Студопедия — Для студентов 2 курса заочного отделения
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Для студентов 2 курса заочного отделения

Вариант № 2

1. Complete the sentences below using the correct alternative from A, B, C, D.

1. That species of birds______ migrant and_____ found in Africa in winter. Our surroundings____ too severe for such birds and they leave______ early in September.

A is, is, are, them C is, is, is, it

B are, are, are, them D are, are, is, it

2. The latest news from the Middle East countries ____disturbing. A close-up camera showed a man run­ning somewhere. His face was bruised and his clothes ____torn.

A was, was C was, were

B were, were D were, was

3. Here ____ the pocket money my uncle has sent me today. ___ will be enough to settle all my debts.

A are, It C is, It

B is, They D are, They

4. _ ___E-mail and_____ Internet are____ latest technolo­gies that are spreading _____ American English.

A ___,___,___, the C The, the, the,

B ___, the, the, ___ D The, an, ____, the

5. It was far_____ than he expected, so he made up his mind to spend twice as ______money as he had wanted.

A more cheaper, more C the cheapest, the most

B more cheap, a lot D cheaper, much

6. This is the_____ cloakroom, and that one is for______.

A ladies', gentlemen's C ladies', gentlemen

B lady's, gentlemen's D lady, gentlemen

7. He_____ to make enemies as his business______ and he more powerful.

A began, was developing, was growing

B had begun, is developing, is growing

C has begun, had developed, had grown

D was beginning, developed, grew

8. What____ you think of your new teacher? To my mind she ____ very nice.

A do, has С did, were

B do, is D have, is

9. Jane _________at home until she ______better.

A stays, feels C will stay, feels

B stay feel D will stay, feel

10. My aunt_____________ cakes on Mondays, but she _______________ one now.

A don’t make, make C isn’t making, makes

B doesn’t make, is making D don’t makes, is making

Read the text and complete it with the words given below.

Disks, multiplication, computers, inputting, circuits, feed, display, equal, decisions, printer, device, user.

It is considered that computers have many remarkable pow­ers. However most _______, whether large or small, have three basic capabilities.

First, computers have ___________ for performing arithmetic op­erations, such as: addition, subtraction, division, ________ and exponentiation.

Second, computers have a means of communicating with the _________. After all, if we couldn't _________information in and get results back, these machines wouldn't be of much use. Some of the most common methods of __________ information are to use ter­minals, diskettes,________ and magnetic tapes. The computer's input ________ (a disk drive or tape drive) reads the information into the computer. For outputting information two common devices used are: a __________, printing the new information on paper, and a cathode-ray-tube __________, which shows the results on a TV-like screen.

Third, computers have circuits which can make _______. The kinds of decisions which computer circuits can make are not of the type: "Who would win the war between two coun­tries?" or "Who is the richest person in the world?" Unfortu­nately, the computer can only decide three things, namely: Is one number less than another? Are two numbers ______? and, Is one number greater than another?

Name the type of the computer.

1. A computer that is designed to be used on an office desk ___________

2. The largest and most powerful type of computer that is operated by a team of professionals_______

3. A small, lightweight, and inexpensive computer which doesn’t have certain features (e.g., the optical drive).____________

4. A small portable computer that can be held in one hand_________

5. A small handheld computer providing a variety of tools for organising work, e. g. a calendar, to do list, diary, address list, calculator, etc ___________________

Complete the sentences.

1. A PC system consists of two parts: ________ and ___________.

2. Hardware is any _________ or __________ part.

3. The basic structure of a _____________is made up of three main hardware sections: one the central processing unit – or CPU – two, the ______________, and three, the peripherals.

4. In order to improve the computer’s ____________, the user can add expansion cards for video, sound and networking.

5. RAM, or random access memory, is volatile, so it loses the _____________ when the electricity - or power – is turned off.

6. The peripherals are the physical units __________ to the computer

7. _____________ allow us to extract the results from the computer.

8. Storage devices are used to _____________________ permanently.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 583. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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