Студопедия — Jack London 9 страница
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Jack London 9 страница

The dog would lie in the firelight, motionless, for hours, gazing

straight before him at Leclere, and hating him with his bitter



Often the man felt that he had bucked against the very essence of

life--the unconquerable essence that swept the hawk down out of the

sky like a feathered thunderbolt, that drove the great grey goose

across the zones, that hurled the spawning salmon through two

thousand miles of boiling Yukon flood. At such times he felt

impelled to--express his own unconquerable essence; and with strong

drink, wild music, and Batard, he indulged in vast orgies, wherein

he pitted his puny strength in the face of things, and challenged

all that was, and had been, and was yet to be.


"Dere is somet`ing dere," he affirmed, when the rhythmed vagaries

of his mind touched the secret chords of Batard`s being and brought

forth the long lugubrious howl. "Ah pool eet out wid bot` my

han`s, so, an` so. Ha! ha! Eet is fonee! Eet is ver` fonee! De

priest chant, de womans pray, de mans swear, de leetle bird go

peep-peep, Batard, heem go yow-yow--an` eet is all de ver` same

t`ing. Ha! ha!"


Father Gautier, a worthy priest, one reproved him with instances of

concrete perdition. He never reproved him again.


"Eet may be so, mon pere," he made answer. "An` Ah t`ink Ah go

troo hell a-snappin`, lak de hemlock troo de fire. Eh, mon pere?"


But all bad things come to an end as well as good, and so with

Black Leclere. On the summer low water, in a poling boat, he left

McDougall for Sunrise. He left McDougall in company with Timothy

Brown, and arrived at Sunrise by himself. Further, it was known

that they had quarrelled just previous to pulling out; for the

Lizzie, a wheezy ten-ton stern-wheeler, twenty-four hours behind,

beat Leclere in by three days. And when he did get in, it was with

a clean-drilled bullet-hole through his shoulder muscle, and a tale

of ambush and murder.


A strike had been made at Sunrise, and things had changed

considerably. With the infusion of several hundred gold-seekers, a

deal of whisky, and half-a-dozen equipped gamblers, the missionary

had seen the page of his years of labour with the Indians wiped

clean. When the squaws became preoccupied with cooking beans and

keeping the fire going for the wifeless miners, and the bucks with

swapping their warm furs for black bottles and broken time-pieces,

he took to his bed, said "Bless me" several times, and departed to

his final accounting in a rough-hewn, oblong box. Whereupon the

gamblers moved their roulette and faro tables into the mission

house, and the click of chips and clink of glasses went up from

dawn till dark and to dawn again.


Now Timothy Brown was well beloved among these adventurers of the

North. The one thing against him was his quick temper and ready

fist--a little thing, for which his kind heart and forgiving hand

more than atoned. On the other hand, there was nothing to atone

for Black Leclere. He was "black," as more than one remembered

deed bore witness, while he was as well hated as the other was

beloved. So the men of Sunrise put an antiseptic dressing on his

shoulder and haled him before Judge Lynch.


It was a simple affair. He had quarrelled with Timothy Brown at

McDougall. With Timothy Brown he had left McDougall. Without

Timothy Brown he had arrived at Sunrise. Considered in the light

of his evilness, the unanimous conclusion was that he had killed

Timothy Brown. On the other hand, Leclere acknowledged their

facts, but challenged their conclusion, and gave his own

explanation. Twenty miles out of Sunrise he and Timothy Brown were

poling the boat along the rocky shore. From that shore two rifle-

shots rang out. Timothy Brown pitched out of the boat and went

down bubbling red, and that was the last of Timothy Brown. He,

Leclere, pitched into the bottom of the boat with a stinging

shoulder. He lay very quiet, peeping at the shore. After a time

two Indians stuck up their heads and came out to the water`s edge,

carrying between them a birch-bark canoe. As they launched it,

Leclere let fly. He potted one, who went over the side after the

manner of Timothy Brown. The other dropped into the bottom of the

canoe, and then canoe and poling boat went down the stream in a

drifting battle. After that they hung up on a split current, and

the canoe passed on one side of an island, the poling boat on the

other. That was the last of the canoe, and he came on into

Sunrise. Yes, from the way the Indian in the canoe jumped, he was

sure he had potted him. That was all. This explanation was not

deemed adequate. They gave him ten hours` grace while the Lizzie

steamed down to investigate. Ten hours later she came wheezing

back to Sunrise. There had been nothing to investigate. No

evidence had been found to back up his statements. They told him

to make his will, for he possessed a fifty-thousand dollar Sunrise

claim, and they were a law-abiding as well as a law-giving breed.


