Студопедия — Пресс-релиз. Tongue Twister: (repeat 20 times really fast) Snow slows Santa's sled.
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Пресс-релиз. Tongue Twister: (repeat 20 times really fast) Snow slows Santa's sled.

Tongue Twister: (repeat 20 times really fast)
Snow slows Santa's sled.

Classroom Games & Activities:

Candy Cane Hockey: Make 2 goals on a table (using jellybeans as goal posts). Take another jellybean and use candy canes to shoot it into the goals (TP: V: candy cane, shoot, goal, win, lose, winner, loser, jellybean. F: giving instructions to play a game).

Candy Cane Horseshoes: This game is similar to the throwing horseshoes game. Put up a pole/stick/cone in the classroom. Students take turns throwing candy canes at it. The object of the game is to get your candy cane closest, and only throwing underarm. Extra points for getting the hook around the pole. The winner's prize? To eat all the candy canes! (TP: V: candy cane, throw, underarm, points, prize).

Candy Cane Pass (Relay Race): Supplies: 4 candy canes per team (have a few extras due to breakage). How To Play: The first player holds 4 candy canes between his/her fingers and passes them down the line, teammate to teammate, without dropping any. (TP: None).

Christmas Cards: Supplies: card, colored pens/pencils, glitter. Ss make cards for other Ss in the class. (TP: V: Christmas card. F: writing messages). For added fun, have children add photos to create Photo Christmas Cards.

Christmas Stocking Relay: Supplies: one stocking for each team, one spoon for each team, one bowl for each team, some wrapped candy. How To Play: Divide Ss into teams. Have each team line up at one end of the room. At the other end, hang a Christmas stocking for each team. Place a bowl of candy and a spoon in front of each team. Each S takes a turn carrying a candy from the bowl with the spoon across the room to the stocking. They drop the candy in the stocking and race back to the next person in line and give them the spoon. First team to fill the stocking wins! (TP: V: stocking, candy, spoon, bowl. AA: Before the game you can get the sts to decorate their stockings with stars, bells, glitter, etc.).

Christmas Tree Decorate: Cut out a large tree shape (a triangle with rounded corners) from poster board and pin to a wall in the classroom. Ss create decorations, ornaments and wrapped presents from craft paper, and then glue them to the tree. (TP: V: decorations (star, bells, etc.), cut, glue).

Freeze: Supplies: Christmas music (see bottom of this page). How To Play: Begin playing music, everyone moves and dances until the music stops then they must "freeze" in whatever position they happen to be in. (TP: None).

Limbo: Based on the classic beach game of "limbo". Try using a string of twinkle lights, or a strand of sparkly garland for your limbo stick. For a fun variation on the game, make it a little more challenging by adding a Santa Stomach to each student as they take their turn. Have a couple of oversized shirts, and some fluffy pillows on hand. (TP: None).

Pass the Christmas Ornament: Supplies: one straw for each child / ornaments cut out of tissue paper (tree, bell, star, etc.). How To Play: Divide the class into 2 teams and line up each team. Sts pass the ornaments down the line, teammate to teammate, by inhaling and exhaling on the straw to hang onto or release the ornament. No hands! The first team to successfully pass the ornaments up and down the line wins! (TP: V: ornament, decoration, tree, bell, star, line up, pass. AA: Before the game you can get the students to make the tissue ornaments).

Pin The Nose on Rudolph: This is a take on 'pin the tail on the donkey'. Put a picture of a nose-less Rudolf on the wall, blindfold the students, spin them around and see if they can pin a red nose in the right place. The nearest wins a prize/points. Click here for a color Rudolph poster or click here for a black&white Rudolph poster. (TP: V: Rudolph, reindeer, nose, pin, blindfold, spin. F: parts of the body. AA: Song 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer', 'Rudolph Dash' game).

Rudolph Dash: Supplies: Circles cut out of red construction paper, Vaseline. How To Play: Using Vaseline have each S put a red circle on their nose. In teams, relay race to the finish with each new person adding their red nose. If the nose falls off the S must go back to the bowl and add more Vaseline to reapply their nose. (TP: V: circle, red, nose, run, stick. F: shapes, colors, parts of the body. AA: Song 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer', 'Pin the Nose on Rudolph' game).

