Студопедия — Computers
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They have already revolutionized the way we live and work. But it is early days for computers. We don’t know how much they are still changing the world. More computer wonders are yet to come.

Space travel

Only a few years before men were talking on the moon, reputable scientists declared that it was impossible. But in 1969 Neil Armstrong stepped out of his space capsule and made his famous statement: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Medical science

Surely nothing has done more for the comfort and happiness of mankind than the advance of medical knowledge! How many millions of people have benefited from the humble aspirin? How many lives has penicillin saved? Average life expectancy in Europe has risen dramatically over the last hundred years, from about 50 years in1906 to about 75 years today.


In 1724, Jonathan Swift wrote, “Whoever makes two blades of grass or two ears of corn grow where only one grew before serves mankind better than the whole race of politicians.” In 1709, whole villages in France died of hunger. Now in Europe we can’t eat all the food we produce.

We are still here

The last wonder of the modern world is simply that we are still here. We have bombs that could destroy the world but we have not used them. This is surely the greatest wonder of all!


1. Here are seven more statements made by the author about her choice of wonders. Which statement goes with which wonder?

a) Surgeons can perform the most amazing operations.

b) We see people from the warring countries shake hands.

c) Small children can program them, sometimes more easily than adults.

d) No government dares to use such weapons.

e) We produce enough to feed the world.

f) Progress in this area is slower now. Not as much money goes into research as in 1960s.

2. Complete the following with the correct auxiliary verb in the positive or negative form:

a) Computers …. already revolutionized the way we live and work.

b) We … know how much they … still changing the world.

c) Only a few years before men … walking on the moon, scientists said that it was impossible.

d) How many lives … penicillin saved?



Answer the questions or express your ideas on these problems:


1. What is science? What kinds of science do you know?

2. What is the difference between science and technology?

3. Science is very important. It has changed and is changing our life. It affects our everyday life.

4. Science and technology do more good than harm.

5. Scientific discoveries can have many dangerous effects.

6. What is the greatest invention in your opinion? Speak about its advantages (may be disadvantages).

7. What scientists do we call great?

8. Why do we pay tribute to great scientists?

9. Say what one outstanding scientist you know. What is he famous for?




Read the statements and say whether you are agree or disagree with them:


1. Some people spend their life working on a scientific problem because they are paid large sums of money.

2. Great explorers went overseas because they were curious people.

3. One can be a scientist only in one field of knowledge.

4. It is the highest reward for your effort if you see you have made life for other people easier and more pleasant.

5. Some people are so ambitious that they want to belong to History.

6. They wished to glorify their country.



Why do we pay tribute to great scientists?

Give as many reasons as you can.



Write an essay about one great Russian/ British scientist.



Answer the questions:

1. Do you know any outstanding Russian or British scientists?

2. Which of them made which great discoveries?

3. Who invented the electric lamp?

4. Who discovered the Periodic Law of elements?

5. Who is the man standing behind the rocket industry?

6. Who is the first Russian cosmonaut?

7. What qualities must great scientist possess?

8. Is it enough to be talented to be called outstanding?

9. What Nobel Prize winners do you know? (Russian/British) For what achievements were they awarded?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 707. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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