Студопедия — Milk powders
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Milk powders

Milk is also processed by various drying processes into powders. Whole milk, skim milk, buttermilk, and whey products are dried into a powder form and used for human and animal consumption. The main difference between production of powders for human or for animal consumption is in the protection of the process and the product from contamination. Some people drink milk reconstituted from powdered milk, because milk is about 88% water and it is much cheaper to transport the dried product.

Other milk products

Kumis is produced commercially in Central Asia. Although it is traditionally made from mare's milk, modern industrial variants may use cow's milk instead.


Theme 10.Technology of fermented industry

Task 1.Topical vocabulary.

  Fermenting ашыту брожение
  Branch сала ветвь
  Dairy acid сүт қышқылы молочная кислота
  Include қосу включать
  Accumulate жинақтау накопить
  Means тәсіл средство
  Substance зат вещество
  Mould зең плесень
  Vinegar сірке су уксус
  Flowsheet технологиялықнобай Технологическая схема
  Nourish азықтандыру питать
  Device құрылғы сусло
  Tunings сенделістікөнеркәсіп Бродильнаяпромышленность
  Terminating аяқталуымен по окончании
  Distillation асыру перегонка
  Distinguish айырмашылығын тану различать

Task 2. Read the text.

Technology of fermenting industry

The branches of industry based on using various types of fermenting refer to fermenting industry. Fermenting industry includes producing ethyl alcohol, beer, wine, yeast, acetone and butyl alcohol, food organic acid (vinegar, dairy, lemon), antibiotics and some other products.

All processes of fermenting industry are based on using vital functions of microorganisms for accumulating in the fermented means of certain substances - products of exchange. In fermenting industries yeasts are applied, mould mushrooms and bacteria for realizing fermented processes from that most essential is a process of fermentation.

The flowsheetof every fermenting industry is built so that to provide significant outcome and high quality of accepting products. In the flowsheet various fermenting industries own the row of general technological processes, and also processes which characterize just for gained production. General processes for every fermenting industry is preparing raw material and additional materials for fermenting and cultivatingmicroorganismsand fermentation. However, in every fermenting industry these processes come true differently.

Every enterprise of fermenting industry gets from corresponding branched institutes or derivatives clean culture of microorganisms in own laboratory. This culture is multiplied in laboratory and then in factories. Gradually increasing the amount of nourishing meansreaches such concentration of microorganisms that is needed for producing process of fermentation.

Subdivided microorganisms are added in special device. There is a process of fermentation a result of valuable substances, for example ethyl spirit, lemon acid, dairy acid and others.

In many tunings (ethyl spirit, bakery yeasts, dairy acid, lemon acid) till havingfermented fermentative solution is specially processed for selecting acceptedproduct in a pure form. So, in spirit production alcohol is distinguished by distillation(by rectification); dairy and lemon acids are distinguished from fermentative solutions of crystallization. Bakery yeasts are distinguished under operating centrifugal forces on centrifuges, and then on filters. In other tunings (beer, wine, home-brewed beer, kvass) fermentative solution is the prepared product. Upon terminating fermentative beer is poured in barrels and bottles, before pouring it is filtered.

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