Leclere shrugged his shoulders. "Bot one t`ing," he said; "a

leetle, w`at you call, favour--a leetle favour, dat is eet. I gif

my feefty t`ousan` dollair to de church. I gif my husky dog,

Batard, to de devil. De leetle favour? Firs` you hang heem, an`

den you hang me. Eet is good, eh?"


Good it was, they agreed, that Hell`s Spawn should break trail for

his master across the last divide, and the court was adjourned down

to the river bank, where a big spruce tree stood by itself.

Slackwater Charley put a hangman`s knot in the end of a hauling-

line, and the noose was slipped over Leclere`s head and pulled

tight around his neck. His hands were tied behind his back, and he

was assisted to the top of a cracker box. Then the running end of

the line was passed over an over-hanging branch, drawn taut, and

made fast. To kick the box out from under would leave him dancing

on the air.


"Now for the dog," said Webster Shaw, sometime mining engineer.

"You`ll have to rope him, Slackwater."


Leclere grinned. Slackwater took a chew of tobacco, rove a running

noose, and proceeded leisurely to coil a few turns in his hand. He

paused once or twice to brush particularly offensive mosquitoes

from off his face. Everybody was brushing mosquitoes, except

Leclere, about whose head a small cloud was visible. Even Batard,

lying full-stretched on the ground with his fore paws rubbed the

pests away from eyes and mouth.


But while Slackwater waited for Batard to lift his head, a faint

call came from the quiet air, and a man was seen waving his arms

and running across the flat from Sunrise. It was the store-keeper.


"C-call `er off, boys," he panted, as he came in among them.


"Little Sandy and Bernadotte`s jes` got in," he explained with

returning breath. "Landed down below an` come up by the short cut.

Got the Beaver with `m. Picked `m up in his canoe, stuck in a back

channel, with a couple of bullet-holes in `m. Other buck was Klok

Kutz, the one that knocked spots out of his squaw and dusted."


"Eh? W`at Ah say? Eh?" Leclere cried exultantly. "Dat de one fo`

sure! Ah know. Ah spik true."


"The thing to do is to teach these damned Siwashes a little

manners," spoke Webster Shaw. "They`re getting fat and sassy, and

we`ll have to bring them down a peg. Round in all the bucks and

string up the Beaver for an object lesson. That`s the programme.

Come on and let`s see what he`s got to say for himself."


"Heh, M`sieu!" Leclere called, as the crowd began to melt away

through the twilight in the direction of Sunrise. "Ah lak ver`

moch to see de fon."


"Oh, we`ll turn you loose when we come back," Webster Shaw shouted

over his shoulder. "In the meantime meditate on your sins and the

ways of Providence. It will do you good, so be grateful."


As is the way with men who are accustomed to great hazards, whose

nerves are healthy and trained in patience, so it was with Leclere

who settled himself to the long wait--which is to say that he

reconciled his mind to it. There was no settling of the body, for

the taut rope forced him to stand rigidly erect. The least

relaxation of the leg muscles pressed the rough-fibred noose into

his neck, while the upright position caused him much pain in his

wounded shoulder. He projected his under lip and expelled his

breath upwards along his face to blow the mosquitoes away from his

eyes. But the situation had its compensation. To be snatched from

the maw of death was well worth a little bodily suffering, only it

was unfortunate that he should miss the hanging of the Beaver.


And so he mused, till his eyes chanced to fall upon Batard, head

between fore paws and stretched on the ground asleep. And their

Leclere ceased to muse. He studied the animal closely, striving to

sense if the sleep were real or feigned. Batard`s sides were

heaving regularly, but Leclere felt that the breath came and went a

shade too quickly; also he felt that there was a vigilance or

alertness to every hair that belied unshackling sleep. He would

have given his Sunrise claim to be assured that the dog was not

awake, and once, when one of his joints cracked, he looked quickly

and guiltily at Batard to see if he roused. He did not rouse then

but a few minutes later he got up slowly and lazily, stretched, and

looked carefully about him.


"Sacredam," said Leclere under his breath.


Assured that no one was in sight or hearing, Batard sat down,

curled his upper lip almost into a smile, looked up at Leclere, and

licked his chops.


"Ah see my feenish," the man said, and laughed sardonically aloud.


Batard came nearer, the useless ear wabbling, the good ear cocked

forward with devilish comprehension. He thrust his head on one

side quizzically, and advanced with mincing, playful steps. He

rubbed his body gently against the box till it shook and shook

again. Leclere teetered carefully to maintain his equilibrium.


"Batard," he said calmly, "look out. Ah keel you."


Batard snarled at the word and shook the box with greater force.

