Студопедия — Match the following terms to their Ukrainian equivalents. Explain their meaning.
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Match the following terms to their Ukrainian equivalents. Explain their meaning.

Theoretical Comment.

Definition of language. Distinction between language and speech. Language as a semiotic system: its functions, elements and structure. Hierarchical relations between units of different levels. Morphology and syntax - the two main branches of grammar. Grammar as a branch of linguistics. Theoretical and practical grammar. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations between lingual units; syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in grammar. The definition of morpheme. The word and the morpheme, their correlation. Intermediary phenomena between the word and the morpheme. Traditional classification of morphemes: positional criterion; semantic criterion. Other types of morphemes. The "allo-emic" theory in morphology: morphs, allomorphs and morphemes. Distributional analysis in morphology; three types of distribution. Grammatical meaning and the means of its expression. Grammatical category and the principles of its organization.



Match the following terms to their Ukrainian equivalents. Explain their meaning.

language - morpheme -
speech - morph -
sign - allomorph -
semiotic system - distribution -
lingual unit - segmental -
hierarchical relations - supra-segmental -
the plane of content - suppletivity -
the plane of expression - analytical word-form -

план вираження суплетивізм дистрибуція аломорф
аналітична словоформа морфема супра-/(над-)сегментний сегментний
план змісту мовна одиниця мова знак
семіотична (знакова) система ієрархічні відношення мовлення морф

2. Match the terms for basic grammar notions to their definitions:

1. grammar a. …a structured set of elements related to each other by a common function of giving expression to human thoughts.
2. grammatical system b. … a system of opposed grammatical forms with homogeneous grammatical meaning.
3. grammatical structure c. …the meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words.
4. linguistic level d. …a hierarchy of grammatical levels.
5. grammatical meaning e. …a class of homogeneous units with the same functional and structural features, which have constituent relations with units of the higher level.
6. grammatical form f. …a part of linguistics which studies the grammatical system and structure of the language, excluding phonemics and lexis.
7. grammatical category g. …a word form, which expresses grammatical meaning




Language levels and sublevels In language system In speech
Textual (supra-sentential) level Textual pattern Textual unity
b) proposemic (sentential sublevel a) phrasemic (phrase) sublevel   Syntactic level Proposeme (sentence pattern)   Phrase pattern (phraseme) Utterance   Syntagma  
b) lexemic sublevel a) morphemic sublevel   Lexical level Lexeme Morpheme Word-form Allomorph
Phonemic level Phoneme Allophone

3. Explain the phenomena of polysemy, homonymy, and synonymy in terms of correspondence of the two planes: content and expression. Which of these phenomena are illustrated by the following examples? Give comments.

1) like s – Tom ’s – dog s; He’s just left. – It was a just reward.   2) I often visit them. (habitual action) - The train leaves at 5. (timetable) - I see what you mean. (present moment); I must leave immediately. – She must be at home by now. 3) ox en – cact i – f ee t – wolv es – sheep_; Are you going somewhere tonight? - Will you go somewhere tonight? - Will you be going somewhere tonight?

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