Студопедия — Ex. 1. Write down Russian equivalents for the words and expressions in bold type. Consult a dictionary if necessary.
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Ex. 1. Write down Russian equivalents for the words and expressions in bold type. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

Ex. 2. Match the English words and expressions with the Russian ones:

death penalty

to injure

to kidnap


property contracts

false accuser

to damage

to be awarded


blood feud


смертная казнь



кровная месть

наносить ущерб

наносить увечья


имущественные контракты

получать компенсацию



Ex. 3. Do the following tasks on this text:

a) divide the text into logical parts

b) give a title to each part

c) give the contents of each part in 1 or 2 sentences

d) give a summary of the whole text.

Ex. 4. Make a presentation on Laws of Babylon using all necessary vocabulary from exercises 2 and 3 and your own knowledge of this theme.


Lesson 6

Text A

Egyptian Civilization

Answer the questions in pairs:


What associations does the word “Egypt” call to mind?

Make a list of ideas and compare your notes.


Study the pronunciation of the following proper names:

Egypt [′i:dʒipt] - Египет

Egyptian [i′dʒip∫(ə)n] – египетский, египтянин

Ethiopia[¸i:θi′əupiə] - Эфиопия

Giza [′gi:zə] – Гиза (плато ок. Каира, местонахождение древних пирамид)

Khartoum [ka:′tum] - Хартум (город в Африке, столица Судана)

Khufu ['ku:fu] – Великая пирамида Хеопса (Куфу)

Mediterranean Sea [¸meditəreiniən si:] – Средиземное море

Macedonian [¸mæsi′dəuniən] – македонский, македонянин

Memphis [′memfis] – Мемфис (древний центр нижнего Египта на Ниле)

Nile, the [′nail] – р. Нил

Re [rei] - Ра (бог солнца в древнеегипетской мифологии)

Guess the meaning of the following words:


alluvial [ə′lu:viəl], adj

archaic [a:′keiik], adj

caste [kast], n

cuneiform [′kju:niˏfɔ:m], n

hierarchy [′haiəra:ki], n

papyrus [pə′pairəs], n

pharaoh [′feərəu], n

uninhabitable [¸ʌnin′hæbitəb(ə)l], adj

Study the following words:


arid [′ærid], adj – сухой, засушливый

carving ['ka:viŋ], n – резьба по дереву или камню, орнамент

determine [di′tɜ:min], v – определять, решать

divine [di′vain], adj - божественный

evidence [′evid(ə)ns], n – доказательство, свидетельство

exalted [ig′zo:ltid], adj - возвышенный

supremacy [su:′preməsi], n – верховенство, господство, превосходство

swell [swel], v – раздувать, увеличивать

tangible [′tændʒib(ə)l], adj – осязаемый, ощутимый

yield [ji:ld], v - приносить

Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary:

The basic element in the lengthy history of Egyptian civilization is geography. The Nile River rises from the lakes of central Africa as the White Nile and from the mountains of Ethiopia as the Blue Nile. The White and Blue Nile meet at Khartoum and flow together northward to the Nile delta, where the 4000 mile course of this river spills into the Mediterranean Sea.

Less than two inches of rain per year falls in the delta and rain is relatively unknown in other parts of Egypt. Most of the land is uninhabitable. These geographical factors have determined the character of Egyptian civilization. People could farm only along the banks of the Nile, where arid sand meets the fertile soil. Of course, each summer the Nile swells as the rains pour down and the snow melts on the mountains. The river overflows its banks and floods the land with fresh water and deposits a thick layer of rich alluvial soil. The land would then yield two harvests before winter. This yearly flood determined more than just the agricultural needs of early Egypt. It also determined the lifecycle of society and helped to create the world view of ancient Egyptian civilization.

The basic source of Egyptian history is a list of rulers compiled in c.280 B.C. by Manetho for the Macedonians who ruled Egypt. Manetho divided Egyptian kings into thirty dynasties (a 31st was added later) in the following manner:


Period Dynasty Years
Archaic Period 1-2 3100-2700 B.C.
Old Kingdom 3-6 2700-2200 B.C.
Intermediate Period 7-10 2200-2050 B.C.
Middle Kingdom 11-12 2050-1800 B.C.
Intermediate Period 13-17 1800-1570 B.C.
New Kingdom 18-20 1570-1085 B.C.
Post-Empire 21-31 1085-332 B.C.


Early Egypt was divided into two kingdoms, one in Upper Egypt (Nile Valley), and one in Lower Egypt (Nile delta). Remember, the Nile flows from south to north.

Egyptian Dynasties

Menes (or Narmer) unified Upper and Lower Egypt and established his capital at Memphis around 3000 B.C.. By the time of the Old Kingdom, the land had been consolidated under the central power of a king, who was also the "owner" of all Egypt. Considered to be divine, he stood above the priests and was the only individual who had direct contact with the gods. The economy was a royal monopoly and so there was no word in Egyptian for "trader." Under the king was a carefully graded hierarchy of officials, ranging from the governors of provinces down through local mayors and tax collectors. The entire system was supported by the work of slaves, peasants and artisans.

The Old Kingdom reached its highest stage of development in the Fourth Dynasty. The most tangible symbols of this period of greatness are the three enormous pyramids built as the tombs of kings at Giza between 2600 and 2500. The largest, Khufu (called Cheops by the Greeks), was originally 481 feet high and 756 feet long on each side. Khufu was made up of 2.3 million stone blocks averaging 2.5 tons each. In the 5th century B.C. the Greek historian Herodotus tells us that the pyramid took 100,000 men and twenty years to build. The pyramids are remarkable not only for their technical engineering expertise, but also for what they tell us about royal power at the time. They are evidence that Egyptian kings had enormous wealth as well as the power to concentrate so much energy on a personal project.

The priests, an important body within the ruling caste, were a social force working to modify the king's supremacy. Yielding to the demands of the priests of Re, a sun god, kings began to call themselves "sons of Re," adding his name as a suffix to their own. Re was also worshipped in temples that were sometimes larger than the pyramids of later kings.

In the Old Kingdom, royal power was absolute. The pharaoh (the term originally meant "great house" or "palace"), governed his kingdom through his family and appointed officials. The lives of the peasants and artisans was carefully regulated: their movement was limited and they were taxed heavily. Luxury accompanied the pharaoh in life and in death and he was raised to an exalted level by his people. The Egyptians worked for the pharaoh and obeyed him because he was a living god on whom the entire fabric of social life depended. No codes of law were needed since the pharaoh was the direct source of all law.

The Egyptians also developed a system of writing. Although the idea may have come from Mesopotamia, the script was independent of the cuneiform. Egyptian writing began as pictographic and was later combined with sound signs to produce a difficult and complicated script that the Greeks called hieroglyphics ("sacred carvings"). Though much of what we have today is preserved on wall paintings and carvings, most of Egyptian writing was done with pen and ink on fine paper (papyrus).


Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main factor in the history of Egyptian civilization? Can you explain why?

2. How did Manetho classify Egyptian kings?

3. What is known about the reign of Menes?

4. What pyramids were built during the reign of the Fourth Dynasty? What did they serve for?

5. What did the term “pharaoh” originally mean?

6. What system of writing did the Egyptians develop?


Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the following expressions:


длинная история Египетской цивилизации

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