Then he upreared, and with his fore paws threw his weight against

it higher up. Leclere kicked out with one foot, but the rope bit

into his neck and checked so abruptly as nearly to overbalance him.


"Hi, ya! Chook! Mush-on!" he screamed.


Batard retreated, for twenty feet or so, with a fiendish levity in

his bearing that Leclere could not mistake. He remembered the dog

often breaking the scum of ice on the water hole by lifting up and

throwing his weight upon it; and remembering, he understood what he

now had in mind. Batard faced about and paused. He showed his

white teeth in a grin, which Leclere answered; and then hurled his

body through the air, in full charge, straight for the box.


Fifteen minutes later, Slackwater Charley and Webster Shaw

returning, caught a glimpse of a ghostly pendulum swinging back and

forth in the dim light. As they hurriedly drew in closer, they

made out the man`s inert body, and a live thing that clung to it,

and shook and worried, and gave to it the swaying motion.


"Hi, ya! Chook! you Spawn of Hell!" yelled Webster Shaw.


But Batard glared at him, and snarled threateningly, without

loosing his jaws.


Slackwater Charley got out his revolver, but his hand was shaking,

as with a chill, and he fumbled.


"Here you take it," he said, passing the weapon over.


Webster Shaw laughed shortly, drew a sight between the gleaming

eyes, and pressed the trigger. Batard`s body twitched with the

shock, threshed the ground spasmodically for a moment, and went

suddenly limp. But his teeth still held fast locked.




There have been renunciations and renunciations. But, in its

essence, renunciation is ever the same. And the paradox of it is,

that men and women forego the dearest thing in the world for

something dearer. It was never otherwise. Thus it was when Abel

brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. The

firstlings and the fat thereof were to him the dearest things in

the world; yet he gave them over that he might be on good terms

with God. So it was with Abraham when he prepared to offer up his

son Isaac on a stone. Isaac was very dear to him; but God, in

incomprehensible ways, was yet dearer. It may be that Abraham

feared the Lord. But whether that be true or not it has since been

determined by a few billion people that he loved the Lord and

desired to serve him.


And since it has been determined that love is service, and since to

renounce is to serve, then Jees Uck, who was merely a woman of a

swart-skinned breed, loved with a great love. She was unversed in

history, having learned to read only the signs of weather and of

game; so she had never heard of Abel nor of Abraham; nor, having

escaped the good sisters at Holy Cross, had she been told the story

of Ruth, the Moabitess, who renounced her very God for the sake of

a stranger woman from a strange land. Jees Uck had learned only

one way of renouncing, and that was with a club as the dynamic

factor, in much the same manner as a dog is made to renounce a

stolen marrow-bone. Yet, when the time came, she proved herself

capable of rising to the height of the fair-faced royal races and

of renouncing in right regal fashion.


So this is the story of Jees Uck, which is also the story of Neil

Bonner, and Kitty Bonner, and a couple of Neil Bonner`s progeny.

Jees Uck was of a swart-skinned breed, it is true, but she was not

an Indian; nor was she an Eskimo; nor even an Innuit. Going

backward into mouth tradition, there appears the figure of one

Skolkz, a Toyaat Indian of the Yukon, who journeyed down in his

youth to the Great Delta where dwell the Innuits, and where he

foregathered with a woman remembered as Olillie. Now the woman

Olillie had been bred from an Eskimo mother by an Innuit man. And

from Skolkz and Olillie came Halie, who was one-half Toyaat Indian,

one-quarter Innuit, and one-quarter Eskimo. And Halie was the

grandmother of Jees Uck.


Now Halie, in whom three stocks had been bastardized, who cherished

no prejudice against further admixture, mated with a Russian fur

trader called Shpack, also known in his time as the Big Fat.

Shpack is herein classed Russian for lack of a more adequate term;

for Shpack`s father, a Slavonic convict from the Lower Provinces,

had escaped from the quicksilver mines into Northern Siberia, where

he knew Zimba, who was a woman of the Deer People and who became

the mother of Shpack, who became the grandfather of Jees Uck.


Now had not Shpack been captured in his boyhood by the Sea People,

who fringe the rim of the Arctic Sea with their misery, he would

not have become the grandfather of Jees Uck and there would be no

story at all. But he WAS captured by the Sea People, from whom he

escaped to Kamchatka, and thence, on a Norwegian whale-ship, to the

Baltic. Not long after that he turned up in St. Petersburg, and

the years were not many till he went drifting east over the same

weary road his father had measured with blood and groans a half-

century before. But Shpack was a free man, in the employ of the

great Russian Fur Company. And in that employ he fared farther and

farther east, until he crossed Bering Sea into Russian America; and

at Pastolik, which is hard by the Great Delta of the Yukon, became

the husband of Halie, who was the grandmother of Jees Uck. Out of

this union came the woman-child, Tukesan.


