Студопедия — Past Continuous
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Past Continuous



1) action in the middle of happening at a stated past time

He was playing tennis at 4.30 yesterday.

2) past action in progress interrupted by another past action. The longer action is in the Past Continuous, the shorter action is in the Past Simple.

While I was get­ting dressed the bell rang.

3) two or more simultaneous past actions

While I was sunbathing,Tim was swimming.

or background description to events in a story

She was flying to Paris. The sun was shining...


Time expressions:while, when, as etc


12.1* Underline the correct form:


1. While he took / was taking a bath, Archimedes discovered / was discovering the principles of density and buoyancy.

2. When Edouard Benedictus, a French scientist, worked / was working in his laboratory, he dropped / was dropping a glass bottle which had some plastic inside – and invented / was inventing safety glass.

3. Columbus arrived / was arriving in America while he tried / was trying to reach the Far East.

4. Alexander Fleming discovered / was discovering penicillin by accident while he looked / was looking at some old experiments.

5. While Hiram Bingham climbed / was climbing in the mountains of Peru in 1911, he discovered / was discovering the lost city of Macchu Picchu.

6. While Isaac Newton sat / was sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell / was falling on hishead, and he understood / was understanding gravity.

7. While Dr Harry Coover tried / was trying to invent a newkind of plastic, he made / was making a very softsubstance which stuck / was sticking things together. It was Superglue.

8. While he observed / was observing the Moon throughhis telescope, Galileo realized / was realizing that it hadmountains and craters.

12.2* Complete the sentence with the past simple or past continuous form of the verb in brackets:


Alexander the Great

While he 1) (grow up) was growing up, the philosopher Aristotle was his teacher. Alexander 2) (become) _______ interested in science, medicine, philosophy and literature. While his father Philip 3) (attend) _______ his daughter's wedding, a young nobleman 4) (murder) _______ him. Alexander was king of Macedonia at the age of 20.

While he 5) (fight) _______ his enemies in the north, the Greeks in the south 6) (start) _______ a rebellion. He 7) (destroy) _______ all their cities. He 8) (lead) _______ his army against the Persian Empire through what is now Turkey 9) (stay) _______ in the ancient city of Gordium, he 10) (undo) _______ the Gordian knot. A legend said that only a future king of Asia could do this.

While his army 11) (march) _______ through Persia, it 12) (defeat) _______ Darius, the king of Persia. He 13) (found) _______ the city of Alexandria at the mouth of the Nile while he 14) (visit) _______ Egypt. While he 15 (travel) _______ with his army, he 16) (give) _______ his name to many other towns.

He 17) (kill) _______ his friend Clitus in a quarrel, while they 18) (have) _______ dinner.

While he 19) (attack) _______ the city of Mali in India, he 20) (receive) _______ a serious wound from an arrow.

While he 21) (attend) _______ a banquet in Babylon in 323 BC, he 22) (fall) _______ ill and 23) (die) _______.


The Vikings in America


According to Viking records, around the year 1000, while some Viking sailors 1) (look for) were looking for the coast of Greenland, they2)(reach) _______ the eastern coast of America. While they 3) (live) _______ there, they 4) (try) _______ to trade with the local Native Americans, known by the Vikings as Skraelings, but in the end the Native Americans 5) (fight) _______ them and 6) (drive) _______ them out. After several attempts to return, the Vikings 7) (give up) _______. In 1968, while some archaeologists8)(work) _______ inNewfoundland, they9)(discover) _______ the remains of one of the Viking settlements, and 10) (prove) _______ that this story was true.

Charles-Marie de la Condamine


In 1735 Charles-Marie de la Condamine1)(sail) _______ to South America. At that time, scientists 2) (argue) _______ about the shape of the Earth. The French Academy 3) (want) _______ him to take measurements on the Equator, along with two other scientists. The work 4) (take) _______ them eight years and in the end, another scientific team5)(find) _______ the answer they 6) (look for) _______. While de la Condamine7)(travel) _______ home along the River Amazon, he8)(learn) _______ many interesting things about the local people and their way of life. When he9)(arrive) _______ in Paris in 1745, he 10) (receive) _______ a hero's welcome.

Past Perfect



1) past action which occurred before another action or before a stated past time

He had left by the time I got there. (or by 8.15)

2) complete past action which had visible results in the past

She was sad because she had failed the test

3) the Past Perfect is the past equivalent of the Present Perfect

(He can't find his watch He has lost it) He couldn't find his watch. He had lost it


Time expressions:for, since, already, after, just, never, yet, before, by, by the time etc.


13.1* Read the following Information about famous moments in history. Then underline the correct form. Only one verb in each paragraph is past perfect:


1) Columbus left Spain in August 1492 with three ships, to try and find a way to India by sailing west instead of east. When his ships1) finally reached / had finally reached land on 12 October, he thought he was there, but the ships2) actually arrived / had actually arrived in America instead.

