Студопедия — Vocabulary tasks. AWho performs the following actions?
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Vocabulary tasks. AWho performs the following actions?

A Who performs the following actions? Choose the necessary words from the box.


the militia citizens government the state the investigator law-enforcement agencies


1 _____ perform a series of acts to establish the fact of the crime.

2 _____ makes the public aware of what the law is and tries to encourage social

support for law and order.

3 _____ should take part in examinations and searches.

4 _____ authorizes courts to complete the investigation of criminal and civil

offences and to pass sentences to punish the guilty and deter others.

5 _____ makes efforts to re-educate and reform people who have broken the law.


B Finish the sentences using the words in brackets.


1 The Supreme Court examines more serious _____. (crimes, article, case, clause, murder).

2 After receiving the information that a crime has been committed, the investigator commences the preliminary _____. (questioning, seizure, investigation, punishment, sentence).

3 The militia safeguards _____. (a criminal, an offender, the interests of citizens, an assessor).

4 The challenge of the militia has always been to protect _____, to maintain _____. (state and personal property, criminals, offenders, public law and order).


C Complete the following sentences by translating the words and expressions in


1 The (следователь) commences the preliminary investigations.

2 The investigator summons and questions (свидетелей).

3 The (уголовный розыск) collects evidence to prove the guilt or innocence of a


4 Criminal (процесс) is investigation of criminal cases by investigating bodies.

5 Dangerous antisocial act directed against social and state system is a


6 The courts, the Prosecutor's Office, investigators, state security bodies, the militia are (органы расследования).


D Which law-enforcement body deals with:

1 preliminary investigation?

2 witnesses and suspects?

3 road traffic offences?

4 juvenile delinquency?

E Enumerate:

1 the investigating bodies

2 the functions, performed by the investigating bodies

3 the investigator's duties

4 the acts, performed by the investigator

5 the law-enforcement agencies taking part in investigations of criminal cases

6 the ways the state makes citizens obey the law

7 the departments of the militia


F Complete the diagram. Remove or add the names of law-enforcement bodies if necessary.

Over to you

1 Discuss the problem questions:

a) Why are the agencies combating the crimes so numerous?

b) Should all the combating the crime bodies communicate with each other?


2 Discuss the role of the militia in law enforcement.


Unit 18 The Court System of the UK

Before you read


Before you read about the English courts, think about your own judicial system:


How is the administration of justice organized in your country?

Are there separate jurisdictions for different areas of law (e.g. public and private)?

What is the relationship between the different courts?

What is the role and position of judges and other lawyers in your country?


Text A

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