Shpack, under the orders of the Company, made a canoe voyage of a

few hundred miles up the Yukon to the post of Nulato. With him he

took Halie and the babe Tukesan. This was in 1850, and in 1850 it

was that the river Indians fell upon Nulato and wiped it from the

face of the earth. And that was the end of Shpack and Halie. On

that terrible night Tukesan disappeared. To this day the Toyaats

aver they had no hand in the trouble; but, be that as it may, the

fact remains that the babe Tukesan grew up among them.


Tukesan was married successively to two Toyaat brothers, to both of

whom she was barren. Because of this, other women shook their

heads, and no third Toyaat man could be found to dare matrimony

with the childless widow. But at this time, many hundred miles

above, at Fort Yukon, was a man, Spike O`Brien. Fort Yukon was a

Hudson Bay Company post, and Spike O`Brien one of the Company`s

servants. He was a good servant, but he achieved an opinion that

the service was bad, and in the course of time vindicated that

opinion by deserting. It was a year`s journey, by the chain of

posts, back to York Factory on Hudson`s Bay. Further, being

Company posts, he knew he could not evade the Company`s clutches.

Nothing retained but to go down the Yukon. It was true no white

man had ever gone down the Yukon, and no white man knew whether the

Yukon emptied into the Arctic Ocean or Bering Sea; but Spike

O`Brien was a Celt, and the promise of danger was a lure he had

ever followed.


A few weeks later, somewhat battered, rather famished, and about

dead with river-fever, he drove the nose of his canoe into the

earth bank by the village of the Toyaats and promptly fainted away.

While getting his strength back, in the weeks that followed, he

looked upon Tukesan and found her good. Like the father of Shpack,

who lived to a ripe old age among the Siberian Deer People, Spike

O`Brien might have left his aged bones with the Toyaats. But

romance gripped his heart-strings and would not let him stay. As

he had journeyed from York Factory to Fort Yukon, so, first among

men, might he journey from Fort Yukon to the sea and win the honour

of being the first man to make the North-West Passage by land. So

he departed down the river, won the honour, and was unannaled and

unsung. In after years he ran a sailors` boarding-house in San

Francisco, where he became esteemed a most remarkable liar by

virtue of the gospel truths he told. But a child was born to

Tukesan, who had been childless. And this child was Jees Uck. Her

lineage has been traced at length to show that she was neither

Indian, nor Eskimo, nor Innuit, nor much of anything else; also to

show what waifs of the generations we are, all of us, and the

strange meanderings of the seed from which we spring.


What with the vagrant blood in her and the heritage compounded of

many races, Jees Uck developed a wonderful young beauty. Bizarre,

perhaps, it was, and Oriental enough to puzzle any passing

ethnologist. A lithe and slender grace characterized her. Beyond

a quickened lilt to the imagination, the contribution of the Celt

was in no wise apparent. It might possibly have put the warm blood

under her skin, which made her face less swart and her body fairer;

but that, in turn, might have come from Shpack, the Big Fat, who

inherited the colour of his Slavonic father. And, finally, she had

great, blazing black eyes--the half-caste eye, round, full-orbed,

and sensuous, which marks the collision of the dark races with the

light. Also, the white blood in her, combined with her knowledge

that it was in her, made her, in a way, ambitious. Otherwise by

upbringing and in outlook on life, she was wholly and utterly a

Toyaat Indian.


One winter, when she was a young woman, Neil Bonner came into her

life. But he came into her life, as he had come into the country,

somewhat reluctantly. In fact, it was very much against his will,

coming into the country. Between a father who clipped coupons and

cultivated roses, and a mother who loved the social round, Neil

Bonner had gone rather wild. He was not vicious, but a man with

meat in his belly and without work in the world has to expend his

energy somehow, and Neil Bonner was such a man. And he expended

his energy in such a fashion and to such extent that when the

inevitable climax came, his father, Neil Bonner, senior, crawled

out of his roses in a panic and looked on his son with a wondering

eye. Then he hied himself away to a crony of kindred pursuits,

with whom he was wont to confer over coupons and roses, and between

the two the destiny of young Neil Bonner was made manifest. He

must go away, on probation, to live down his harmless follies in

order that he might live up to their own excellent standard.


