Студопедия — РАЗДЕЛ 2. ЧТЕНИЕ
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В2. A. Parts of the body

B. Regional English

С Manners

D. Shopping for clothes

E. Body language

F. Fashions

G. Language development

1. People are taught to say "thank you" or "thanks" when somebody has given them something or done something for them. In a shop many British people say "thank you" several times at the checkout, when the operator tells them the total cost of their goods and when he or she gives them their change or gives back their credit cards.

2. During World War I women began wearing shorter skirts and bared their legs. Soon they began wearing trousers. Men’s suits became looser and were worn with a long tie. During the 1960s women wore miniskirts. Jeans and T-shirts became popular with both men and women.

3. Many people in Britain buy their clothes in chain stores or department stores. There is a traditional department store, Marks & Spencer, which is popular with people of all ages. To the British, clothes here are typical of the middle range: they are neither cheap nor expensive, fairly good quality and rather conservative.

4. Some words and phrases used in cricket have become idioms with a wider use. An unfair action may be described as "not cricket", because cricket used to be thought of as a gentleman’s sport and high standards of behaviour were expected from players. The idiom is rather old-fashioned, because the language is always changing, but it is still used humorously.

5. Modern dialects come from Old English. The Old East Midlands dialect later became standard English, while others became dialects spoken today in various parts of Britain. Most British people can recognize Cockney, a London dialect of the working class. The northern Geordie dialect shares many features with Scottish English.

6. A finger held to the lips means "Be quiet!". If you stick your fingers in your ears, you cannot stand the noise of something. Lifting the arm is used to attract attention. People clap their hands to show they are pleased about something. If you stand with your hands on your hips, you are angry. Children stick their tongues to show they do not like somebody, but this is rude.

B3. Прочитайте утверждения 1—6 и тексты. Установите соответствие между утверждениями и содержанием текстов. Запишите в таблицу под номером, соответствующим номеру утверждения, цифру 1, если утверждение верное.

1. Atlanta is home to a typical American product.

2. Tourists can visit the room where Margaret Mitchell lived.

3. There are three football fields in Grant Park.

4. Chicago is larger than Los Angeles.

5. Chicago is the busiest railroad centre in the USA.

6. Chicago’s architecture has influenced the style of modern cities.

Atlanta is the most populated metropolitan area in the South-east. It has the world’s second busiest airport. After World War II no city grew more than Atlanta. Of the 500 largest companies in the USA, 450 have offices in Atlanta. One of these, Coca-Cola, is no surprise as the formula of Coca-Cola was developed more than 100 years ago in Atlanta. Atlanta’s sights are of great interest. Those who are interested in history should visit Martin Luther King Historic District. If you like "Gone With The Wind", then go to see the Margaret Mitchell Room in the Atlanta Public Library. Here you will find autographed copies of her famous book. In Grant Park you will find no sports grounds, but there is the Cyclorame, which contains the world’s largest painting in the round. The length of three football fields, it depicts the 1864 Civil War Battle of Atlanta with lighting and sound effects. Chicago is called "The Second City", even though Los Angeles has replaced it as the second largest city of the nation. Today Chicago leads the country as a railway centre and as a grain and livestock market. It is American largest lake port, and second only to New York city in printing and publishing. After the Great Fire of 1871, Chicago rebuilt itself to become the birthplace of modern design. Chicago’s most striking feature is its skyscrapers and breathtakingly beautiful skyline. Chicago’s architectural school has changed urban design throughout the world. Today, three of the world’s tallest buildings rise above the city. One of them is the Sears Tower, standing about 1400 feet high and covering the entire city block. From the skydeck you can see four states on a clear day.

А14-А20. I wanted to find my niche. I wanted to fit so badly with some group, any group in high school. Sports didn’t really work for me. In fact, I dreaded those times in PE when the captains picked teams. Fights sometimes happened between captains about who would have the misfortune of ending up with me on their team. But one day, I saw a girl I liked go into the marching band office to sign up. Okay, sure, the uniforms looked stupid and being in the band didn’t exactly give you the best reputation at school, but there was Jaclyn. I would later learn that many of the greatest musicians of our time were motivated to music by some girl whose name they most likely don’t remember anymore.

The first thing to learn was how to hold the drum and play it. Holding the drum and playing it is not as easy as it might look. I did, after several private lessons, learn that that weren’t difficult enough, I had to learn how to play not only walking, but marching. At the end of the summer, our uniforms arrived. The band uniform is a sacred attire. It is not only carefully sized to fit the individual, long-sleeved and hand sewn, acquired through a lot of fund raising activities, and cleaned after each use. It is worn with pride. It is also 100 percent wool.

I forgot to mention something. In addition to an inability to play sports, I was also not so good at marching. If you were not in step, the band director would yell in a loud and embarrassingly annoyed voice, "OUT OF STEP!" It was at that point that I began to question my decision to join the band. How do playing music and marching around in silly formations, all "in step", go together?

The day of our first competition finally arrived. Although it didn’t start until 9 a.m., we had to meet at 6 a.m. to get our uniforms from the "band boosters" — those selfless, dedicated parents who provided comfort and assistance to the members of the band. I was not really in existence. I could walk and talk, but inside my brain was fast asleep. I was standing around waiting for my hat to be cleaned when I noticed a big container of coffee. I poured myself a cup — my first-ever cup of coffee. It tasted pretty bitter, but I had to wake up.

Finally, they lined us all up and off we went. I had had my coffee, so I marched and beat the rhythm out with all my heart. Then, suddenly all my energy drained away. I began to feel sleepy and I fell "OUT OF STEP". No one noticed at first and I tried to skip back into step. But nothing worked. Then I saw one of the band boosters talking to another one and pointing at me. Then they motioned for me to leave the formation. I walked over to them as the band marched on. They told me what I already knew, I was "OUT OF STEP", and would have to stay out of the formation until the band passed the judging stand.

I couldn’t believe it. Now I had to climb over the lawn chairs, popcorn and arms and legs of my fellow townspeople for the next mile to keep up with the band, carrying my drum and wearing my uniform. This was the most humiliating moment of my life.

А14 When the narrator was in high school he

1) wanted badly to belong to some sports team.

2) looked forward to PE classes.

3) sometimes had fights with team captains picking teams.

4) longed to have something in common with other students.

A15 The reason why the narrator decided to sign up for the band was his

1) dream to become a musician.

2) wish to get a better reputation.

3) attraction to a girl.

4) liking the band uniform.

A16 "The band uniform is a sacred attire" means it is

1) carefully sized to fit the individual.

2) long-sleeved hand sewn pure wool.

3) cleaned after each use.

4) highly respected and symbolic.

A17: The narrator began to question his decision to join the band because he

1) saw no connection between playing music and marching.

2) suddenly found out that he was not so good at marching.

3) had a bad ear for music.

4) got frightened by the yells of the band director.

A18 The narrator had a cup of coffee before marching because he

1) sometimes liked to have some.

2) didn’t want to feel sleepy.

3) had got tired of waiting.

4) liked its bitter taste. ‘

A19 When the narrator fell "out of step" he

1) just kept on marching.

2) expected the band boosters to encourage him.

3) worked hard to improve the situation.

4) looked forward to leaving the formation.

A20 When the narrator was told to leave the formation he felt

1) frightened that the band director would scold him.

2) miserable because he knew he would be a laughing stock.

3) relieved because he did not have to march any more.

4) happy that he could join his fellow townspeople.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-01; просмотров: 817. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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