Студопедия — The control questions
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

The control questions

1. Define the authority.

2. Name the basic concepts of authority, stop in more detail on each of them.

3. Reveal definition of political authority.

4. Name the basic attributes of political authority.

5. What are the structures and functions of political authority?

6. What is the legitimacy of authority in wide and narrow sense?

7. What types of legitimacy do you know?


1. Theme №6: Socially-ethnic a generalities and the national politics

2. The aim: to fix students knowledge of essence in an ethnic question and ways of its decision; to carry out the analysis of the basic directions and principles of national policy in RК.

3. Tasks of training: the student should know definition of concepts "ethnos", "nation", and also the basic paradigms in understanding of a category "nation";

The student should be able to comprehend features of achievement of an interethnic consensus in Republics of Kazakhstan.

4. The basic questions of a theme:

1. Ethnos and the nation. Two approaches in understanding of a category "nation"

2. The Ethnic question and its structure.

3. Forms of a national state system: unitarism, federation, confederation.

4. The Kazakhstan model of interethnic consensus achievement.

5. Methods of training and teaching:employment is spent traditional in form of training (question-answer). After a question by the plan there discussion on problems of realization of national policy in RK is possible.

In the conclusion the presentation of the abstract report on a theme: «Assembly of Kazakhstan people as a system political institute» is spent.

6. The literature:

1.Bulatov AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 2000.

2 AI Demidov, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. M., 1995.

3 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

4 AA Radugin Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

5. Politologiya. Textbook ed. Mukhayev R.T.- Moscow, 1997.

6 www.google.kz

5. Control questions:

1. Define the concepts: "ethnos" and "nation".

2. What is the structure of an ethnic question?

3. What are the ways of an ethnic question decision?

4. How many the nations and national characters live in RК?

5. What is the role of Assembly of Kazakhstan people in preservation of the interethnic consent in RК?

1. The Theme7: Political system of a society

2. The aim: to fix student knowledge of essence of the political system theory, of a society, its basic concepts, structure and functions.

3. Tasks of training: the student should know classical concepts of political system of a society;

- The student should be able to distinguish types of political systems.

4. The basic questions of a theme:

1. Essence and concepts of political system of a society.

2. Structure and functions of political system.

3. Typology and criteria of political system classification.

5. Methods of training and teaching:

- Employment is spent by a technique of "small groups», each subgroup specializes on illumination of one question by the plan. After oral interrogation discussion is possible. At the closing stage of employment there the presentation of the abstract report under plan ERWS for a theme: «Modern political systems» takes place.

6. The literature:

1. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures, ed. Kapesova M.K.- Almaty, 1995.

2. Politics. Educational-methodical posobie- Almaty, 1995.

3. Political Science. A course of lectures, ed. prof. Mustafina Almaty, 1994.

4. Grigorev VK Course of lectures on politologii- Almaty, 1997.

5. Kozlov, Yu Buluktaev Politics: Tutorial-Almaty, 1995.

6. www.google.kz

5. Control questions:

1. What is the system?

2. Define political system of a society.

3. What scientists were engaged in development of the theory of political system of a society?

4. Present the mechanism of functioning of political system on D.Istone and Almond.

5. What are the structure and functions of political system?

6. What are criteria of classification of political systems?

7. Name the basic types of political systems.

8. Is the political regime is criterion of division of political systems on various types?

9. Name types of political systems, depending on a political regime.

1. The Theme8.1: the State and a civil society (1 employment).

2. The aim. To learn the student to disclose a problem of essence, of an origin of the state.

3. Tasks of training:

- The student should know the basic concepts, genesis of the state;

- The student should be able to distinguish types of the state under forms of board and territorially-state system.

4. The basic questions of a theme:

1. An origin and essence of the state.

2. Attributes of the state, its function and the purpose.

3. Types of the state.

5. Methods of training and teaching: employment is spent by a traditional technique, oral interrogation concerning the plan, in the conclusion the abstract report on a theme: «the Modern state and its} distinctive features» hears.

6. The literature:

1 Bulatov AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 2000.

2 AI Demidov, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. M., 1995.

3 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

4 AA Radugin Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

5.Politologiya. Textbook ed. Mukhayev R.T.- Moscow, 1997.

6. www.google.kz

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