Студопедия — Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations
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Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations

equilibrium point / displacement / mutually staggered / oscillations / repulsive forces


1. For fusion to take place, it has to overcome huge ______________ due to the strong hydration repulsion between hydrophilic lipid head groups.

2. As the fluctuations increase, the period and the amplitude of the ______________ is more dispersed, and the phase coherence decreases.

3. It has been suggested that approximately 12,000 years ago there was a ______________ of the Earth's crust. The entire outer shell of the earth moved approximately 2,000 miles.

4. The ______________ is the point when the object that was oscillating is at rest.

5. Each molecule comprises three sequences (a chains) ______________ by 1 residue in the order a1-a2-a1.


Translate into Russian

1. Athanasius Kircher, in the 17-th century, was the first to employ the microscope systematically in the study of diseases, though his interpretations were not correct.

2. The cell theory was quickly extended to unicellular organisms: it was recognized that Protozoa are animals consisting of a single cell (von Siebold, 1845) and it was Haeckel who divided the animal kingdom into its two most important groups; Protozoa and Metazoa.

3. In the animal body carotenes are often deposited in the skin cells, giving the skin a deep colouring. They are widely distributed pigments in the plant kingdom. It is from these substances, particularly the β-carotene, that animal tissues synthesize vitamin A.

4. The higher the temperature of the liquid, the more rapid is the thermal agitation of the molecules and therefore the more frequent the bombardment of the particles.

5. Protoplasm can be considered to be a heterogeneous colloidal system made of a frame-work of filaments, membranes, etc., which are dispersed in a watery medium.

6. The weak Van der Waals forces are affected by changes in temperature and by the organic solvents.

7. A whole system of submicroscopic membranes has been observed to pervade the ground cytoplasm, forming the so-called endoplasmic reticulum.

8. These rates appear to be either independent of growth rate or directly proportional to it, depending upon the factor used to limit the growth of the culture.

9. We state this as a third hypothesis which is to be compared with those already presented.

10. Thus, mutations in non-replicating DNA will be able to occur throughout most of the division cycle regardless of generation time, and would therefore be expected to accumulate independently of generation time, even though the fraction of the cycle devoted to DNA synthesis might be quite variable.

11. With these mutagens we also find that the dependence of mutation rate upon generation rate is the same whether cultures are limited with tryptophan or glucose.

12. To ensure identity during irradiation (as regards dose and exposure conditions), a single treatment was given to all the males used in each of the X and ɣ-radiation series of genetical tests. The irradiated males in each series were then divided into 6 batches, each being used for a separate progeny fractionation experiment.

13. The recurrence of the same recombinant in the progeny of individual males would then be a manifestation of localized induction of crossing-over at the same chromosome site in different spermatocytes, rather than the multiplication of the same recombinant by spermatogonial mitoses.


Translate the text into English

Внутренняя энергия

Внутренняя энергия тела — полная энергия этого тела за вычетом кинетической энергии тела как целого и потенциальной энергии тела во внешнем поле сил. Следовательно, внутренняя энергия складывается из кинетической энергии хаотического движения молекул, потенциальной энергии взаимодействия между ними и внутримолекулярной энергии.

Внутренняя энергия является однозначной функцией состояния системы. Это означает, что всякий раз, когда система оказывается в данном состоянии, её внутренняя энергия принимает присущее этому состоянию значение, независимо от предыстории системы. Следовательно, изменение внутренней энергии при переходе из одного состояния в другое будет всегда равно разности между ее значениями в конечном и начальном состояниях, независимо от пути, по которому совершался переход.



UNIT 28 Bond Energies

Before putting interatomic potentials to use, it will be helpful to get an idea of the energies of the bonds commonly encountered in molecules of biological relevance. This will give us a better view of the types of reactions and processes that can occur in the biological domain. We will be considering many cases in which molecules are subjected to one influence or another, and it is important that we develop a feeling for what might happen under a given set of circumstances. We might wish to know whether a given molecule is likely to be able to withstand certain conditions. Why is it, for example, that sitting in the sun can cause a change in the colour of the skin, whereas the same is not the case when we sit in front of a fire, even though the latter may be just as effective at giving us instant warmth?

A few calculations relevant to our own bodies will serve to illustrate the usefulness of being able to make quantitative estimates. It can readily be shown that the total energy of all the bonds in a typical adult body is about 250 times the energy we consume in a single day. Let us make the following approximations. First, we assume that the bonds which keep our bodies together are essentially of the C—C type. This is not true, of course, because there are many C—N and C—O bonds, but we will later discover that these two types of bond have rather similar energies anyway. Now there are roughly 5 x 1022 atoms per gram of tissue, and we can assume that there would be about three bonds per atom (i.e. that the degree of bonding is slightly larger than would be the case if all bonds occurred only in linear chains, with their two bonds per atom). This indicates that an adult human would comprise about 4 x 1027 bonds. A typical covalent bond energy is approximately 0.6 aJ (i.e. 0.6 x 10-18J), so the total energy of all the bonds in the body is about 2.4 x 109 J or 0.6 x 109 calories, which is indeed about 250 times the normal daily intake of 2400 kilocalories, in the well-fed portion of the world's population at least.


Define the following words using a dictionary

To withstand, to comprise, the daily intake, to consume, to estimate, approximation

Complete the sentences

  1. Before putting interatomic potentials to use,…
  2. We will be considering many cases in which…
  3. We might wish to know whether…
  4. It can readily be shown that…
  5. First, we assume that the bonds which…
  6. There are roughly 5 x 1022 atoms per gram of tissue, and…
  7. This indicates that an adult human…


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