Студопедия — My mornings usually start fairly late
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My mornings usually start fairly late


1 Write the correct forms of the verbs.

1. My father always.................. Sunday dinner. (make)

2. Ruth.................. eggs; they.................. her ill. (not eat;


3. 'Have you got a light, by any chance?' 'Sorry,

I...................' (smoke)

4. Where.................. Mark.................. to school? (go)

5................... your parents.................. your girlfriend?


6. How often.................. you.................. swimming? (go)

7. Where.................. your sister..................? (work)

8. Ann.................. usually.................. lunch. (not have)

9. Who.................. the ironing in your house? (do)

10. We.................. out during the week. (not go)

11. My uncle.................. a lot. (worry)

12. Veronica.................. Mastermind every week.




2 Rewrite the sentences, adding the frequency adverbs.


1. I get up quite early on Saturdays. (usually)

2. My son goes to school on Saturday morning.


3. My daughter goes to a gym club. (quite often)

4. After gym club, we go to the bakery for fresh cakes. (almost always)

5. In the afternoon, the children's father takes them somewhere like a museum or a zoo. (often)

6. We try to go away and visit friends. (once a month)

7. On Sundays, I get up before ten. (hardly ever)

8. I go to church, but my husband does. (never;


9. We have guests for Sunday lunch. (quite often)

10. We visit my father and mother. (every week)

4 Read the text without using a dictionary, and try to match the pictures and the words. Then you can use your dictionary if you want.



His name is Mani Lal. Like his father and his grandfathers in central Nepal, he is a honey hunter. With only a rope round his waist, he hangs over a 120-metre cliff on a rope ladder

to harvest the sweet treasure of Apis laboriosa, the world's largest honeybee.

Thousands of angry bees fill the air as he pushes a bamboo pole into their nest. But over his everyday shirt he wears only a loose cape on his head and a pair of old trousers given to him by a cousin serving in the British army.

Using his poles like enO[JJ19.Us Japanese chopsticks, he cuts thick pieces of honeycomb into a bamboo basket lined with the skin of a wild goat. When the basket is full, he lowers it to his friends at the bottom of the cliff.

The sound of the giant bees is frightening, but Mani Lal

moves quickly and calmly. He has done this many times. He is 64 years old.

(from an article by E. Valli and D. Summers,

National Geographic magazine)


3 Look at the two pictures. How often do you think they do the things in the box? Examples:


Chris tidies her room once every six months. Lucy brushes her teeth three times a day.










Chris Lucy

5 How do you sp' td your weekend? Write 100 words or more.


wash hair tidy room empty wastepaper basket have bath change bed

go to hairdresser's change socks brush teeth

6 If you have Student's Cassette A, find Lesson 3, Exercise 1 (only part of Rufus's monologue is recorded here). Listen, and try to write everything down.



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