Студопедия — P. J. Twisck it appears, makes mention of this Peter, for the year 586, as we have also noted for that- year.
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P. J. Twisck it appears, makes mention of this Peter, for the year 586, as we have also noted for that- year.

fi This Vincent is to be distinguished from Vincent Victor, who is spoken of in another place. walk in -white"; also, Rev. 19:8, "And to her was granted that she should be arrayed -in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.";

As, to the giftstpresented to the newly baptized, this indicated that God thus imparts His heavenly gifts and blessings to them; as Peter said to those whom he exhorted to be baptized, "And ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:38).

However, if it should be, that with this putting on of white robes, and giving of presents, there was coupled any superstition (of which, however, we are not aware), we would not commend, but rather speak against it.. What we have in view here, is simply this, that such ceremonies were not, and could not be, performed with infants, inasmuch as the latter are too weak in understanding to comprehend, as well as in ability to perform; the same. Hence it follows, that such baptism, at that day, was not administered to infants, but to adult, reasonable,and believing persons.

About A. D. 560.-It is stated, from Adon. Actat. 4, and Turon., lib. 4, cap. 26, that Brunechildis, the daughter of Arthanagild, had been baptized, probably in her, infancy, by the Arians, but that subsequently, having been married to Sigibcrt, she was rebaptized in the name of the Holy Trinity. This is related more fully by J. Mehrning, in Bapt. Hut., p. 475. But whether Brunechildis continued in the true footsteps of the faith, after her rebaptism, of this we have no account; it suffices us to know that -having been baptized, probably in infancy, by the Arians, she was afterwards, in adult age, rebaptized, or, at least, baptized aright, -upon confession of faith; the first baptism having no foundation.

About A. D. 562-Joseph Vicecomes (lib. 5, cap. 53), quotes -Cyril Monachus, in the life of the Patriarch, Enthymius as follows, "When he had entertained for forty days, several persons that had been baptized, had admonished, and diligently instructed them in godliness, and inculcated in them, in various ways, the things necessary to their salvation, he let them depart in peace." Bapt. Hist., page 484.

In what place and manner, and under what circumstances, the afore-mentioned persons were baptized, is not stated; hence we must be content with what is shown,. from which we can infer that those persons were baptized upon faith, seeing they were yet confirmed, after baptism, in the doctrine of faith and godliness,; and thus it follows that the custom of baptizing upon faith was practiced at the place where this occurred..

About A. D. 570.-Vicecomes (lib. 4, cap. 12), quotes, from. Severus Alexandrinus, a certain prayer, which it was customary, at that time, for the teacher to pronounce over those who were baptized, "O God! take out from them the old man, which destroys himself through the lusts of error, and clothe them with the new man, which is daily renewed in Thy knowledge.";

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