Студопедия — Book for a thoughtful reader
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Book for a thoughtful reader


(Переклад англійською Тетяни Лукінюк)


The word «myth» has both direct and indirect meanings. In direct terminological meaning a myth is a product of collective national imagination providing generalized and at the same time sensually specific image of the universe; the mythological model of the world in the ancient cultures was some kind of equivalent of culture, and till now it has preserved its artistic and creative value. In its indirect meaning (which results from absolutization of mythology as a substitute for science) myth is a fable, false representation, which claims to be true, but in fact creates unreal illusionary world. Such myths can arise naturally as a result of lack of information or discipline of thought; they can also be created and propagated or even imposed for certain mercenary purposes. Politicians, especially of authoritative type, have often been engaged in such activities with the purpose of influencing their peoples or promoting certain party or state objectives, discredit of their opponents and etc. Such myths are mostly successfully applied in totalitarian societies, where the authority imposes universal ideological treatment on the population. A national–socialistic state of Hitler — Hebbels and a communist–socialistic state of Lenin — Stalin — Zdanov were in fact kingdoms of the myths.

Even in non–totalitarian societies, however, in the modern world the myths are almost the most effective tool of political technologies used by certain politicians, parties and even entire states; creation of the propaganda myths and their imposing in the public consciousness has become a professional (and often highly rewarded!) business for the entire caste of people — ideologists, publicists, and journalists. In the meantime activity and production of the new myth–creators have long ago attracted attention of the science, first of all sociology and culturology, which study ways of creation and application of the myths, their influence on public consciousness. Sober–minded and rational publicistics and independent public thought are also engaged in tracking and counteracting against the propaganda myths.

In this very context it is necessary to mention a unique in its way creation of Mikhailo Lukinyuk’s «Attention: Myths!». Why do I call it unique? Let me draw your attention to certain circumstances to justify such evaluation.

Territory of the Soviet Union was so to say an area of special myth density, and territory of Soviet Ukraine was filled with myths several times denser. Here in Ukraine the myths of the ideologists of Russian kingdom, then Russian empire, then bolshevism, and russifiers of different generations have been applied. Upon declaration of independence of Ukraine it has become an object of ideological and informational aggression by great–power and revanchist forces of Russia, who bring back to life the aged myths and actively create new ones.

We have to acknowledge that Ukrainian political thought is rather reluctant in reacting to this impudent and importunate ideological expansion, which is often tried to be presented as a scientific finding. Rare counterblows of the publicists as well as certain discussions of the scientists happen incidentally and occasionally.

Mikhailo Lukinyuk is a definite pioneer in his attempt of observing and generalizing the entire picture of this total ideological invasion in Ukraine, defining a system of anti–Ukrainian myths (both political, created with certain purpose, and naturally arisen from the depth of out–dated stereotypes). His creation is also unique since there he considers all three generations of the myths about Ukraine as described above — imperial times, Soviet and post–Soviet periods, showing how these myths have counteracted and been interconnected.

This book contains 35 chapters about 35 myths. Of course such separation is quite conditional. There could have been less or more. But this is not important. Let reader evaluate huge job made by the author, and abundance of sources he has used. Extensive quoting of sources by both creators of the myths and their critics will help reader to make his/her own conclusion and perhaps in some ways «correct» the author who is not free from certain polemic zeal.

This is the kind of reader I wish this book to have, the one interested in new information, thorough and able of independent thinking.



Ivan Dzjuba,

an academician of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences



Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 357. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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