Студопедия — Read the letter.
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Read the letter.

Tucson, 5-th May

Dear Greta.

Well, here we are in Arizona. This is a picture of our motorhome! It's not very big but it's got a big bed over the driver's cabin for Sev and me, and two little beds in the sitting room for the chil­dren. The beds are our sofas during the day, and we've got a tiny dining space with a table and some chairs. There's a nice little kitchen with a stove and some cupboards, and we've even got some plants, over the sink. There isn't a bath, but we've got a good shower - and a toilet of course. It's almost like home! Now for Texas! See you in July.


Lots of love from Julie, Sev, Lucy, James.

  toilet and shower
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
kitchen area
sitting room
sofa beds
dinning space
bed over cabin
overhead cupboard
What has the motorhome got? With a partner, make two lists under

these headings: It's got It hasn't got

eg. a shower eg. a bath

Compare your lists with other students. Are motorhomes popular in your country? Are they good for long holidays? Are they good for two people or for a family?


2.12 Read the dialogue and tick the items that Bob's got.

Bob: Nancy: Bob:   Nancy: Bob:   Nancy: Bob: Nancy: Bob: Nancy: Bob:   Nancy: Bob: Nancy: Bob:   Nancy: Bob: Yes, I've got a big house. But I need some furniture. Haven't you got any furniture? Well, there's a sofa and a TV in one of the sitting rooms... but I haven't got any armchairs. What about the dining room? Oh, yes.... I 've got some chairs. In fact, there are twelve chairs in the dining room. And a table? No, I haven't got a table. No table! Where do you eat? Well, I usually go to a restaurant. Oh, Bob! But you should see the kitchen - it's lovely. I've got a cooker, and a fridge - and a brand new sink! Have you got a bath? What! In the kitchen? No, in the bathroom! No, I haven't. But there's a shower in the large bathroom. And a washbasin. The toilet is next door. And where do you sleep? On the floor? Oh, no. I've got a bed. I'm not stupid!



table, armchair, fridge, TV, radio, toilet, chair, sofa, cooker, shower, washbasin, sink, bed, bath.
2.13 Missing information: flats and houses.

Student A Ask Student B questions to find out the missing information about the house and the flat in the table below. (Student B also has missing information and will ask you questions.)

Before you start, work out which questions to ask. For example:

Where's (the house)? Is (the flat) big? Is (the house) modern? How many rooms are there in (the house)? What are they? Has (the house) got central heating? Is there anything else you can tell me about (the house)?
  Flat House  
Street King Street    
Size big quite big small big quite big small  
Condition modern quite modern not very modern modern quite modern not very modern  
Number of rooms three downstairs upstairs  
List of rooms a living-room a kitchen a bedroom    
Central heating Yes    
Near the shops   No  
Distance from town centre 1 mile    
Rent   f 200 a month  
Any other information You share the toilet and the bathroom. On the first floor.    


When you are ready, take it in turns to ask and answer ques­tions. When you have finished, compare your tables.

Student B Ask Student A questions to find out the missing information about the house and the flat in the table below. (Student A also has missing information and will ask you questions.)

Before you start, work out which questions to ask. For example:

Where's (the flat)? Is (the house) big? How many rooms are there in (the flat)? What are they? Has (the flat) got central heating? How much is the rent for (the house)? Is there anything else you can tell me about (the flat)?  
Street   Park Road
Size big quite big small big quite big small
Condition modern quite modern not very modern modern quite modern not very modern
Number of rooms   downstairs two upstairs three
List of rooms   a living-room a kitchen 2 bedrooms a bathroom/toilet
Central heating   No
Near the shops Yes  
Distance from town centre   2 miles
Rent f40 a week  
Any other information   Large garden. Garage.

When you are ready, take it in turns to ask and answer ques­tions. When you have finished, compare your tables.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 289. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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