Студопедия — Head of the Department, professor _______________ F.A.Mindubaeva
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Head of the Department, professor _______________ F.A.Mindubaeva

Ф КГМУ 4/3-03/02

ПП КГМУ 4/02




Department of physiology





On FIZ-2 3208 "Physiology - 2"

For specialty "General medicine" 5B130100

Total hours108

Course 3

Semester V-VI



Karaganda 2012

Syllabus was compiled on the basis of Teacher syllabus on the discipline "Physiology - 2" for specialty General Medicine 5B130100

Protocol № 20 of 29.06.2012

Syllabus was considered and confirmed at the meeting of the Department of Physiology

Protocol № ___of ___.___2012


Head of the Department, professor _______________ F.A.Mindubaeva



  • Information about the teachers of department:

Head of the Department: Mindubaeva Farida Anvarovna, doctor of medical sciences, professor, the experience of pedagogical work - 37 years.

Scientific interests: physiology of the central nervous system, blood circulation, physiology of adaptation, physiology of work.

Scientific school: the competitor of faculty of normal physiology КSМA, protection of the candidate and doctor's dissertation at SRI of normal physiology by P.К. Аnochin RАМN, Moscow, candidate dissertation under a management professor by А.А.Samohina, adviser of the doctor's dissertation, professor О.S. Glazachev(Moscow). Reading of lectures in Russian and English languages.

Attainments: further training on course: «Инновационные технологии в медицинском образовании»-2007г., «Основы медицинского образования»-2008г.,«Компитентностный подход в подготовке выпускника КГМУ»-2010.

Faculty of further training on cycle «Physiology», KSMU- based, Karaganda 2011.

Lapel badge «Қазақстан Республикасы денсаулық сақтау ісінің үздігі» МЗ РК 2009г.

State grant holder «Лучший преподаватель вуза-2009»


Acting assistant Professor: Kharissova Nuriya Mansurovna, c.b.s., senior lecturer of faculty of physiology, experience of pedagogical work - 31 years.

Scientific interests: physiology of hepatobiliary system

Scientific school: defence of dissertation: «Оценка функционального состояния гепатобилиарной системы на основе изучения закономерностей реологии желчи»- 03.00.13-Физиология (Институт физиологии, Aлматы), scientific chief -d.м.s. the professor Mindubaeva F.А.

Attainment: further training on course: «Инновационные технологии в медицинском образовании»-2008г., «Изучение английского языка ППС(Профилизация)»-2009.

Faculty of further training on cycle «Physiology», KSMU- based, Karaganda 2011.

Senior teacher: Salichova Elena Yurievna, experience of pedagogical work – 20 years.

Scientific interests: physiology of adaptation, age physiology.

Scientific school: carry out study «Оценка адаптационных возможностей организма детей с разным уровнем двигательной активности» по специальности 03.00.13-Физиология, normal physiology faculty КSМА - based, scientific chief -d.м.s. the professor Mindubaeva F.А.

Attainment: further training on course: «Инновационные технологии в медицинском образовании»-2007г

Faculty of further training on cycle «Physiology», KSMU- based, Karaganda 2011.


  • Contact information: location of Department Yerubayev- str. 18, corps № 1, rooms 201-213), Tel: 56-41-81 (118).


· Policy of discipline: the general requirements of the department to be met by students in the discipline, penal measures at default of sections of work etc. Lecture question must be include in border and result control.

Attending lectures on discipline – mandatory, for every missed lecture on unexcused deducted 2 points on a 100 point scale, questions will be included in a border and final control on the discipline.
Students must comply with the general requirements for the subject matter, adopted in KSMU. On each employment the student should be prepared on an investigated theme. For this purpose it is necessary to study a didactic material in the basic and additional literature. It is desirable, that the student previously has familiarized with the tasks, which are given in the methodical indications. The student has the right to receive an advice on interesting questions at the hours, established by faculty, o'clock.

The structure of employment consists of the entrance control on a theme of employment, performance of the practical task by the students, check of the received skills and mastering of investigated questions. Mark set up each lesson.

In case of reception of a unsatisfactory estimation or miss of employment, the student should fulfil a theme in the order, established in academy. All absented lesson must be border control.

For each missed class on unexcused deducted 2 points on a 100 point scale. If unsatisfactory evaluation (F) missed classes is not worked out. All missed class lessons must be labour-rent before the corresponding border control.

The student should completely execute the educational plan appropriate to the working program on discipline "Physiology-1", to acquire the basic physiological characteristics of the healthy man, basic laws and mechanisms of formation of complete reactions of organism and them regulation.

· Introduction

Physiology - fundamental experimental - theoretical science about ability to live complete of organism, physiological systems, bodies, crates and separate of bit-mapped structures, mechanisms of regulation at interaction of organism with an environment.

Features of the modern period of development of physiology is the deepening of an analytical direction – research of membranous, bit-mapped processes, biophysical mechanisms of excitation and braking, use of achievement of a science and engineering with simultaneous use of the system approach to study of purposeful behaviour of the man in natural conditions of environment, conditions production -labour, sports, air, space etc. kinds of activity. The physiology, now, is considered as a scientific basis of diagnostics of health, healthy image of life and forecasting of a functional condition of serviceability of the man.

The physiology - major part of theoretical disciplines, forms the modern doctor, due to which the student - medical examiner learns general laws of ability to live healthy of organism and begins study preclinical and clinical disciplines. Without deep knowledge of the laws of ability to live of organism of the man disclosing mechanisms of infringement of their functions and restoration is impossible.

Object of study of physiology is alive organism and function of its parts: crates, fabrics, bodies and systems. The study of organism of the healthy people will allow the future doctors faster to take possession of methods of functional diagnostics, to estimate a condition of health and adaptation of organism, level of its functioning on a degree of a deviation of physiological functions from norm. Disclosing of laws of physiology of the man - necessary condition of the further increase of life expectancy, rational organization of improvement both simplification of working conditions and life, opening of new methods of the prevention and treatment of diseases. On knowledge of normal functions of organism of the man and its physiological systems are based both preventive, and clinical medicine.

The teacher syllabus Physiology-2 is devoted to studying the basic functions and mechanisms of regulation 8 systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, urogenital, endocrine, hematopoietic, nervous and musculoskeletal). On the private body physiology respiratory system, heart and blood vessels, excretory and reproductive systems.

The purpose of discipline: to study the physiological processes and mechanisms that support the operation of body systems of adults and children of different ages, in relation to other organs and systems. Form knowledge of the basic laws governing the functioning of the brain and spinal cord of healthy person to understand the key principles and ways to compensate for functional disorders.

Educational objectives:

· to learn to understand physiological mechanisms regulating activity of respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, endocrine, hematopoietic, nervous and musculoskeletal systems and estimate them by instrumental methods of examination;

· to learn to understand the mechanisms of regulation of physiological processes, considered from the standpoint of private physiology and validate their methods of clinical examination;

· to teach the principles of working with a spirometer, electrocardiograph and electroencephalograph.


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