Студопедия — Concluding sentences
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Concluding sentences

Replies to Enquiries

1. We look forward to receiving a trial order from you soon.

2. We shall be pleased to send you any further information you need.

3. Any orders you place with us will have our prompt attention.

4. Please let us know if you need any further details.


III. Read the following letters. Mind their structure and the clichés. Translate them into Russian.


Letter 1:

Dear Sirs We thank you for your enquiry of 12 October, and appreciate your interest in our products. Details of our export prices and terms of payment are enclosed, and we have arranged for a copy of our catalogue to be sent to you today. Our representative for Europe, Mr J. Needham, will be in Paris from the 24th to the 30th of this month, and we have asked him to make an appointment to visit you during this period. He will have with him a full range of samples of our hand-made lines, and is authorised to discuss the terms of an order with you or to negotiate a contract. We think our articles will be just what you want for the fashionable trade, and look forward to the opportunity of doing business with you. Yours faithfully WESTERN SHOE COMPANY LTD. S. Granville Export Sales Manager


Letter 2:

  Dear Sirs We thank you for your letter of 25 June, and are glad to inform you that all the items listed in your enquiry are in stock. We are enclosing a pro-forma invoice for the aluminum fittings you are interested in: if you wish to place a firm order, will you please arrange for settlement of the invoice by draft through your bank[1], and advise us at the same time. We can guarantee delivery in Melbourne within 3 weeks of receiving your instructions. If you require the items urgently, we will arrange for them to be sent by air, but this will, of course, entail higher freight charges[2]. We are enclosing details of our terms of payment, and would be happy to discuss discounts with you if you would kindly let us know how large your orders are likely to be. We are also enclosing a copy of the report, which appeared in the March issue of The Metal Worker, on our ALUMOY fittings. We are looking forward to hearing from you, and assure you that your orders will receive our immediate attention. Yours faithfully <Signature>;  



Letter 3:

Dear Sirs In your letter of 1 May you ask us to send you samples of our rubberised floor coverings[3] for use on rough surfaces. We appreciate your interest, and have today despatched a range of qualities[4] which we have selected specially to meet your needs. All of these materials are robust and hard-wearing, and we particularly recommend no. 7 – COMPO – which is a synthetic substance developed by our research department to withstand the wear and tear of rough and uneven floors[5]. Please give the samples any test you wish: we are confident that they will stand up to the roughest handling. Our price-list is enclosed with this letter, together with our trade terms, as we think you will need these when you have completed your tests. It will be a pleasure to quote you terms for contract supplies, and our technical representatives are at your service at all times. Yours faithfully <Signature>;  



Letter 4:

Dear Sirs Many thanks for your letter of 15 July, in which you ask us for an extra discount of 2½% over and above the usual trade discounts in connection with your order for 30.000 envelopes no. 2M. While we appreciate your order, we feel we must point out that our prices have already been cut to the minimum possible, and that envelopes are unobtainable elsewhere at these rates[6]. However, we would be willing to allow you a special 2½% discount if you could see your way to increasing your order to 50,000. We await your reply. Yours faithfully <Signature>;  


IV. Read the letters again. What phrases do the suppliers use to thank the prospective customer and to encourage him to place an order?

V. An enquiry has come to your company, a firm of watchmakers, from a British retailer. Write a reply to send with your price-list. Quote your terms, and add any information you consider might induce your correspondent to place orders with you.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 2259. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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