Santa Says: Same as 'Simon Says': The S up is "Santa". S says "Santa says hop". All Ss hop. S says "Stop". Ss should continue hopping on until "Santa" says "Santa says stop". Repeat for other actions such as jump, run, turn around, sit down, stand up, hands up/down, star jump, etc. (TP: F: actions, commands).

Scramble Christmas Words: Supplies: index cards, paper bags. How To Play: Choose a Christmas word such as: Christmas, Candy Cane, Santa Claus, Reindeer.... Write each letter of a word on individual index cards. Put the set in a paper bag. Divide the Ss into teams. Give each team a bag. The first team to decipher what the word in the bag wins. A variation of the game would be to divide into teams with the same number of Ss as there are letters in the word. Each S gets a letter and the team must arrange themselves in the right order to spell the word. (TP: F: Spelling).

Secret Santa Gift Exchange: Set this up 2-3 weeks before the class party. Write each person's name on a slip of paper, then have students draw a name from a hat. They can't get their own name. Students must buy a present for the person whose name they chose, but set a (low) price limit. Students bring the wrapped present, with the recipients name on it, to the party (have a few extra presents on hand if anyone forgets, or in case of other emergencies so everyone can get one). The teacher (or Santa!) draws the names from a hat, and the recipient has to guess who gave them the present. (TP: None).

Snowball Frosty the Snowman: Draw a snowman on the board with target points (e.g. 10 pts head, 5 pts stomach, etc.). Make wet balls of using tissue. Sts throw the wet 'snowballs' which stick to the snowman (who also slowly melts!). Ask qus for points. (TP: V: snowman, snowball, throw, points. F: 'wh' / 'yes,no' questions. AA: Song 'Frosty the Snowman', 'Rudolph Dash' game).

Snowflakes: Fold a piece of paper until it is quite small. Then cut small holes in the folded paper. Open up - a snowflake! (TP: V: Snowflake, paper, fold, cut. F: weather).

Spelling Banner: Prepare two banners that say whatever you want them to say, ie Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, etc. Also prepare a set of letters for the same words cut out in two different colors hidden randomly around the room. Divide the class into 2 teams with two captains--the captains sit and wait for their teammates to bring the letters for their banner. If a student is on the "red" team and sees a letter for the "green" team he/she just leaves it alone. The first team to cover their banner letters wins. (TP: F: spelling).

Who am I Santa?: Blindfold one student. The other Ss stand in circle around the blindfolded student. Spin the student around and then stop him/her facing another student. S says "Ho ho ho. Who am I?". The blindfolded S must guess who that student is and call out his/her name. (TP: F: asking people to identify themselves).

Word Find: Supplies: timer, paper, pens. Divide Ss into teams. Take a Christmas related word such as: Christmas, candy cane, Santa Claus, etc. and find as many words as possible using the letters of that word. Give a time limit (e.g. 2 mins). The team with the most words wins! Example: Christmas 1: (sit, is, his, miss, rat, tar, this, math, chair, rim...), Example 2: Candy cane (candy, cane, and, dance, day, nay, can, dye, an, any...). (TP: F: Spelling).

