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On the 24th of April, A. D. 1605, two brethren, named Marcus Eder, a cartwright, and Hans Poltzinger, a tailor, were apprehended for their faith and for the sake of the divine truth, at Nimbach in Bavaria, where they were traveling through and were betrayed. Early in the morning on the 26th of April both were taken prisoners to Riet, where they remained in confinement until in the fifteenth week. In the meantime they dealt with them in many and various ways, seeking to make them apostatize from the faith. Two Jesuits were also brought to them from the town of Oting, who were to instruct them, and teach them their faith. But they continued firmly and steadfastly in the true faith, and would not hearken to the voice of strangers. The priests at Riet often came to them, and wanted to persuade them to their faith; but the brethren said, "It is a faith of idolatry and fornication, a faith of sin and blasphemy, as the fruits testify." And thus they did in no wise suffer themselves to be moved, but always defended themselves well according to the truth and the simplicity of Christ, concerning what God had made known to them; and thereto they would adhere unto the end; and though they, by God's permission, should deprive them of their lives, they could not harm their souls.

Now when all the false doctrine of the priests could accomplish nothing with them. they gave hem over to the executioner that he should try his skill on them, and had them twice very cruelly tortured, wanting to know of them, who had lodged them, and who they were to whom they wanted to go; the brethren however would not tell them, but said that it was not necessary for them to know.

Now when they could in no wise accomplish their purpose with them, there came, after much proceeding, an order from the government at Berckhausen, that they should be executed with the sword, and then burnt with fire.

When they arrived at the place of execution, Brother Marcus requested the executioner, that he should first execute Hans, which he also did; and when this had been done, Marcus said to the people, of whom there were many present, "God be praised, my brother has overcome; and I will do likewise." After these words Br6ther Marcus was also beheaded, whereupon both were burnt together. This occurred on the twenty-sixth day of the month of August of the aforesaid year. The executioner had received orders, that if he should perceive that one of them wanted to recant, though he should already have drawn forth the sword, he should yet forbear and not proceed with it; but in this hope they were disappointed. Thus these two brethren testified to the faith and the divine truth valiantly and steadfastly unto death, with their blood; God, who gave them power and strength thereto, be praised and thanked forever.

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