Студопедия — In which sentence does the verb mean 'which informed'? In which sentence does the verb mean 'in order to inform'?
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In which sentence does the verb mean 'which informed'? In which sentence does the verb mean 'in order to inform'?

Now complete the following sentences using the verbs either as participles (e.g. working), or infinitives (e.g. to work).


1. Mrs. Jackson has gone to the Post office...(cash) a postal order.(почтовый перевод)

2. They sent us an invoice...(give) details of all the goods that had been ordered.

3. Their letter,...(explain) why they had not paid promptly, arrived a few days later.

4. I am writing to you... (ask) why the outstanding balance on your account has still not been paid.

5. I have written to the insurers... (find out) when they expect to settle the claim.

6. Although I am reluctant to take legal action... (recover) the amount, you leave me no alternative.

7. In our company we normally use letters of credit... (settle) transactions overseas.


Ex.3 Match each sentence written in formal English (i.e. the appropriate language for letter-writing), to its nearest informal equivalent.


1. We expect to receive a remittance (денежный перевод) from you in seven days.

a We want you to get in touch with us in a week.

b We would like you to pay your debt in the next week.

с We want you to send our account details next week.

2. We should like another month to settle.

a We can't pay until next month.

b We need more time to get used to our new office,

с We will send you the bill in a month's time.

3. Please find enclosed your statement for the month of March.

a We are sending details of all the transactions we made in March.

b We are informing you about what you owe us for March.

с We are sending the money we owe you for March.

4. The sum of £215.60 has been credited to your account.

a You will be expected to pay £215.60 from your account.

b We believe that you now have a total of £215.60 in your account.

с A payment of £215.60 has gone into your account.

5.I apologize for not clearing the balance earlier.

a Sorry I didn't pay you earlier.

b Sorry for not closing my account earlier.

с Sorry for the delay in replying to you.

8. Settlement of your February account is overdue.

a You paid us too much in February.

b We can't offer you a loan to pay your February account.

с You haven't paid us yet for February.

9. We ask you to bear with us.

a Please be patient.

b We need your custom.

с We would like you to pay us.


Ex.4 Make changes to the following letter so that it sounds more formal.

Thanks for sending us £550 the other week, but don't forget you still owe us £2,000, which we want you to pay before the end of April. If you're having problems finding the money, why don't you give us a ring? We could arrange a different way for you to pay us


Ex.5 Read the following letter requesting payment, and choose the best words from the options in brackets


UK Cycles Ltd

Borough House

Borough Road

Cleveland TS1 3BA

OurRef:HS 351


The Managing Director

Velo Sport AG

Karlstr. 45 O-5230



Account No. VS 301632


Dear Mr. Janssen,

We wrote to you on 25 March concerning the above (account, bill, balance) for £2,700.00 which has now been outstanding (for, since, about) three months. When we agreed to offer you credit facilities we pointed out that it was essential to (pay up, clear, handle) accounts (in, at, on) the exact date, particularly as we generally do not (allow, give, offer) credit terms.

As you realize, delayed payments can create problems for us (by, to, with) our own suppliers, therefore we would appreciate it if you could either let us know why the (account, credit, payment) has not been cleared, or let us have a remittance (within, for, during) the next ten days.

We hope this receives your immediate attention.


Yours sincerely,

EX. 6 Write a letter from Karl Janssen, Managing Director of Velo Sport, to Mrs. Stuart.

■ Thank her for her letters, and quote the dates.

■ Explain that a fire at your Head Office has destroyed a lot of your computer data and has disrupted all correspondence with suppliers and customers. You need some time to get back to your normal routine.

■ Request a further thirty days to settle.


EX. 7 Fill in the invoice with the information given below.


Ten Lotus pattern at £35 each, catalogue number L305; 20 Wedgwood at £43, catalogue number W218. Cost, Insurance, Freight is included in these prices. Less 15% trade discount.


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