Free Christmas Games for Adults and Kids


Free Christmas Party Games Christmas games need to be short little fillers since your guests will be busy watching the game, eating and drinking. Whether the games is for adults or kids, pretty much the same rules apply. Some of the games are just adult party games other fit both kids and adults. So here are some quick but fun Christmas game ideas:
  • Who's Santa Christmas Game
  • Printable Christmas Games
  • Gift Giving Free Christmas Game
  • Santa Hat Free Christmas Game
Who's Santa Rudolph is waiting for Santa so that all the children’s presents can be delivered. He needs to find Santa, who is hiding. Have all the children sit in a circle. One child is selected to be Rudolph and leaves the room while Santa is selected. One person from the circle is elected to be the “Santa”, and then “Rudolph” is called back to stand in the circle. Once Rudolph returns Santa can start winking at people in the circle. Anyone who sees that they have been winked at lets out a loud, “HO! HO! HO! –Merry Christmas. Once Rudolph identifies Santa, you start again. Printable Christmas GamesClick below for Printable Christmas Party Games Gift Giving This is a fun and exciting way to exchange gifts. Each person brings a wrapped unmarked gift. (We usually have a $$ limit-ex. $25.00) Or you can bring white elephants gifts for added fun. Everyone sits in a circle and the gifts are placed in a pile in the middle of the circle. Write numbers from 1-??, depending on the number of gifts, on small pieces of paper. Do not number the gifts. Fold papers and place them in a hat or some other container. Each person randomly picks a paper (number) from the hat. Start with the person holding number 1. He/she picks a gift and opens it. Number two can either pick a gift from the pile or take the gift from number one. Number one then chooses a wrapped gift from the pile and opens it. Number three can either take a gift from numbers 1 or 2 or pick one from the pile to open.. There is no limit on the number of gifts one person can open if others continue to take the gift they have opened. Each gift can only change hands three times through out the game. The person with the gift on the third exchange keeps it. Each person ends up with only one gift. You may end up with the same gift you brought. You may also play this game without opening the gifts till the end when everyone has a gift in hand and all the exchanging is over. It's not only funny to see people vie for a gift when they don't even know what is actually in the package but also when the gift is opened.. Santa Hat Game For festive gatherings with Santa hats. You need everyone to be wearing a hat, so either use the ever popular Santa hats, or otherwise give everyone a normal party hat. The game is based on observation. the objective is NOT to be the last person left with a hat on. At the start announce the simple objective, the only rule is that no one can take their hat off until you have. Let another game or conversation take place, and as time goes by, people will take their attention off you, and even forget the game is happening. Eventually remove your hat and watch as people cotton on. Gradually the hats will come off, amidst sniggers and smirks. Some unsuspecting person (who’s probably busy boring everyone with a hopeless story) will be last to notice, and much to every ones’ mirth, this person is the loser. Serve up an appropriate forfeit, get the hats back on and give the loser the chance to start the next game.
Over 70 Printable Christmas Games For $19.95! Christmas Party Invitations Starting at $0.69 cents each DISCOUNT HOLIDAY CARDS Printable Christmas Games Christmas Party Supplies Click for Full Selection  

Christmas Gift Giving: Ancient History And Modern Day Celebration. Christmas gift giving is a tradition that has been passed on for many years now, and people have added modern twists to this procedure. Now it is very common for people to have gift exchanges. This exchange is great because both parties will be granted a gift. In many situations a set price is given prior to buying the gifts, all the names of the people who will be part of this exchange are pulled by each individual from a hat and the person whose name you pick that’s who you need to buy a gift to in the price range given.





Коктейли «33 пингвина» получают благодарности покупателей в г. Якутске

Коктейли «33 пингвина» за последний месяц получили рекордное количество благодарностей покупателей в г. Якутске. Это отличный результат, принимая во внимание то, что первая точка «33 пингвинов» открылась в Якутске лишь в марте этого года.

Коктейли «33 пингвина» производятся из мороженого. Мороженое «33 пингвина», в свою очередь, изготавливается на основе высококачественных натуральных сливок. Возможно, именно этим обусловлен такой успех коктейлей компании как на рынке Якутска, так и в целом в стране.


«Мои друзья и знакомые, покупатели на наших точках хвалят коктейли. Об их качестве я могу судить и сама - по хорошему уровню продаж. Я очень рада, что стала работать с «33 пингвина»,» - говорит наш франчайзи в г. Якутске Екатерина Константиновна Жиркова.


«33 пингвина» – российская торговая марка натурального мороженого, представленного в разряде мороженого «класса премиум». Мороженое изготавливается по классической итальянской технологии из натуральных компонентов, основными из которых являются свежие сливки, фрукты и ягоды, орехи, шоколад, карамель и пр. Ассортимент представлен в более чем 40 видах.

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