Студопедия — Ex 39 Study the following chart
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Ex 39 Study the following chart

Direct Speech Reported Speech
1. They said: “We are late. We are sorry.” 2. He asked: “Do you always take a walk in the afternoon? ” 3. She said: “I’ll * answer the phone.” 4. I asked: “When will the taxi be here? ” 1. They said that they were late and they were sorry. 2. He asked me (wondered, wanted to know) if (whether) I always took a walk in the afternoon. 3. She said that she would answer the phone. 4. I asked when the taxi would be there.

Ex 40 Use Reported Speech.


l. She said: " I like oranges better than bananas." 2. The music teacher said (to me): " You play the piece very well." 3. " Are you busy now? " he asked. 4. The dean said: " I want to have a word with you." 5. " Do you always have ice-cream for dessert? " she asked. 6. " We'll have enough time to finish the work, " the workers said. 7. The teacher asked: " How long will it take you to prepare your talk? " 8. My mother asked: " Why are you so sad? " 9. " Shall I open the window? " the student asked. 10. The boy said: " I'll never smoke again." 11. The librarian said: " There are a lot of English books in our library." 12. " Do you know why he is absent? " the teacher asked.


Ex 41 Read the dialogue, study the sample in narrative form, refer the narrative to the past.




(Anne, Peter, Mother)


A.: Where's Mother, Peter?

P.: She is out shopping, but she'll be back soon.

A.: I am hungry, I want my tea.

P.: Oh, here's Mother. Anne is hungry, so am I.

M.: Sorry, dears. There are so many people shopping, but I won't be long.

A.: What have you got, Mummy?

M.: Plenty of good things, darling. See how heavy my shopping bag is.

P.: Did you get a pot of marmalade? We finished the last one at breakfast, and there are no more cornflakes.

M.: Well, I've got a big pot of marmalade this time to last us longer but I haven't got the cornflakes. There was no more room in my shopping bag. Buy one or two packets, Peter, after tea.

P.: All right, Mother.


Sample Paraphrase


Anne and Peter are alone at home. Anne wonders where Mother is. Peter tells her she is out shopping and will be back soon. They are both hungry and want their tea. Soon Mother comes in. She explains to them why she is late. There were so many people shopping. She also says tea will soon be ready. Anne wants to see what Mother has in her bag. There are a lot of good things in it, it is heavy. Peter asks her about the marmalade because they finished the pot at breakfast. But this time Mother has got a larger pot to last them longer. There was not enough room in the bag to buy cornflakes and she asks Peter to buy a packet or two after tea. He says he will.


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