2) Captain Robert Scott wanted to reach the South Pole first. He and his companions finally arrived there on 1 January 1912 after a terrible journey across the ice, but3) found / had found a Norwegian flag. Unfortunately for Scott, Roald Amundsen 4) got / had got there on 14 December, 18 days earlier.

3) Leonardo painted his famous The Last Supper between 1495 and 1498, but the painting started to deteriorate within 50 years. The most common explanation for this used to be that Leonardo5) used / had used the wrong kind of paint, but experts have always disagreed about this, and many believe that the damp in the wall is the cause of the damage. Between 1978 and 1999, experts6) restored / had restored the painting, and the public can now see it again.


13.2* Complete the sentence with the past simple or past perfect simple form of the verb in brackets:


1. When I (try) tried to use my laptop, I realized the battery (run) _______ down.

2. I (turn) _______ the computer off, but forgot that I (not save) _______ my work.

3. I only remembered I (not pay) _______ the bill when my Internet connection (stop) _______ working.

4. When I (receive) _______ the e-mail, I couldn't understand who (send) _______ it.

5. When I (check) _______ the instructions, I understood what I (do) _______.

6. I knew I (receive) _______ a virus when I (run) _______ the anti-virus program.

7. As soon as I (download) _______ the document, I knew I (make) _______ a mistake.

8. I could see what (go) _______ wrong as soon as I (look) _______ inside the printer.

9. I knew I (press) _______ the wrong key when nothing (happen) _______.

10. When the screen (go) _______ blank, I couldn't understand how it (happen) _______.


13.3 * Read these sentences about Julius Caesar. Then complete the sentence with the past simple or past perfect form of the verb in brackets:


Julius Caesar 1) (come) came from an aristocratic Roman family, though his family was not rich by Roman standards. When he was 15 his father 2) (die) _______, and to avoid political problems in Rome, Caesar 3) (serve) _______ as a soldier in the east. By the time he 4) (return) _______ to Rome, he 5) (win) _______ awards for bravery. He 6) (become) _______ a member of the Senate, and governor of what is now Spain. By the age of 40 he 7) (rise) _______ to the top of the political world, and 8) (form) _______ a political alliance with a powerful general, Pompey, and a rich man, Crassus. Between 58 BC and 49 BC he 9) (fight) _______ a war against the people of what are now France, Belgium, Switzerland and parts of Germany. By the end of this war, according to the historian Plutarch, three million men 10) (die) _______. In 50 BC the Senate 11) (order) _______ Caesar to return to Rome. By that time, Crassus was dead and Pompey 12) (become) _______ Caesar's enemy. In the civil war that followed, Caesar 13) (defeat) _______ all his enemies. By the time a group of Roman senators 14) (murder) _______ him in 44 BC, he 15) (be) _______ the most powerful man in Rome for only a year.


13.4 * Choose the correct form. A, B or C, to complete the sentences:


On 26 December 2004, Tilly Smith, a 10-year-old British schoolgirl, 1) C on the beach with her family. They 2) ___ Christmas in Thailand. Suddenly Tilly 3) ___ that something was wrong. She could see that the water 4) ___ and waves 5) ___ up the beach. The beach 6) ___ smaller and smaller. She 7) ___ that there had been an earthquake in Sumatra that morning, but she8) ___ a geography lesson she 9) ___ at school just two weeks before. So she 10) ___ her mother what she 11) ___ about earthquakes and giant waves. Luckily for the Smith family, Tilly's teacher Andrew Kearney 12) ___ the class about earthquakes and 13) ___ them a video of a tsunami in Hawaii. Tilly 14) ___ screaming at her parents to get off the beach. They 15) ___ Tilly back to their hotel, which was not too close to the shore, and16) ___ the alarm. One of the staff, who was Japanese,17) ___ the word tsunami, and 18) ___ everyone to leave the beach. From their room on the third floor, the Smiths19) ___ the terrible effects of the tsunami on the area. Thanks to Tilly, everybody from that beach 20) ___ that terrible day.


1. A walked B had walked C was walking
2. A spent B had spent C were spending
3. A felt B had felt C was feeling
4. A rose B had risen C was rising
5. A came B had come C were coming
6. A got B had got C was getting
7. A did not know B had not known C was not knowing
8. A suddenly remembered B had remembered suddenly C was suddenly remembering
9. A had B had had C was having
10. A told B had told C was telling
11. A learnt B had learnt C was learning
12. A taught B had taught C was teaching
13. A showed B hadshown C was showing
14. A started B had started C was starting
15. A took B had taken C were taking
16. A raised B had raised C were raising
17. A understood B had understood C was understanding
18. A ordered B had ordered C was ordering
19. A watched B had watched C were watching
20. A survived B had survived C was surviving


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