Студопедия — Unix: write, cp, lpr, Is, mkdir, date, rm, man, grep, rwho, mv
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Unix: write, cp, lpr, Is, mkdir, date, rm, man, grep, rwho, mv


Action VMS command Unix command
List all the files in a directory Delete a file Rename a file Copy a file Send a file to a printer Obtain help Create a directory Show date and time Show users on system Talk to other users on system Search for a string in a file    


Task 9. Translate into English.


1. ОПЕРАЦИОННАЯ СИСТЕМА WINDOWS (ОС WINDOWS) – собирательное название набора операционных систем, разработанных фирмой Microsoft для персональных компьютеров. 2. Все ОС W. обеспе­чивают основные функции управления вычислительной системой и взаимодействия с пользователем. 3. В настоящее время существует несколько вариантов ОС W., отличающихся по архитектуре и возмож­ностям, и для каждого варианта выпущено несколько версий. 4. Повсе­местное признание ОС W. получила с появлением версий Windows 3.x, которые представляют собой 16-разрядные операционные системы, предназначенные для управления автономными персональными компью­терами и рабочими станциями в локальной сети. 5. Главным достоин­ством этих операционных систем явилось использование графического интерфейса пользователя, что и обусловило их широкое распростране­ние. 6. Появившаяся на рынке в 1995 г. Windows 95 представляет собой интегрированную 32-разрядную многозадачную операционную систему общего назначения. 7. Она позволяет создать информационную среду с удобным, ориентированным на рабочий стол интерфейсом. 8. Она включает в себя средства мультимедиа и 32-разрядную файловую систему CD-ROM, обеспечивающие высококачественное воспроизве­дение цифровой видеозаписи, средства компьютерной связи, упро­щающие подключение к Интернету, встроенные возможности приема и передачи факса и электронной почты.


Task 10. Writing. This description of the Mac OS X is drawn from the table below. Write a similar description of Linux.


Mac OS X is a Unix-based operating system designed for use on Apple Mac computers. It includes memory-protection, pre-emptive multitasking and symmetric multiprocessing support. Graphics are provided by a graphics engine known as Quartz. It has advanced-PDF standards support, OpenGL and Quicktime integrated into the OS. The operating system features are accessed through a graphical user interface called Aqua.


  Mac OS X Linux
type computer features     graphics engine standard support   user interface type user interface source code availability Unix-based Apple Mac memory-protection, pre-emptive multi-tasking, symmetric multiprocessing support Quartz advanced-PDF, Open GL, Quicktime GUI Aqua not available Unix-based wide variety variety of distribution kits available   XFree86     command line, GUI KDE, Gnome freely available

Task 11. Translate the following sentences paying attention to different functions and forms of Participle I.


1. Having entered the selection criteria, click on the Find button. 2. Using MIDI, computers can communicate with synthesisers. 3. Each side of a DVD can have two layers giving an enormous storage capacity. 4. You can down­load single tracks creating your own compilation. 5. Computers with MIDI interface boards can be connected to MIDI instruments allowing the music being played to be stored and displayed by the computer on the monitor. 6. MP3 player contains several devices allowing you to control the way the music sounds. 7. You can download a skin program enabling you to change the appearance of your player. 8. The line separating the panes is called a divider. 9. The most important program managing the operating system is the supervisor program, most of which remains in memory. 10. Giving open access to PCs you may get viruses. 11. Having selected the address tab, enter the postcode. 12. Using the Personal tab, enter the search criteria.


Task 12. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction.


1. The cursor can be moved by pressing one of the arrow keys on the keyboard, each press of an arrow key moving the cursor one character position in the direction of the arrow. 2. The graphics being displayed gradually, the webpage is downloaded. 3. An email message having been received you can forward it to another address. 4. You listen to the first part of a streamed audio file, the next part being downloaded. 5. Information Technology is a new branch of science, it being developed at the beginning of the thirtieth century. 6. Register R storing the code for number 3, the computer will perform the operation 3 times. 7. A printer’s line is usually between 60 and 150 characters long, with 120 characters being a common length. 8. Specialists use computers widely, the latter helping in performing computations at great speeds. 9. Doctors use the system to access a number of data bases, the most important database holding the records of all the patients in the practice. 10. The command being processed, the output is displayed on the screen. 11. The supervisor program controlling the entire operating system, it loads into memory other operating system programs from disk storage only as needed. 12. A brand new computer coming off the factory assembly line, it can do nothing.


Task 13. Topics for discussion.


Speak on the operating system.

Speak on the most important program in an OS-the supervisor program.

What is Unix? Give its characteristics.

Speak about OS as hidden software.


Task 14. Study the text below and find the answers to the following questions.

1. What did Linus Torvalds use to write the Linux kernel? 2. How was the Linux kernel first made available to the general public? 3. What is a programmer likely to do with source code? 4. Why will most software companies not sell you their source code? 5. What type of utilities and applications are provided in a Linux distribution? 6. What is X? 7. What graphical user interfaces are mentioned in the text?


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