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Раскройте скобки и поставьте прилагательные, данные в скобках, в необходимой форме сравнения

1) Prince William is much (tall) than his father. 2) Is the Queen (wealthy) woman in the world? 3) One of the (common) features of the one-party state is that position of the ruling party is guaranteed in a constitution and all forms of the political position are banned by law. 4) In Europe the monarchy is not so (popular) as in Britain. 5) The monarchy is (ancient) secular institution in the United Kingdom, with a continuous history stretching back over a thousand years. 6) The Labour Party is (young) than the Liberal and Conservative Parties. 7) The second (large) party forms the official Opposition, with its own leader and "shadow cabinet". 8) The domestic policy is as (important) as the foreign one. 9) If you need help and recommendation, you should go to the (near) advice bureau in your constituency. 10) The candidate who wins (many) votes is elected.

Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную (общий вопрос) формы следующих предложений

1) The Acts of Union by both the Parliament of England and Parliament of Scotland created a new unified Kingdom of Great Britain. 2) The Sovereign appoints and dismisses Cabinet and other ministers on the Prime Minister's advice. 3) The visiting heads of state will stay in Buckingham Palace. 4) The end of the Wars of the Roses formed a major turning point in the history of the monarchy. 5) The Crown creates all peerages, appoints members of the orders of chivalry, grants knighthoods and awards other honours. 6) From the 60 ministers in the government tne Prime Minister has already chosen the smaller group of about 20 called the Cabinet. 7) The Cabinet is making a very important political decision now. 8) The Lords Spiritual (Archbishops and Bishops) occupy the benches on the left nearest to the throne. 9) When he entered, the Minister was explaining to the other Ministers the whole purpose of the bill. 10) Bills that have had their first reading in the House of Commons in November may go to the House of Lords in April.

Bосстановите порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях

1) Russia/ what type of state/ is? 2) Who/ the right/ independently/ has/ to pass laws/ of the federal government? 3) In which case/ the President/ to suspend acts/ have the right/ passed by local executive authorities/ does? 4) Are/ what/ the three independent branches of state power/ in Russia? 5) When electing the President/ what/ the basic principles of voting/ are?

Напишите специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям

1) The leader of the majority party becomes the Prime Minister. 2) John Major replaced Margaret Thatcher who had been in this office for 11 years. 3) The British parliamentary system is one of the oldest in the world. 4) The Queen will act only on the advice of her Ministers. 5) Since 1867 the Conservative Party and the Labour Party have dominated British politics.

Письменно переведите предложения, поставив глагол в необходимую видо-временную форму

1) The Queen (to reign) but she (not rule). 2) The British parliamentary system (to develop) slowly during 13th century after King John’s signature of Magna Carta in 1215. 3) At present the monarch (to hold) a weekly audience with the Prime Minister. 4) Since the mid-19th century the Prime Minister (to be) normally the leader of the party with a majority in the House of Commons. 5) The legislative process (to involve) both Houses of Parliament and the Monarch. 6) Tomorrow the Prime Minister (to announce) the change in his Cabinet. 7) By the end of the term departmental ministers (to decide) all matters within their responsibility.

8) Most members of the government (to belong) to the party, which (to win) a majority of the sits in the House of Commons. 9) The Palace of Westminster (to be) the Sovereign's primary residence until 1530; although it (to be) still officially a royal palace, it (to be) the home of both Houses of Parliament. 10) In the 19th century the Tory Party (to become) known as the Conservative party (the word "conservative" first (to come) into use in 1830s).

15. Прочитайте текст The Russian Federation. Определите какое из утверждений является истинным (T) или ложным (F). Отметьте варианты ответов

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