This determined upon, and young Neil a little repentant and a great

deal ashamed, the rest was easy. The cronies were heavy

stockholders in the P. C. Company. The P. C. Company owned fleets

of river-steamers and ocean-going craft, and, in addition to

farming the sea, exploited a hundred thousand square miles or so of

the land that, on the maps of geographers, usually occupies the

white spaces. So the P. C. Company sent young Neil Bonner north,

where the white spaces are, to do its work and to learn to be good

like his father. "Five years of simplicity, close to the soil and

far from temptation, will make a man of him," said old Neil Bonner,

and forthwith crawled back among his roses. Young Neil set his

jaw, pitched his chin at the proper angle, and went to work. As an

underling he did his work well and gained the commendation of his

superiors. Not that he delighted in the work, but that it was the

one thing that prevented him from going mad.


The first year he wished he was dead. The second year he cursed

God. The third year he was divided between the two emotions, and

in the confusion quarrelled with a man in authority. He had the

best of the quarrel, though the man in authority had the last

word,--a word that sent Neil Bonner into an exile that made his old

billet appear as paradise. But he went without a whimper, for the

North had succeeded in making him into a man.


Here and there, on the white spaces on the map, little circlets

like the letter "o" are to be found, and, appended to these

circlets, on one side or the other, are names such as "Fort

Hamilton," "Yanana Station," "Twenty Mile," thus leading one to

imagine that the white spaces are plentifully besprinkled with

towns and villages. But it is a vain imagining. Twenty Mile,

which is very like the rest of the posts, is a log building the

size of a corner grocery with rooms to let up-stairs. A long-

legged cache on stilts may be found in the back yard; also a couple

of outhouses. The back yard is unfenced, and extends to the

skyline and an unascertainable bit beyond. There are no other

houses in sight, though the Toyaats sometimes pitch a winter camp a

mile or two down the Yukon. And this is Twenty Mile, one tentacle

of the many-tentacled P. C. Company. Here the agent, with an

assistant, barters with the Indians for their furs, and does an

erratic trade on a gold-dust basis with the wandering miners.

Here, also, the agent and his assistant yearn all winter for the

spring, and when the spring comes, camp blasphemously on the roof

while the Yukon washes out the establishment. And here, also, in

the fourth year of his sojourn in the land, came Neil Bonner to

take charge.


He had displaced no agent; for the man that previously ran the post

had made away with himself; "because of the rigours of the place,"

said the assistant, who still remained; though the Toyaats, by

their fires, had another version. The assistant was a shrunken-

shouldered, hollow-chested man, with a cadaverous face and

cavernous cheeks that his sparse black beard could not hide. He

coughed much, as though consumption gripped his lungs, while his

eyes had that mad, fevered light common to consumptives in the last

stage. Pentley was his name--Amos Pentley--and Bonner did not like

him, though he felt a pity for the forlorn and hopeless devil.

They did not get along together, these two men who, of all men,

should have been on good terms in the face of the cold and silence

and darkness of the long winter.


In the end, Bonner concluded that Amos was partly demented, and

left him alone, doing all the work himself except the cooking.

Even then, Amos had nothing but bitter looks and an undisguised

hatred for him. This was a great loss to Bonner; for the smiling

face of one of his own kind, the cheery word, the sympathy of

comradeship shared with misfortune--these things meant much; and

the winter was yet young when he began to realize the added

reasons, with such an assistant, that the previous agent had found

to impel his own hand against his life.


It was very lonely at Twenty Mile. The bleak vastness stretched

away on every side to the horizon. The snow, which was really

frost, flung its mantle over the land and buried everything in the

silence of death. For days it was clear and cold, the thermometer

steadily recording forty to fifty degrees below zero. Then a

change came over the face of things. What little moisture had

oozed into the atmosphere gathered into dull grey, formless clouds;

it became quite warm, the thermometer rising to twenty below; and

the moisture fell out of the sky in hard frost-granules that hissed

like dry sugar or driving sand when kicked underfoot. After that

it became clear and cold again, until enough moisture had gathered

to blanket the earth from the cold of outer space. That was all.

Nothing happened. No storms, no churning waters and threshing

forests, nothing but the machine-like precipitation of accumulated

moisture. Possibly the most notable thing that occurred through

the weary weeks was the gliding of the temperature up to the

unprecedented height of fifteen below. To atone for this, outer

space smote the earth with its cold till the mercury froze and the

spirit thermometer remained more than seventy below for a

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Философские школы эпохи эллинизма (неоплатонизм, эпикуреизм, стоицизм, скептицизм). Эпоха эллинизма со времени походов Александра Македонского, в результате которых была образована гигантская империя от Индии на востоке до Греции и Македонии на западе...

Демографияда "Демографиялық жарылыс" дегеніміз не? Демография (грекше демос — халық) — халықтың құрылымын...

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