Студопедия — Credit hours in accordance with curriculum
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Credit hours in accordance with curriculum

Year Semester Credits Academic hours per week Form of control
Contact hours IWS Overall
Lectures Seminars
          Overall Incl.IWST     Exam



Teaching and Learning Outcomes

  1. Knowledge and understanding:

On completion of this module unit, students will have knowledge on:

§ Functions and place of the advertisement in the complex of marketing communication;

§ Peculiarities and types of advertising in tourism;

§ Regulations of advertising activities;

§ Planning of advertising budget;

§ Ways of national product advertising;

§ importance and ubiquity of advertising to tourism;

  1. Professional skills:

On completion of this module unit, students will be able to:

  • appreciate advertising as an important element of the contemporary media and one that occurs across a range of media appearing in very different forms;
  • analyse advertising activities of tourist enterprises and define the factors of influence on product promotion;
  • appreciate how advertising is produced, displayed and received by different consumer in different circumstances;
    evaluate the economical and communicational efficiency of advertising activities;
  • carry out the advertising campaign.


  1. Competences

Learning competence, students will be able to:

  • Recognize their learning style orientation and are able to conduct studies independently and develop their learning strategies;
  • capable of collaborative learning and sharing knowledge in teams and working communities;
  • Plan, organize and develop their own actions.

Communicative and social competence, students will be able to:

  • Function in the communicative and interactive situations typical of the field;
  • capable of listening to others and communicating in writing, speech and visually using different communicative styles;
  • understand the principles of group and teamwork and are able to work together with others in multidisciplinary teams;
  • utilize information and communications technology at their work.

Development competence, students will be able to:

  • retrieve and analyse information of their subject field, critically evaluate it and to perceive entities in a holistic way;

Business competence, students will be able to:

  • analyse customer relationships from the point of view of service development;
  • develop regional strengths and improve regional influence in tourism;
  • can operate in, make use of and develop various kinds of networks;

Competence in service environments for tourism, students will be able to:

  • can develop service environments and networks related to leisure and business travel;
  • understands the significance of internationalization, globalization and different cultures for services and their development;
  • can benefit from applying the characteristics of national cultures in developing tourism.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 289. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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