Студопедия — Returned Hospitality
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Returned Hospitality

A well-to-do young Cambridge University student took a year off to visit his relatives in Australia, who (deport) some two centuries earlier. They lived in humble circumstances in Melbourne but when the posh Pom arrived, he (treat) like a royalty. He (stay) for six months though he originally (say) it (be) "just a week or so", and during the entire period he never even (offer) to help with the household chores. They (take) him to all the sights, (go) to the opera and to the beach — all for no gratitude whatsoever.

Naturally, the family (be) intensely annoyed by this relative's manner, and when he announced the date when he (leave), they (can) not help feeling great relief. Before leaving, just for manners' sake, he suggested that the family (may) look him up and his rich widowed mother in their huge country house when they (visit) England later that year.

So, when the Aussies — mum, dad, and two young kids (arrive) at Heathrow, they immediately (ring) up the man who (stay) with them. His mother answered the phone and as soon as she (understand) who they (be), she (croon) that they really (must) come up for tea. To say the least, this was alarming to them — they (expect) (put) up at least for a week after the hospitality they (extend) to her obnoxious son.

However, they (decide) to travel to the mansion, deep in the Yorkshire dales, that very day. But the journey was a nightmare. The weather was horrid, wet and windy. Worse, their relatives' village (be) not on any map and they (have to) ask a dozen people in the locality before they (get) the right directions. Finally, just before 11 p.m., they (reach) the place and (be) thrilled in anticipation of what they (discover) about their forebears. The door (open) by a lady, who (tell) them to leave their bags in the car for the moment. She (lead) them by candlelight to a dim dusty study with a real fire which (glow) on one side, and explained how expensive electricity (become) in this day and age. The mother (disappear) and soon (come) back with a plate of ginger cake and a pot of tea and listened abstractedly to their description of the journey with a soppy fixed smile.

Half an hour later, she (stand up), (clasp) her hands together, (say) "Well" and (begin) walking towards the door. The family looked at each other — was she saying they (should) (go) and (get) their bags from the car now? But then their worst fears (confirm). The woman simply thanked them for coming and, without ceremony, (show) them through the door and out into the rain-drenched night.


Ex 347. Read the story and retell it in indirect speech

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