purine menu
Contains no fish, no pluck, no instant sauces.

Low-salt menu
With easily digestible, unsalted ingredients.

Spice-free menu
Mild meal, without spices, without fried or grilled meat.

Vegetarian lacto-ovo menu
Contains no meat or fish. May contain dairy products and eggs.

Vegetarian menu, western style
Vegetarian meal without dairy products or eggs.

Part 3

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