Студопедия — MODULE 3. GRAMMAR TOPIC 3.2.
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Task 1. Read the article about violence on TV. Find and correct mistakes in the use of the gerund and the infinitive. The first mistake is already corrected. Express your own opinion about the problem raised in the article.

Violence on TV

I’m tired of hear hearing that violence on TV causes violence at home, in school, and on the streets. Almost all young people watch TV, but not all of them are involved in committing crimes! In fact, very few people choose acting in violent ways. To watch TV, therefore, is not the cause.

Groups like the American Medical Society should stop to try to tell people what to watch. If we want living in a free society, it is necessary having freedom of choice. Children need learn values from their parents. It should be parents’ responsibility deciding what their child can or cannot watch. The government and other interest groups should avoid to interfere in these personal decisions.

Limiting our freedom of choice is not the answer. If parents teach their children respecting life, children can enjoy to watch TV without any negative effect.

Task 2. Complete the article underlining the correct verb forms. The first one is done for you. After doing the exercise express your opinion about the problem raised in the article

The Perfect Partner


A long and happy marriage is something that many people wish for but find/ finding the right partner is much more difficult than you might imagine/have imagined. A friend of mine, Susan, had not been very successful in her attempt to find/finding the perfect partner, and she was beginning to lose/losing heart and felt rather depressed. One day she happened to hear/hearing someone to talk/talking about a computer dating agency which could help you find/finding the ideal partner. Susan immediately made an appointment to see someone at the agency, then waited to see what would happen. The agency arranged a meeting with a “suitable” partner at the local railway station a week later, although I advised her not to go/not going. My friend arrived a few minutes late, but could see no one who matched the description of the man in the photograph she had been sent. She noticed a man to wait/waiting under the station clock and to hold/holding a bunch of flowers, but there was no one else around. Suddenly the man started chat/chatting to her, and after a while asked her if she would like to go/going and have/having a coffee. Very soon they came to the conclusion that they both were had been waiting for each other! When they both had recovered from the shock, they decided that the computer had been right after all!

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